US History 2 Gilded Age Resume Project(1MP) Due: Oct 22, 2015

Your 1st Marking Period project will be to create a resume for one of the Gilded Age figures listed below. You will create the resume as if you were applying for the leadership of a newly created economic trust. The resume can be in either MS Word or Google docs. Email MS Word Doc or share Google docs prior to the due date. The project is due electronically by 8:00 AM on Oct 22, 2015 [A Day] with a paper copy due at the beginning of class on the same day. Each student will prepare a presentation for classmates which will highlight the pertinent information collected.

Name / Student / Name / Student
Jay Gould / Cornelius Vanderbilt
Andrew Frick / Henry Flagler
JD Rockefeller / Leland Stanford
Collis Huntington / Cyrus McCormick
Thomas Edison / Mark Twain
Thomas Durant / Frederick W Taylor
Richard Sears / A Montgomery Ward
Terrence Powderly / Samuel Gompers
George Pullman / James G Blaine
John O Sherman / E.H Harriman
Gustavus Swift / William Tweed
James B Duke / J P Morgan


  • Write the résumé as if the candidate was at the peak of his career, before retirement.
  • Resume must be in a modern format and include: Objectives, Education, Work Experience, Skill Sets, References , Salary Requirements

Scoring rubric:

Points / 75-100 / 50-74 / 25-49 / 0-24
Resume Facts (60) / Contains no factual errors; has all categories completed / Contains 1-2 factual errors: all categories completed / Contains 2-4 factual errors; missing 1 category / 5 or more factual errors; missing more than 2 categories
Resume Style
(20) / Contains all past tense verbs: shows action words for all entries / Mixes tenses for accomplishments; 1-2 grammatical errors; nor in resume style / Does not capture accomplishments successfully: 3-4 grammar errors / Not in resume format; more than 5 grammar errors; no attempt to capture essence of character
(10) / Answers without referring to notes; answers questions directlycaptures essence of character / Use notes for more than 2 answers; limited eye contact with class; limited effort to capture character style / Use notes for all answers: refer to resume directly; little effort to capture style of character / Failure to participate: read all answers; no effort to portray character
Format (10)
See Page 3 / No Format errors / 1-2 Format errors / 3-4 Format errors / 5 or more format errors

Summary of Experiences for

George Washington

Twitter Name: #nation'sdad / Mt Vernon, VA / Email:
Objective: / Serve my countrymen in whatever capacity necessary to ensure a smooth transition from colony to independent nation.
Education / No formal education. Taught to read by mother, learned appropriate plantation and survival skills from father. Introduced to key citizens by father.
Work Experience / 1748-1752 Surveyor; CountySurveyor, Culpepper, VA
At age 16, obtained first job as surveyor in northwest territory. Learned invaluable information which aided military cause in French/Indian War. Appointed Official County Surveyor as a result of highly skilled work.
1752- 1754 Adjutant, Virginia Colonial Militia
As a 20 year old Major, trained Virginia’s colonial militia to defend the colonial territory. Learned first hand the western terrain and value
1754-1759 BG Virginia Militia, French and Indian War
Promoted over peers to command the Virginia militia. Won several decisive Battles during the war, which led to intimate knowledge of both French and British tactics. Widely revered for tactical innovation.
1759-1774Plantation Owner
Successfully operated one of Virginia’s largest plantations as businessman
1774-1775VA House of Burgesses: Continental Congress
Elected to represent Virginia in formative pre-Revolution Years. Elected as President of the Continental Congress by other delegates because of superb conflict resolution skills.
1775-1783 Commander in Chief, Continental Army
Created a successful Army from varied militia units and defeated the most powerful nation in the world to complete the quest for American independence. Trained, equipped and fed an Army, despite lack of funds or support from the Congress. Prevented the Army from mutinying in 1783 despite the fact that Congress was unable to pay them for their war services.
Skill Set / Most Important Skills: Ability to command respect of men through mutual admiration. Ability to assimilate information quickly and make assertive decisions. Able to unite men of different backgrounds in a common cause. Able to recognize the relative importance of events and treat them accordingly.
References / Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia
MG Henry Knox, Continental Army
Bruce A Thames, Historian, Per XX, 10/22/15

Format Requirements:

Document Name:filastname1MPprojectmmddyy (Ex: bthames1MPproject102215)

Use an acceptable resume format (check if not sure)

MS Word or Google Docs (other types must be saved as either Word/Doc)

Font is Calibri or Times New Roman 10 or 12 point.

Title is Calibri or Times New Roman 16 Point

The resume will list accomplishments only with the significance supported by facts.

Only information known during the lifespan of the character will be accepted.

Objective is derived from your understanding of the character’s ambitions for final job

Salary requirements must be listed in Objective Section.
1” Margins all around (tweak if needed to fit info onto one or two pages)

2 Page Maximum Length

Do not list birthdays, marital status or family members

Create an email and Twitter handle (name) that characterizes your subject. (see sample resume)

Required categories (Objective, Education, Work experience, Skills, References)

Type your name as a referenceand two actual references who would have known the personin the Reference section.

Late Submissions:

One Day Late (-10)

Two days Late (-25)

Not Submitted (-100)