Job Descriptions for the Meet

Job / Description
Registration / Sign In with Volunteer Coordinator
Go to Team Futures office for float (only morning) Make sure you have the following:
·  Float
·  Hand stamp and proper colour for the day
·  Pens and pencils
·  Handouts if any
·  Garbage bags
Check Price List so you are familiar with the prices
The person in team futures office will be by to pick up money from your cash box
When it is not busy at the front please do the following:
·  Check all garbage cans in lobby area (this includes the washrooms)
·  Check the washroom for cleanliness (wipe counters if needed), toilet paper, paper towel, locked doors and any other messes
·  Go to the meet director you signed in with to see if they need help anywhere else
When your relief is here, sign out with the Meet Director
Athlete Registrations / Sign In with Volunteer Coordinator
Check to make sure you have the following:
·  List of athlete registrations for that flight. If it is incorrect go to team futures office.
·  List of the coaches
·  Pens, pencils, highlighter and black marker
·  Coaches packages (the rotation schedule is in the coaches room)
·  For odp you will need measuring tapes
All athletes and coaches will be signing in to you. Please highlight their names on the sheets.
Write the athlete number on their hand where applicable.
If a coach is not listed read the missing coach protocol(attached)
When all the athletes for that flight are here, notify the floor manager (meet director) on duty.
When you are not busy with athletes and coaches, please check the garbages, and floor around the bleacher area.
Check to see that the athlete registration list for the following flight is ready, If not check with the floor manager or team futures office.