November 9, 1976
7:00 PM
CONDUCTING: Mayor James E. Mangum
ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mayor James E. Mangum, Councilmen Lee Bamgartner, Harley Gillman, Merrill Gappmayer, Wayne Watson and Glen Zimmerman
Appointed Staff: Albert E. Haines, City Manager; Barry Bartlett, Assistant City Manager; Frank Butterfield, City Attorner; Jack Jones, Public Works Director; Arnold Long, Fire Chief; Russ Brown, City Engineer; Alan Homer, Director of Finance; Randall Deschamps, Community Development Director; and Chris Moores, Secretary
Others present were as follows:
Jim Ottens
Eric Anderson
Mark Harris
Larry Went Daily Hearld
Linda Perry Geneva Times
David J. Stone Wasatch Bank
Vern Bailey
Roger D. Dudley
Cornell Bean
Kevin Bean
A. Dean Jeffs
Linda Ann Perry
Larry Went Dailey Hearld
Eric Sandstom
Buddy Peterson
Jeff Lurm Zone Change
Russell N. Hansen Zone Change
Alvin M. Washburn
INVOCATION: Councilman Harley Gillman
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Gillman moved that the minutes of October 26, 1976 be approved as presented. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Discussion of County Animal Control Ordinance Agreement
The Mayor made reference to his letter of the County Commission indicating that Orem City has an interest in participating in some of the services offered by the County animal shelter but feels that it is a classic example of double taxation. The Council discussed the services offered and what the city would use. Mr. Zimmerman moved to accept the Mayor's letter as the feeling of the Council concerning this matter. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Presentation of Audit Report for 1976
Lance Squire and Joe Squire met with the Council to present the Audit Report for 1976. DeLance Squire told the Council that all funds were healthy except the Solid Waste Fund which is still operating at a loss. He also told the Council that a thorough audit was done on the special improvement districts and there are a few deficits, but most districts are breaking even. Joe Squire discussed the Management Letter with the Council. The audit pointed out that a few cemetery receivable accounts were older than one year. These need to be collected and the City should strictly adhere to the policy of not carrying open accounts on cemetery lot sales for longer than a one year period.
He further stated that the audit had discovered instances where time cards not signed by the responsible supervisor had been processed. All time cards should have supervisory signature approval before processing.
He also informed the Council of progress made in the area of reporting and controlling fixed assets. A policy still needs to be implemented which will account for fixed asset improvements ( i.e. street and utility improvements) donated to the City by subdividers. Depreciation should be recorded on those improvements effecting the enterprise funds. Mr. Zimmerman moved to accept the recommendations of the Management Letter and the Audit Report for 1976 as presented by Squire, Squire & DeBry and commend them on the report. and also commend the city staff. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Discussion of Utah County Solid Waste
The Council discussed the solid waste problem within Utah County. Mr. Gappmayer asked what the advantages of going with the county were instead of the city having their own landfill. The Mayor answered the availability of land and costs were a big factor. The Council discussed the problems with the present land fill in regards to its proximity to Utah Lake and solutions. Mr. Zimmerman moved to direct the City Manager through the city staff to come up with some alternatives for the city. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Council Reports
Mr. Zimmerman reported that the Safety Committee met last week and presented plaques to fire and police personnel in recognition of services rendered. The former Police Chief was also honored for the upgrading of the department and implementation of programs while he was Police Chief.
Mr. Watson reported that the Orem Decency Committee has developed a certificate of commendation to' be given to local merchants who extend themselves in helping to fight pornography. Mr. Watson commended the Orem Decency Committee and Chamber of Commerce for developing this positive approach to fight this matter.
Mr. Watson reported that he represented the Mayor at the Utah Community Progress Dinner on November 5, 1976 at the Hilton Hotel in Salt Lake City and that Orem City received first place in Economic Development. Mr. Watson then presented the certificate to the Mayor.
Mr. Watson brought to the Council's attention that Jay Fletcher of the Police Department had graduated top in his class at the Police Academy and commended Mr. Fletcher for this accomplishment.
Natural Gas Easement on Cascade Golf Course
Mr. Gappmayer moved to approve and authorize the Mayor's signature on a gas line right-of-way easement behind Cascade Golf Course on Terry Property as requested by Mountain Fuel Supply Co. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Quit Claim Deed From James Walker and Purchase of Property
Mr. Haines explained that the city now holds a quit claim deed on the property, but Well #6 is not located entirely on this property. The recommendation is to deed this property back to Mr. Walker and he will issue the City a Warranty Deed for a portion of land in the Quit Claim Deed as well as additional property that is needed for the well site property and access onto 1000 East. Mr. Walker was originally asking $4,650.00 for the property but after negotiations is willing to sell the property for $3,000.00. Mr. Gillman moved to approve a quit claim deed and authorize the Mayor's signature; and approve the purchase of .127 acres from James J. Walker as the site for Well #6 in the amount of $3,000.00. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Recommendation of Board of Equalization Hearings for Special Improvement District "S" - (Emery Avenue)
Mr. Gappmayer moved to approve the minutes for the Board of Equalization for Special Improvement District "S" as presented. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Haines then reviewed the recommendations from the hearings with the Council:
1. Corner lot adjustments as recommended by the Board of Equalization for Special Improvement
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT "S" (Beverly Place Subdivision)
1. The average lot in the area is 67 feet, the following adjustments would need to be made to corner lots where work was done on both sides to charge them for the average lot.
Number E-Number Name Reduction New Assessment
21. E 148 1 27 Charles Gaddis $351.68 $375.02
22. E 148 1 28 Dennis Collins $353.36 $374.97
43. E 148 1 50 Lewis Kennedy $212.97 $376.53
45. E 148 1 52 Lorraine Dixon $215.60 $375.08
73. E 148 3 112 Stephen Crabtree $428.40 $375.06
75. E 148 3 65 Samuel Cooper $441.28 $374.99
100. E 148 3 137 Lewis Parker $332.64 $375.06
102. E 148 3 139 Elaine Laycock $332.08 $375.08
TOTAL $2668.01
2. The following are corner lots with work done only on one side. If they are charged for an average lot the adjustment is as shown.
1. E. 148 1 1 Henry Rock $ 82.32 $375.20
12. E 148 1 12 Rodney Dowding $ 72.80 $375.20
14. E 148 1 19 William Chynoweth $141.12 $374.92
29. E 148 1 35 Alexander Rakisits $142.80 $375.07
31. E 148 1 37 Glenn Larson $140.00 $375.06
TOTAL $579.04
3. The following are corner lots with asphalt only on one side. If they are charged the average lot the adjustment is as shown.
103. E 148 5 2 3 Doyden Ostler $107.06 $135.34
104. E 148 5 4 1 Marlin Sturman $107.06 $135.34
106. E 148 5 4 3 Eugene L. Carter $107.06 $135.34
107. E 148 5 5 1 Floyd Sundquist $107.06 $135.34
TOTAL $428.24
TOTAL if aLL adjustments are made - $3,675.29
2. Stan Chynoweth feels he should receive an adjustment because he has paid for the work being done twice prior to this project.
3. Delete David Jenkins from the district.
The Council discussed the recommendations. Mr. Gillman moved to approve items 1 and 3 and deny item 2. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Set Hearing Dates On Board of Equalization on Special Improvement District "Q”
THE COUNCIL DISCUSSED SETTING THE HEARING DATES ON THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ON SPECIAL Improvement District “Q” (400 North). Mr. Gappmayer moved to set the dates for November 30, 1976 – 5:30 to 6:30 Pm
December 1, 1976 – 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
December 2. 1976 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Recommendation on Sale of 1972 White Truck and Coby Packer Bed
Mr. Watson moved to authorize the sale of the 1972 White Truck and Coby Packer bed in the amount of $12,000 to Intermountain Refuse Co. of Sunset, Utah. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Recommendation on Bank Account Bid Award
Mr. Haines told the Council the following bids were received:
Commercial Security Bank $98,000
First Security Bank 75,000
Wasatch Bank 56,000
He commented that these amounts were a minumum balance requirement. Mr. Bamgartner moved to award a contract for the City's bank service requirements to Wasatch Bank for the three year period, January 1, 1977 through December 31, 1979. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Recommendation on Insurance Bid Award
Mr. Haines told the Council the following bids were received:
Agency Annual Premium
Richard Wiseman $9,865
Monson & Co. 8,966
Blackely Insurance 8,555
Galbraith & Green 7,895
Bowen & Leavitt 7,099
Fred A. Moreton 5,025
The Council discussed the different deductibles. Mr. Watson moved to award a contract to Fred A. Moreton Insurance Company for all-risk insurance coverage on City-owned buildings, contents and appurtenant facilities for the period November 9, 1976 through November 9, 1979 at an annual premium of $5,025; and authorize the transfer of $3,500 from the General Fund Contingency Account. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Recommendation on Center Street Sidewalk Bid Award
Mr. Haines told the Council the following bids were received:
Clegg Construction $21,130.55
Dunn Construction 23,053.40
Ewell Brothers Construction 22,601.65
Gore Construction 20,774.00
Mr. Gappmayer moved to award the bid on the Center Street Sidewalk Project to Gore Construction for $20,774.00. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Approve Bid Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids on Repairs to City Center and Library Roofs
Mr. Watson moved to approve the bid specifications and authorize advertising for bids on repair to the City Center and Library roofs. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Approve Bid Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids for Construction of the North Fire Station
Eric Sandstrom, architect for the North Fire Station reviewed the plans with the Council. Mr. Gillman moved to approve the plans for the North Fire Station and authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Gappmayer commented that the City should take the initiative and buy land for a future site for a fire station because it would save the City money by buying the land now instead of waiting until later.
Approval of Agreement with MAG on Data Processing Services
The Council discussed the proposed agreement. Mr. Watson was concerned that the proposed billing rates were not high enough and that the City employees might be overworked and not be able to preform well on City time. Mr. Homer, Director of Finance responded that the rates would cover the costs and that an employee would not overwork if necessary they would hire a partime employee to do the work. Mr. Zimmerman moved to accept the agreement with MAG concerning partime employee to do the work. Mr. Zimmerman moved to accept the agreement with MAG concerning Data Processing Services. Mr. Bamgartner seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Authorization to Find Land for Proposed Future Fire Station Site
Mr. Gappmayer moved to authorize the Fire Chief and City Manager to begin looking for ground for a proposed future site for Fire Station Number 3. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Request for Zone Change - Harrison Horn
Harrison Horn met with the Council to request a zone change from R-2 to R-3 in the area of 700 South and the Railroad Right-of-way. Mr. Deschamps, Community Development Director told the Council that this item had been tabled by the Council in the R-3 zone. Mr. Deschamps also explained the zones in adjacent areas. Roger Dudley, engineer for Mr. Horn discussed the access for the property with access on 800 South. Mr. Gappmayer moved to set a public hearing for November 30, 1976 at 8:00 PM to consider Mr. Horn's request to rezone property from R-2 to R-3 in the area of 700 South and the Railroad Right-of-way. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Planning Commission Recommendations
Mr. Gappmyer moved to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve a replacement free standing sign for the First Security Bank Building at the University Mall; to deny a request by residents on 200 East on 1400 South to have the street closed on the south side of 1400 South to keep potential commercial traffic from traveling their street; to approve two free-standing signs to advertise the four theaters that are to be located in the Carillon Square. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Motion To Adjourn: Mr. Zimmerman moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Watson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.