Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures


Table 1: Summary of SWG institutions that submitted TNA Tools for Directors/Technical Officials, Executives and Institutional Survey Tool

Table 2: Summary of SWG institutions that responded to the Institutional survey on arrangement towards implementation of EAC Regional Integration policy

Table 3: Summary of training required by the Executives

Table 4: Summary of the TNA findings by training area and the TNA focal areas of assessment


Figure 1: TNA on Theory of International Trade

Figure 2: TNA on Relationship between WTO (Multilateral Trading System) and Regional Integration

Figure 3: TNA on EAC as a REC and Historical Perspectives

Figure 4: TNA on Customs Union: Fundamentals of the EAC Customs Union

Figure 5: TNA on EAC Customs Union: Trade Facilitation/Trade Related Aspects

Figure 6: TNA on EAC Customs Union: Export promotion schemes

Figure 7: TNA Survey on the Knowledge of the specific aspects of the EAC Common Market Protocol

Figure 8: TNA Survey on the training recieved on the specific aspects of the EAC Common Market Protocol

Figure 9: TNA Survey on the training required on the specific aspects of the EAC Common Market Protocol

Figure 10: TNA Survey on the knowledge of the cross cutting issues

Figure 11: TNA Survey on training received on the cross cutting issues

Figure 12: TNA Survey on training required on the cross cutting issues


Annex 1: Assessment of the Knowledge on Regional Integration and relevant cross cutting issues

Annex 2: Assessment of the training received on Regional Integration and relevant cross cutting issues

Annex 3: Assessment of the training required on Regional Integration and relevant cross cutting issues


CB Capacity Building

CEOs Chief Executive Officers

CSF Civil Society Federation

CSOs Civil Society Organization

EAC East African Community

ITC International Trade centre

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies

MINCOM Ministry of Commerce

MINEAC Ministry of East African Community

MINECOFIN Ministry of Finance

PSCBS Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat

PSF Private Sector Federation

PSOs Private Sector Organizations

RDB Regional Development Bank

RI Regional Integration

SWG Sector Working Group

TA Technical Assistance

TMEA Trade Mark East Africa

TNA Training Needs Assessment

UNECA United Nations Economic Commission of Africa

WTO World Trade Organisation

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1.0  Background

The Training Needs Assessment report is one of the various deliverables that are envisaged under the assignment on Rwanda Capacity Building Programme on Regional Integration. It is based on Training Needs Assessment that was conducted in September and October 2012.

The aim of Training Needs Assessment was to identify knowledge and skills gap related to implementation of the National Policy on EAC Regional Integration. The scope of the EAC Regional Integration was used as the basis for the TNA framework. This was based on the fact that the focus of national implementation of the EAC programs is itself based on agreed protocols and programs on EAC regional integration.

It is therefore imperative that the scope of Rwanda capacity building training program, which the TNA survey is responding is informed by the EAC Regional Integration as spelt out in: -

·  The Treaty establishing East African Community

·  The Customs Union protocol that was the basis for establishment of the EAC Customs Union, and

·  The Common Market Protocol

In addition, the TNA Survey is responding to identified subjects which are considered the as being supportive to the core regional integration subject. These cross cutting subjects include: -

·  Introduction to international trade theory

·  Research and analytical skills

·  Negotiation skills

·  Market Research skills (ITC Tool Kits)

·  Project cycle management

·  Monitoring and Evaluation

·  Report writing/drafting skills

The above scope was used to design a Training Needs Assessment Framework and Training Needs Assessment Tools. The tools fall into three broad categories as follows: -

a)  Institutional Assessment Tool, which aimed at collecting basic institutional information on existence of dedicated section and staff who are assigned the role of implementation of the EAC Regional Integration programs,

b)  Training Needs Assessment Tool for the Executives (Ministers and Permanent Secretaries)

c)  Training Needs Assessment Tool for the Directors and Technical officials

The Training Needs Assessment builds on past capacity building training initiatives in Rwanda. The design of the TNA survey benefited from consultations with all the institutions that are members of the Sector Working Groups on implementation of the National Policy on EAC Regional Integration. The aim of these consultations was to establish existing capacity building training initiatives focused on EAC Regional Integration that are being implemented or underway in order to build on such initiatives and consequently avoid duplication.

2.0  TNA Survey findings

2.1  Overview

A total of 15 MDAs and individual staff working in these institutions responded by returning completed TNA tools as summarized . A total of 81 respondents submitted their TNA tools for Directors and technical officials. Response among the executives was rather low, with only 5 completed TNA tools for the executives having been submitted.

Institutional assessment tools that were aimed at establishing basic information on institutions in terms of designated staff and Sections to implement EAC Regional Integration were completed and returned by 9 out of the 15 institutions that participated in the TNA survey

2.2  TNA Field Survey Results

2.1.1  Stakeholder category: Executives

Training Needs Assessment among the Executives – Permanent Secretaries, the Ministers and the CEOs of private sector and civil society associations, aimed at establishing whether the respondents had received any training on EAC Regional Integration , the challenges faced in management of Regional Integration programs/initiatives and training needed in the following areas of EAC Regional integration: -

·  EAC institutional framework and governance

·  EAC Customs Union

·  EAC Common market

2.1.2  Stakeholder category: Directors and Technical Officials

A total of 81 respondents submitted their TNA tools for Directors and technical officials. The TNA survey aimed getting feedback to obtained feedback on: -

a)  Knowledge of the various areas of Regional Integration and relevant cross cutting issues (Knowledge)

b)  Whether the respondents had received any past training in the specific areas (Training Received)

c)  The training required based on the areas of training identified in the Training Needs Assessment tool (Training Required)

The table below gives the level of knowledge of various regional integration topics and provides details of training received in each of the focal training area. It also gives provides details of respondents requiring training in the specific training area. The results are discussed below by broad topical areas.

1.  TNA Results on horizontal cross cutting training areas

On average, knowledge of the horizontal cross and supportive training areas was low with an average of only 28% of the total respondents indicating having the knowledge. Training level was also quite low, with an average of only 4% of the total respondents having indicated to have received some form of training in the specific areas. Training requirement was quite high. In total, an average of 61% indicated that they require training in this area. The horizontal cross cutting training areas include the following: -

·  Theories of Regional Integration

·  Multilateral trading system and its relation to Regional Integration through specific skills on: -

·  East African Community as a Regional Economic Community Historical perspective of EAC

·  Trade policy research methods and tools

·  Regional integration research and policy analysis

·  International Trade Negotiation skills Identification of Problems and Opportunities

·  Project management

·  Communication

2.  EAC Customs Union

Knowledge of the Customs Union was quite low as evidenced by an average 17% of the total respondents who indicated having some knowledge of EAC Customs Union. Level of training was equally too low, with an average of 1% of the total respondents indicating to have some training on Customs Union. An overwhelming 60% of total respondents, average, indicated that they required training on the various topics of the Customs Union.

3.  EAC Common Market

On average, 31% of total respondents indicated having some knowledge on the various aspects of the EAC Common market. Training level was however quite low, with an average of 2% of total respondents indicating that they have had a training on the EAC Common Market. Training requirement is quite high as indicated by an average of 61% who indicated that they require training on various aspects of the Common market. The specific focal training area of the Common Market Protocol include: -

·  Fundamentals of the EAC Common Market

·  Free movement of persons

·  Free movement of labour

·  Rights of establishment and residence

·  Free Movement of Services

·  Free Movement of capital

·  Sectoral coordination

Table EX1: Summary of the TNA findings by training area and the TNA focal areas of assessment[1]

Training area / Have Knowledge of the Specific RI Area / Have been trained in the specific areas of RI / Require training in the specific area of RI
A / Horizontal cross cutting training areas
1 / Theories of Regional Integration / 51% / 10% / 65%
2 / Multilateral trading system and its relation to Regional Integration through specific skills on: - / 25% / 6% / 62%
3 / East African Community as a Regional Economic Community Historical perspective of EAC / 43% / 2% / 52%
4 / Trade policy research methods and tools / 16% / 0% / 75%
5 / Regional integration research and policy analysis / 11% / 0% / 67%
6 / International Trade Negotiation skills Identification of Problems and Opportunities / 20% / 6% / 42%
7 / Project management / 31% / 1% / 60%
8 / Communication / 31% / 1% / 47%
B / Customs Union
4.1 / Fundamentals of the EAC Customs Union / 23% / 1% / 72%
4.2 / Trade Facilitation / 26% / 1% / 62%
4.3 / Trade distorting policies, countervailing measures / 10% / 0% / 65%
4.4 / Export promotion schemes / 9% / 0% / 42%
C / Common Market / 0%
5.1 / Fundamentals of the EAC Common Market / 41% / 5% / 67%
5.2 / Free movement of persons / 35% / 2% / 56%
5.3 / Free movement of labour / 31% / 2% / 59%
5.4 / Rights of establishment and residence / 33% / 2% / 63%
5.5 / Free Movement of Services / 31% / 2% / 62%
5.6 / Free Movement of capital / 26% / 1% / 59%
5.7 / Sectoral coordination / 19% / 1% / 60%
6 / Trade policy research methods and tools / 16% / 0% / 75%
7 / Regional integration research and policy analysis / 11% / 0% / 67%
8 / International Trade Negotiation skills Identification of Problems and Opportunities / 20% / 6% / 42%
9 / Project management / 31% / 1% / 60%
10 / Communication / 31% / 1% / 47%

3.0 Comprehensive scope of capacity building training

The results of the TNA among the Executives, Directors and Technical Officials reveal need for training on all the topics identified in the TNA Framework. The scope of the training will therefore cover: -

1.  Theories of International Trade, with specific emphasis on Regional Integration

2.  Multilateral Trading System, with specific focus on Regional Integration

3.  East African Community – As a REC and historical perspectives

4.  EAC Customs Union, encompassing the following topics:

a)  Fundamentals of the EAC Customs Union, which includes: -

·  Provisions on the establishment of the Customs Union,

·  Customs Administration (EAC Customs Management Act (2004)

·  EAC Tariff regime (Internal Tariff and Common External Tariff)

·  Non-Tariff Barriers

·  Simplification, Standardization and Harmonization of Trade Information Documentation

b)  Trade Facilitation or Trade Related Aspects, which includes

·  Provisions on trade facilitation

·  Rules of Origin

·  National Treatment

·  Anti-dumping Measures

·  Subsidies

·  Countervailing Measures

·  Safeguard Measures

·  Competition

·  Restrictions and Prohibitions to Trade

·  Re-exportation of Goods

·  East African Community Committee on Trade Remedies

c)  Export promotion schemes, which include;

·  Principles of Export Promotion Schemes

·  Duty Drawback Schemes

·  Duty and Value Added Tax Remission Schemes

·  Manufacturing under Bond Schemes

·  Export Processing Zones

2)  EAC Common Market, encompassing the following topics;

·  Fundamentals of the EAC Common Market

·  Free movement of persons

·  Free movement of labour

·  Rights of establishment and residence

·  Free Movement of Services

·  Free Movement of capital

·  Sectoral coordination

3)  Horizontal focal training areas

·  Trade policy research methods and tools

·  Regional integration research and policy analysis

·  International Trade Negotiation skills

·  Project management

·  Communication

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The Training Needs Assessment report is one of the various deliverables that are envisaged under the assignment on Rwanda Capacity Building Programme on Regional Integration in Rwanda. It is based on Training Needs Assessment that was conducted in September and October 2012.

Training Needs Assessment was aimed at identifying knowledge and skills gap related to implementation of the National Policy on EAC Regional Integration. The scope of the EAC Regional Integration formed the basis against which the training needs assessment was done. This was premised on the fact that the focus of national implementation of the EAC programs is itself based on agreed protocols and programs on EAC Regional integration.

Accordingly, the scope of Rwanda capacity building training program on EAC Regional Integration in EAC was defined on the basis of the EAC Treaty and concluded protocols as follows: -

·  The Treaty establishing East African Community

·  The Customs Union protocol that was the basis for establishment of the EAC Customs Union