PROPOSALS to Establish Graduate/Undergraduate Major/Degree

Curriculum Services Forms:

NOTE:We now have to seek Higher Learning Commission for some new degree programs. There’s paperwork to complete, but the criteria for which programs are impacted is not clear. Therese Tillett is working on getting a clearer picture—she also warns that (especially at the grad level) this paperwork is not pleasant.

I.Planning Stage

Meet with Cathy/Joanne, Susan, School Director, [Mary Ann Stephens,graduate], and Therese Tillett to discuss intent and curriculum process. If proposal is determined to be feasiblemeet with EHHS Dean, School Director, and Associate Dean (Cathy/Joanne)to discuss(written outline optional) the conceptual framework and rationale (include market demand) for the new program. If Dan supports the proposal’s moving forwardgo to step II (below). If Dan does not support the proposal, it dies at this point or is returned for reconsideration.

II.Preliminary (usingOBR Guidelines): Secure OBR Approval

School Curriculum Committee-SCC (attend)College Curriculum Committee-CCC (attend)EHHS Dean’s approval (meet w/Dan & Cathy/Joanne)[Mary Ann Stephens, graduate]Therese/EPC(grad/ug)OBR [RACGS(grad)/Program Approval Office (undergrad)] for review (up to 6 weeks); proposal is not specific at this stage, work on Full Proposal while this is being reviewed

A.Submit Program Development Plan (PDP)[grad]/Letter of Intent [undergrad]

format to matchform used (grad/undergrad), see form link above

maximum5 pages(grad)/2 pages (undergrad)

for more information on procedures for review and approval ofgraduatedegree programs:

III.Full Proposal

SCC (attend)CCC (attend)EHHS Dean’s approval/signature (deliver presentation, Dan, Cathy/Joanne)[Mary Ann, grad] EPC (grad/undergrad-attend)Faculty Senate (attend)Board of Trustees (approval, don’t attend)OBR [RACGS (grad)/Program Approval Office (undergrad)] for review (up to 6 weeks, grad/3-6 months, undergrad)[RACGS formal presentation and response document, meetings scheduled every 2 months;grad]posted online for 10 daysChancellor (signs)


B.Full Proposal

C.External letters of support, survey results

D.Needs Analysis and Faculty Credentials:

include data-driven market research that addresses student demand that will increase enrollment, potential for employment upon graduation, competitive advantage for the university, reasonable non-duplication with other programs and appropriate multi-year financial analyses. (use focus groups, survey, etc)

E.Catalog copy: admission/graduation requirements, job opportunities, course requirements, student learning outcomes

F.Keywords to identify program (GPS)

G.New courses, through Workflow

IV.Online Program(if applicable)

contact: Deb Huntsman (OCDE); (possibility: may have to exclude certain states because of their restrictions/requirements); submit any required OCDE paperwork with Full Proposal:

A.CCP form

B.OBR Change Request for Online/Hybrid Delivery

  • how do you support students (resources)?
  • who is teaching each course?

show that you have same measurement of student success, expectations, quality of degree, standards, etc. as face-to-face program


Mary Ann Stephens, Dean, Graduate Studies

650 Cartwright Hall


Therese Tillett, Director, Curriculum Services

204 Michael Schwartz Building

Deborah Huntsman

Director, Office of Continuing & Distance Education

120 Lincoln Building
