BH BL High School Lacrosse Booster Club

Meeting Minutes: Nov 3, 2014

High School


Jodi McClernan Jake McHerron Elizabeth Clark Brian Henk

Sherri Wolfe Erica LeVan

Connie Safford

President‘s Report:

Pete was unable to be present to give a report.

Brian Henk present and reported that Dave Bach is getting quotes from Angelo Mazzone for the fundraiser banquet tentatively scheduled for early March 2015. Sherri, Dave and Brian Henk plan to meet on this event.

Treasurer’s Report: Keith Fitzgerald

Keith was unable to attend this meeting however Jake reported an error in Girl’s balance. He is reviewing bank statements and has been unable to gift his volunteer coaches the $1000 he had budgeted. He plans to meet with Pete, Keith and the AD secretary, Peg to rectify this.

Projected 2015 Budgets will be tabled to next meeting.

New Business:

Apparel: Jodi McClernan is looking into options for an apparel online store through suggested vendors and is considering Anaconda of CP, Graph tex, Cortland or Atlantic Sportwear. We had discussion on items to include, standardizing the Spartan Lacrosse logo for all team apparel and availability of a digitized logo to provide to the store.



Erica LeVan has agreed to help with process for team pictures and will confirm with Jr. Spartans, who they will be using this year. We anticipate that Jr. Spartans will negotiate a contract to include: a team picture for all HS players, and a donation to the HS club from the youth photo fundraiser. I need to send Dave McClernan the Mcpherson Photography email that summarized our past arrangement. Erica is willing to help with action shots of teams as well as look to get other parents involved in sharing their game shots. She will also put together the boy’s end of the year slide show and continues to help Jake with the girl’s video.

Lauria Fund Discussion: tabled to next meeting

Next Meeting: Nov 12, 2014 @ 7pm

Motion to adjourn was presented and accepted.