Question 1 (5 marks)

Health and wellbeing and illness are concepts that relate to how well people are living.

  1. Using examples, explain what is meant when health and wellbeing is said to be subjective. 3 marks





  1. Briefly explain what is meant by ‘illness’. 2 marks



Question 2 (4 marks)

Spiritual health and wellbeing is a dimension of health and wellbeing.

  1. Briefly explain what is meant by spiritual health and wellbeing. 2 marks





  1. Briefly explain how spiritual health and wellbeing can interrelate with one other dimension of health and wellbeing. 2 marks



Question 3 (9 marks)

Social justice and education are two of the World Health Organization’s prerequisites for health.

  1. Identify another prerequisite for health identified by the World Health Organization. 1 mark


  1. Briefly explain what is meant by social justice. 2 marks



  1. Explain how social justice can promote health and wellbeing. 2 marks



  1. Briefly explain two ways that education can contribute to improved health outcomes. 4 marks





Question 4 (7 marks)

The following graph shows the rate of DALY (in thousands, per 100 000 people) over time.

Source: Adapted from:

  1. Briefly explain what is meant by ‘DALY’. 1 mark


  1. Using data, outline the change in DALY over time for males compared to females. 2 marks



  1. Explain how this change may act as a resource nationally. 4 marks




Please note that these answers are a guide only and do not represent every possible correct answer.

  1. a. Students receive one mark for explaining what ‘subjective’ relates to and two marks for providing two examples that illustrate the subjective nature of health and wellbeing. Answers worth three marks include:
  • Health and wellbeing is said to be subjective as it means different things to different people as a result of varied feelings and opinions. For example, a teenager might see health and wellbeing as coping with school and maintaining an active social life. For an older person, it might relate to being able to work productively and provide for their children.
  • The meaning of health and wellbeing can be influenced by an individual’s feelings and personal experiences. For example, one person may place greater emphasis on physical health and wellbeing such as fitness and another might place greater emphasis on relationships with family members (social health and wellbeing).

b. Students receive two marks for making two points about what illness relates to. For example:

Illness relates to how an individual experiences disease. For example, a person might have symptoms associated with asthma but how they experience this condition relates to their level of illness.

  1. a. Students receive two marks for making two points about what spiritual health and wellbeing refers to. Note that if students only provide examples of factors relating to spiritual health and wellbeing, only one mark should be awarded. Answers worth two marks include:
  • A positive sense of belonging, meaning and purpose in life. It includes values and beliefs that influence the way people live, and can be influenced by an individual’s connection to themselves, others, nature and beyond.
  • Spiritual health and wellbeing is not material in nature, but relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds and conscience of human beings. Examples include a sense of belonging, positive meaning and purpose in life, peace and harmony and acting according to values and beliefs.

b. Students receive one mark for linking spiritual health and wellbeing to another dimension of health and wellbeing. A second mark is awarded if students link their selected dimension of health and wellbeing back to spiritual health and wellbeing. Note that the answer does not necessarily have to start with spiritual health and wellbeing. Examples worth two marks include:

  • A person who feels they have a sense of purpose in life will often work towards this purpose which can promote self-esteem and reduce stress (mental health and wellbeing). With high self-esteem and reduced stress, individuals can focus on forming meaningful relationships as they are not focussing as much on themselves, which can promote a sense of connection to the world around them.
  • A person who is not sick (physical health and wellbeing) has a greater ability to work towards their purpose in life which promotes spiritual health and wellbeing. If an individual is working towards their purpose in life, they are more likely to look after their body by eating well and exercising, so they have the energy to work towards their goals.
  1. a. One mark is awarded if one prerequisite for health is identified. Answers are:
  • Peace
  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Income
  • A stable eco-system
  • Sustainable resources
  • Equity

b. Two marks are awarded for making two points relating to what social justice is. Examples worth two marks include:

  • Social justice relates to equal rights for all, regardless of personal traits such as sex, class and income, ethnicity, religion, age or sexual orientation.
  • Social justice means that all people are treated fairly, including those from minority groups such as ethnic minorities and those with disabilities.
  • Social justice exists when all people have equal access to resources such as food, water, shelter, education, employment and community participation. This includes women and girls, those with HIV and the elderly.

c. Students receive two marks for linking an aspect of social justice to a dimension of health and wellbeing. Answers worth two marks include:

  • If all people can access adequate income, they are more able to afford shelter which can promote feelings of security and decrease levels of stress (mental health and wellbeing).
  • If all people experience equal rights, they are more likely to experience a sense of belonging to the community in which they live which promotes spiritual health and wellbeing.

d. Students receive two marks for linking each example of how education can contribute to improved health outcomes for a total of four marks. Note: ‘improved health outcomes’ is a concept clarified by the VCAA. It can mean improved health and wellbeing (i.e. dimension of health and wellbeing) or improved health status (such as burden of disease or life expectancy). Answers worth two marks include:

  • Being able to access education means that people will have a greater ability to earn an income which increases access to food which promotes immune system function which in turn, reduces the rate of infectious diseases and mortality rates.
  • Educated women are more likely to be able to make their own decisions such as who they marry. This can promote mental health and wellbeing as they are more likely to marry someone who suits their personality which can reduce feelings of stress.
  • Educated people are more likely to choose their career which can promote a sense of purpose in life which enhances spiritual health and wellbeing.
  1. a. Students should explain DALYs for one mark:

DALY is the unit of measurement for burden of disease where one DALY equals one year of healthy life lost from premature death, illness, disease or disability.

b. Students should use data correctly and make reference to the change in DALY for both males and females over time for two marks:

The rate of DALY (per 100 000) went from around 29 000 in 1990 to around 20 000 in 2016 for males. Over the same period of time, it decreased from around 22 000 to 18 000 for females.

c. Students must make four points relating to how a decrease in DALY can act as a resource nationally. Students can discuss fewer points in more detail, or more points in less detail. Answers worth two marks include:

  • A decrease in the rate of DALY means less money is being spent on health care to treat ill-health. As a result, more money can be put towards resources such as preventative health, education and infrastructure.
  • A decrease in the rate of DALY means more people can work productively which increases average incomes and the economy of the country.
  • A decrease in the rate of DALY indicates a healthier community. This can mean there is less premature death which reduces the amount of grief experienced in the community.

An answer worth four marks could be:

A decrease in the rate of DALY means that more people can work productively. This increases the taxation collected by the government. This revenue can be used to provide essential resources and services such as education, infrastructure and social security to those in need. As a result, all people will experience a decent standard of living by being able to access resources such as food, shelter and transport.