Active Norfolk Coaching Bursary Application
Application for Funding
Active Norfolk is keen to develop its coaching workforce in order to grow and sustain participation in sport in Norfolk. Therefore, we are offering to pay up to 75% of the agreed coaching qualification. This will be agreed on a case by case basis and will be agreed by the Active Norfolk at a later date.
Who can apply?
Any individual who resides in Norfolk who is looking to obtain funding to complete a coaching qualification that enables them to lead on the delivery of sporting activity, and that they will be using their qualification within the County. Please note we will not fund personal trainer qualifications. Priority will be granted to those applying to Lead Coaching Qualifications and those applicants from underrepresented groups (Female, BME, Disability, and Low-socioeconomic)
Grants cannot be given retrospectively. We therefore ask that you make your application a minimum of 4 weeks before the course is due to start.
How are the applications assessed?
Each application will be assessed on an individual basis by the Active Norfolk team. Applications will only be assessed if all sections are completed fully.
You will be notified within two weeks of us receiving your application whether or not you have been successful.
If Active Norfolk approves your application, upon completion of your course you must send us a copy of your course certificate, or if this is not possible please have an NGB representative contact us to confirm successful completion, within 6 weeks of completing the course. Without this we are not obliged to pay the grant. If you are having problems meeting this deadline, please call the officer as soon as you can to discuss this.
Active Norfolk has limited funding in this area, and therefore cannot guarantee that your application will receive support. The maximum grant that can be applied for is 75% of the actual course cost (not transport or accommodation costs). Please note we cannot guarantee that this is the amount that will be awarded.
Section 1 – Personal DetailsName
Date of Birth / Gender
Address of Applicant
Post Code
What is your ethnic origin? / ☐White ☐Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups ☐Asian/Asian British
☐Black/African/Caribbean/Black British ☐Other Ethnic Group
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or learning difficulty? (If yes please detail below)
Telephone Number / Daytime / Evening
Email Address:
Which of these qualifications do you have? Tick every box that applies if you have any of the qualifications listed. If your UK qualification is not listed, tick the box that contains its nearest equivalent. If you have qualifications obtained outside the UK, tick the ‘Foreign qualifications’ box and the nearest UK equivalents (if known).
☐ 1 - 4 O levels / CSEs / GCSEs (any grades), Entry Level, Foundation Diploma
☐ NVQ Level 1, Foundation GNVQ, Basic Skills
☐ 5+ O levels (passes) / CSEs (grade 1) / GCSEs (grades A*- C), School Certificate, 1 A level / 2 - 3 AS levels / VCEs, Higher Diploma
☐ NVQ Level 2, Intermediate GNVQ, City and Guilds Craft, BTEC First / General Diploma, RSA Diploma
☐ Apprenticeship
☐ 2+ A levels / VCEs, 4+ AS levels, Higher School Certificate, Progression / Advanced Diploma
☐ NVQ Level 3, Advanced GNVQ, City and Guilds Advanced Craft, ONC, OND, BTEC National, RSA Advanced Diploma
☐ Degree (for example BA, BSc), Higher degree (for example MA, PhD, PGCE)
☐ NVQ Level 4 - 5, HNC, HND, RSA Higher Diploma, BTEC Higher Level
☐ Professional qualifications (for example teaching, nursing, accountancy)
☐ Other vocational / work-related qualifications
☐ Foreign qualifications / ☐ No qualifications / ☐ Rather not say
What is your current working status? Please select one of the below
☐ Working full-time (30+ hours/week)
☐ Working part-time (9 - 29 hours/week)
☐ Unemployed for under 12 months
☐ Unemployed for over 12 months
☐ Not working – retired
☐ Not working – looking after house/children / ☐ Not working – long term sick or disabled
☐ Student – in full-time education studying for a recognised qualification
☐ Student – in part-time education studying for a recognised qualification
☐ Other☐ Rather not say
Section 2 - Current Coaching Information
1 What is the highest coaching qualification you currently hold? (Please provide level & Sport)
2 Please list all settings you currently coach in? (please specify where appropriate)
School (please state if curricular)
Club (Please specify club/s)
Leisure operator (Please specify)
Private, one-2-one
CSP Programme (Please specify)
Other (Please specify)
3 Average hours spent coaching per week?
4 Average weeks spent coaching per year?
5 Average number of participants you coach per week?
6 Who do you currently coach?(Please specify details below)
Age group/s
7 Over the last 12 months have you typically coached in an unpaid/voluntary, paid part-time and/ or paid full-time capacity?(Please tick all that apply)
Unpaid/ Voluntary
Paid part time or sessional work (less than 30 hours paid work per week)
Paid full time (over 30 hours paid work per week)
8 Out of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) please rate how confident you feel in relation to coaching the activity you are learning?(Please tick)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Section 3 – Details of Course
1 What Sport is the bursary application for?
2 What is the title of the course:
3 What is the course fee: (£)
4 Please state the course start and end date of this course; including duration in days:
Start Date: / End Date:
Estimated time to complete the course:
5 Where is the course being held
6 Are you receiving funding from anyone/where else? (NGB, Club, Local Authority) Please Specify
Yes / No
7 How much of the course are you applying for (up to 75% of the course fee)? / £
8 Please provide information as to how you will use the qualification once achieved(who will benefit from the coaching you will deliver, will your coaching be voluntary, or are you a full time coach within a community club):
Conditions of a Bursary Award
Successful applicants will be requested to fulfil the following requirement:-
- To register on the Active Norfolk Coach Database: To do this visit and complete the ‘coaching’ tab on your profile.
Name of the person/organisation that the payment will be made too if successful?Checklist
Are all the sections on the application form completed in full?
Have the relevant support information been enclosed with this application? Eg. Promotional material attached to the course
Please read the following statements before signing:-
- I hereby make this application for a Bursary for the course detailed above and agree to the conditions outlined above.
- I understand that failure to complete all sections on the application form may result in my bursary not being considered.
I agree to the above statements and wish to submit my Bursary Application :-
Please return the completed form to Aaron Roberts at Active Norfolk via email or post to:
Active Norfolk
Easton Tennis Centre
Easton & Otley College
Easton Campus
For further information regarding the Coaching Bursary, please contact Aaron Roberts on or call 01603 731568