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12/26/10 pm Anger Russell Haffner

12/26/10 am Pop Quiz Russell Haffner

12/19 pm WINGS Sam Dilbeck

12/19/10 am Dude, That Thing Got A Hemi? Sam Dilbeck

12/12/10 pm Questions & Answers Sam Dilbeck

12/12/10 am Hell Has Been Slandered (Rev. 20:10) Sam Dilbeck

12/11/10pm (Coping Seminar) Momentary Light Affliction Sam Dilbeck

12/11/10 pm (Coping Seminar) Life After Death Sam Dilbeck

12/11/10 am (Coping Seminar) Alone In A Cave Sam Dilbeck

12/11/10 am (Coping Seminar) A God Close At Hand Sam Dilbeck

12/10/10 pm (Coping Seminar) Preparing For Success Sam Dilbeck

12/10/10 pm (Coping Seminar) Welcome Sam Dilbeck

12/05/10 pm I Am Well-Supplied (Phil. 4:10-19) Sam Dilbeck

12/05/10 amWesthill in Review Sam Dilbeck

11/28/10 pm Calvin's Confusion Russell Haffner

11/28/10 am First Things First Russell Haffner

11/21/10 pm High Mindness (Phil. 4:8) Sam Dilbeck

11/21/10 am Does God Watch the Contribution? (Mk. 12:42-44) Sam Dilbeck

11/14/10 pm Questions & Answers Sam Dilbeck

11/14/10 am Peace That Passeth All Understanding (Phil. 4:5-7) Sam Dilbeck

11/07/10 pm Sour Pickles (Phil. 4:4) Sam Dilbeck

11/07/110 am Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner Sam Dilbeck

11/06/10 pm (Our Kids, Our Culture) Family Altars Alter Families Tyler Young

The importance of and suggestions for developing a consistent family

devotional life.

11/06/10 pm (Our Kids, Our Culture) Worldview Beyond The Church Pew Tyler Young

Teaching our kids to think biblically about everything in life.

11/06/10 am (Our Kids, Our Culture) Dating, Waiting, & Christian Mating Tyler Young

Considering strategies for promoting purity and honoring God in

dating and marriage.

11/06/10 am (Our Kids, Our Culture) Purging and Protecting Tyler Young

The need and the means to protect our kids from corrosive influencres

in the culture.

11/05/10 pm (Our Kids, Our Culture) Countering the Counterfeit Tyler Young

In order for our kids to be what God would have them to be, they must

know who He is.

11/05/10 pm (Our Kids, Our Culture) Changing Times Changing Kids Tyler Young

Raising godly kids has always been challenging, but how can we

deal with the obstacles o

10/31/10 pm Conflict In The Church (Phil. 4:2-3) Sam Dilbeck

10/31/10 am (Sermon Series) A Diamond in the Rough: The Many Faces of Salvation

Sanctification Sam Dilbeck

10/24/10 pm How Do We Deal With Failure? Russell Haffner

10/24/10 am (Sermon Series) A Diamond in the Rough: The Many Faces of Salvation

Reconciliation Sam Dilbeck

10/17/10 am (Sermon Series) A Diamond in the Rough: The Many Faces of Salvation

Deliverance Sam Dilbeck

10/10/10 am (Sermon Series) A Diamond in the Rough: The Many Faces of Salvation

Justification Sam Dilbeck

10/03/10 am (Sermon Series) A Diamond in the Rough: The Many Faces of Salvation

Redemption Sam Dilbeck

9/26/10 pm A Tall Drink of Water Sam Dilbeck

An old expression is used to describe an attractive or desirable person is to call them a "tall drink of water". Spiritually speaking, Joseph was a tall drink of water for Egypt. Like a cool glass of water he was pure, refreshing, and essential. Likewise, Christians are called to be pure, refreshing, and essential to our culture in order to save the souls of our fellow man.

9/26/10 am The Water Is Getting Hot: How Our American Worldview Has Slowly

Changed Sam Dilbeck

Life a frog in a slowly warming pot of water that does not notice the rising temperature until it is too late, many people have lost their biblical worldview to a slowly encroaching atheistic worldview. It infiltrates family, economy, policy, and even theology. This lesson sounds a warning of why we need to be concerned about and guard against naturalism taking over our hearts and minds.

9/19/10 pm I Want Patience And I Want It Now Russell Haffner

9/19/10 am Worlds Colliding Sam Dilbeck

Worlds are colliding...but it's not sciece fiction. In this lesson, we explore the conflicting worldviews of theism and atheism. In an increasingly atheistic world, secularism threatens to obscure the sacred.

9/12/10 pm Questions and Answers Sam Dilbeck

This session of Questions and Answers includes: First Corinthians 11:2-7 speaks of head coverings for man and woman. Is this figurative? If so, how do we know? Please explain the phrase "sons of God" as used in Genesis 6:2 and Job 1:6. How did the Gentiles in Acts 10 receive the Holy Spirit before baptism when those in Acts 2 received him after baptism? Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean you cannot repent and be a Christian again?

9/12/10 am Digging to the Rocks: Finding a Foundation for Transformation

(Luke 6:46-49) Sam Dilbeck

"The wise man built his house upon the rock". A childhood favorite among songs, but sometimes we miss the impact of the lesson. The wise man did not just find some rocks and start building, rather he dug deep into the ground to expose the rock. This is the second lesson on Worldviews, and we deal with what it takes to clear the dirt to expose the rock that forms a good foundation.

9/05/10 pm Groups Within the Church Sam Dilbeck

Churches are always looking for ways to be stronger. The strengthening fibers of the church are the relationship connections between members (Col. 2:2). The more love and shared connections between individuals, the stronger the church will be. One way churches can facilitate these strengthening bonds is through the use of groups in the church. These groups can be formal or informal, but the result can still be a stronger body of Christians.,

9/05/10 am Peeling Away the Layers: Living a Transformed Life

(Rom. 12:2) Sam Dilbeck

This lesson is the first in a series on Encountering Worldviews. A person's worldview is the underlying assumptions that he makes about the world - from where does he start interpreting the world. In this lesson we look at Paul's call for transformed living, and how it begins on the inside, not the outside. We compare Paul's formula to Lloyd Kwast's Understanding Culture model.

8/29/10 pm The Apples of Eden Russell Haffner

8/29/10 am The Second Mile Christian Russell Haffner

8/25/10 pm "Summer Series" Lovest Thou Me? (John 21:15-19) Hardeman Nichols

8/22/10 am Worship Focus Sunday Sam Dilbeck

On this special day at Westhill we worshiped in a little different fashion. Instead of having one sermon, we had a series of short sermons, each introducing other acts of worship, followed by the act itself. The intent was to help us focus on each aspect of worship individually.

8/18/10 pm "Summer Series" The God of the Plumbline (Amos 7:7-9) Tom Moore

8/15/10 pm The Challenge of Leading Others to Christ (1 Kings 19) Sam Dilbeck

Often Christians resort to their caves - comfortable places to dwell that keep them out of danger - like the discouraged Elijah. In this passage we learn how God needs his people to be among the lost. We cannot stay in our caves and church buildings and expect to change the world. People need the gospel, and the only ones qualified to take it to them are those who have already obeyed it. Don't let fear of failure or the loss of friendship keep you from going into all the world.

8/15/10 am The Everyday God Sam Dilbeck

Too many Christians compartmentalize God, seeking him on Sunday, but relegating him to a back burner on weekdays. We need God every day. This lesson shows how God ought to be incorporated into our lives everyday.

8/11/10 pm "Summer Series: These Perilous Times! Kyle Bolton

8/08/10 pm Questions and Answers Sam Dilbeck

This session of Questions and Answers includes: Why was polygamy, concubinage, and incest allowed under the Old Testament? Can you explain John's baptism and if his disciples had to be "rebaptized" on the Day of Pentecost? In Acts 16:16-18, why did Paul cast out the spirit that seemed to be helping him to preach the gospel, and if it was an evil spirit, why did he wait many days? Any insight into Luke 11:24-26?

8/08/10 am Can We Trust The Bible? Sam Dilbeck

A common attack against God's Word is that it is corrupted and contradictory. Atheistic scholars continue denouncing the Bible even though the "contradictions" have been proven to be non-existent. The Bible is an amazing book conceived in heaven, related in diversity, and preserved in unity. This Bible shows how God conveyed his word to mankind and preserved it through history. It is not only trustworthy, but is the only book that is completely trustworthy.

8/04/10 pm "Summer Series" True SpritualityRobert Dodson

8/01/10 pm Averting Destruction:

Dealing with False Teachers (2 Pet. 2:1-3) Sam Dilbeck

Doctrine. For many Christians it is the first sacrifice made for unity, yet for Christ it was the object of his sacrifice. He died to institute his teaching. When people infiltrate the church to sacrifice the doctrine, or to change Christ's doctrine, the Bible calls them false teachers. Peter identifies false teachers, their motives, and their product. This lesson serves as a warning to protect the doctrine of Christ against false teachers.

8/01/10 am Can We Know God Exists? Sam Dilbeck

As the secular world grows increasingly hostile to Christianity, the Atheist mantra grows louder, "God does not exist!" Many people are unwilling to go that far and settle on the agnostic fall back position by saying we just cannot know whether or not God exists. This lesson seeks only to show that we can know whether or not God exists. It does not offer proof for his existence, only the understanding that we can know.

7/28/10 pm "Summer Series" Living For God in a World that has Lost Its Way Jeff Jenkins

7/25/10 pm A God Dedicated To Our Salvation (Amos 4) Sam Dilbeck

What can a lowly fig pincher teach us about the dedication of God to our salvation. Join us in this study from Amos 4, as we learn how to prepare for our destined meeting with God.

7/25/10 am The Grace of God (Titus 2:11-12) Sam Dilbeck

The grace of God has appeared to everyone. It is the greatest gift the world will ever know. So, how can we accept this gift for our lives?

7/21/10 pm "Summer Series" I Know Whom I Have Believed (2 Tim. 1:12) Bill Burk

7/18/10 pm I Wish People Did Not Trust Their Preachers So Much Russell Haffner

7/18/10 am Spiritual But Not Religious Sam Dilbeck

A growing trend in world theology is the anti-organizational spiritual but not religious community. Here we examine the impetus for this philosophy and how the church should respond.

7/11/10 pm Questions and Answers Sam Dilbeck

Our monthly Question and Answer session. Is there life on other planets or in other places in the universe? In Romans 3:30, what is the difference between "by faith" and "through faith"? Is God a man or a woman? Please explain 1 John 5:16-17, especially the part about not praying about the sin leading to death. Please discuss Romans 9:14-24 and the seeming injustice of God.

7/11/10 am Baptism Stands Between Sam Dilbeck

Theologically, the doctrine of Baptism has caused rifts and division among many people. Those opposed to the essentiality of baptism for salvation oppose a list of blessings that God says baptism brings. Baptism stands between the sinner and a new life. It stands between the sinner and salvation. The list is lengthy, but reminds us of what baptism does for us.

7/07/10 pm "Summer Series" Time With the Father Steven Medford

7/04/10 pm The Joy of Brotherhood (Phil. 4:1) Sam Dilbeck

Often Christians lack forbearance for one another. Quirks, idiosyncrasies, and personality conflicts drive deeper wedges between brothers and sisters than doctrinal issues and sin. Paul opens the fourth chapter of Philippians singing the praises and joys of being able to call them brother. His love for the church and Christians the world over resounds as an admonition to Christians today--find joy in one another.

7/04/10 am God Wants You Sam Dilbeck

Since 1917, when America fought in the first Great War, Uncle Sam has been calling people to enlist, join, vote, and even party hard. Using the imagery of Uncle Sam, this lesson focuses on how God wants us to come, join, serve, and fight for him and his great nation, Christ's church.

6/30/10 pm "Summer Series" A Hidden Christianity?Rick Brumback

6/27/10 pm Our Citizenship (Phil. 3:17-21) Sam Dilbeck

Many Christians identify with different cultures, societies, and organizations before they identify with the church. They hold dearer their family name, nationality, or civic duty than the name of Christ, his church, and Christian service. Paul addresses the Christians at Philippi and reminds them that their citizenship, or literally, their politics are in heaven first.

6/27/10 am I Am Barabbas (Mk. 15:6-16) Sam Dilbeck

As Jesus stood on trial there was a moment of hope that he might be released. Pilate, referring to a local custom of magistrates to release a prisoner of Rome to the Jews at the Passover, offered to release Jesus. However, the crowd overwhelmingly called for the release of guilty Barabbas. In effect, he was the first guilty soul redeemed by the innocent Christ. However, that redemptive history continues today because like Barabbas we are all guilty, yet Jesus took our place too.

6/23/10 pm "Summer Series" Who Is a Christian (1 Pet. 4:15-16) David Tarbet

6/20/10 pm Excuses People Make For Not Obeying the Gospel Russell Haffner

6/20/10 am Enjoying Your Children (Ps. 127:1-5) Sam Dilbeck

Children are a gift from God, but many parents miss the greatness of the gift. As a result they attempt to build a home in their own image rather than in God's image. Using Psalm 127, this lesson seeks to show the amazing gift that children really are.

6/16/10 pm "Summer Series" The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ Don Walker

6/13/10 pm Questions & Answers Sam Dilbeck

This lesson is from our monthly Question and Answer session. Please explain 1 Peter 3:18-20, which seems to indicate that Jesus taught the spirits of dead people while he was in the grave for three days. Where did Cain's wife come from and do you have any ideas on Cain's mark? A major tenant of the emerging church ideology is being "spiritual but not religious". How does this philosophy fit into a Christian walk? I know that we will all recognize our loved ones when we all get to heaven, but will we be able to interact with them as we did on earth? Is it necessary to close a public prayer with the words "in Christ's name"? Aren't all Christians "in Christ anyway"? What about death bed confessions?

6/13/10 am Using Paperless Hymnals Sam Dilbeck

In the last decade many churches have adopted the use of James Tackett's Paperless Hymnal or something similar. However, some Christians have concerns over using electronically projected songs. This lesson seeks to assuage any fears over using the Paperless Hymnal.

6/09/10 pm "Summer Series" It's Deja Vu All Over Again (1 Pet. 2:9-12) Toby Soechting

6/0610 pm Teams of MicsSam Dilbeck

In the last decade or so, many churches have began using praise teams and other tactics to "make their singing sound better". Such practices are born of a misunderstanding about the nature of worship and often incorporate other tenants that are unauthorized and sinful. This lesson examines the practice of using praise teams and micing certain singers in light of biblical teaching.

6/06/10 am TheTroubler of Israel (1 Kings 18:17-19) Sam Dilbeck

A lot of people in secular and religious circles accuse those who stand up for God as the ones who trouble society. A ploy that Ahab attempted to use against Elijah. Yet, the great prophet turned back the accusation on Ahab. The one who troubles Israel is not the one who fights populist change by repeating God's commands. Rather, troublers advocate, sanction, and drive the change contrary to God's will.

6/02/10 pm "Summer Series" What Manner of Man Is This Tyler Young

5/30/10 am Is Jesus Coming Soon? Sam Dilbeck

Many high profile religious leaders around the world have declared that Jesus is coming soon - within this current generation. By reading the signs of the time, they predict the return of Jesus. However, there are no signs for Christ's final return, just one admonition - be ready!

5/23/10 pm The Mark of the Beast Sam Dilbeck

Fear, confusion, and superstition surround the number 666 in the minds of a lot of people. In our continuing series on the end of time, this lesson examines some outlandish and probable theories about the mark of the beast. The answer may not be as mysterious as some believe.

5/23/10 am Who Is the Antichrist (1 John 2:18) Sam Dilbeck

French prognosticator Nostradamus is famous for many of his predictions that have been molded to fit historic events, but is most famous for his predictions about the three great antichrist. Many people have braided his words into the biblical narrative about the end of time and the identity of the antichrist. Lets unravel the strands and see what the Bible says.

5/16/10 pm We Live In A World of Religious Confusion Russell Haffner

5/16/10 am Armageddon Sam Dilbeck

Is the Iraqi War a sign of the end of time? Could it be the biblical Armageddon? Many people believe that the world as we know it will end in a full scale battle between the righteous and the wicked. This battle is known as Armageddon. In this continuation of our series on the end of time, we look at what the Bible says about this legendary battle