Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2017
The Selectmen’s Meeting was called to order at 1803 with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Selectmen: / Alfred Jellison / Public: / Paul MillerEverett Lawrence
John Easton
Staff: / Michelle Begin, Administrative Assistant to the Selectmen
Lisa Lovely, Clerk
Craig Hamilton, Road Commissioner
Craig Shane, Fire Chief
Rick Leavitt, CEO
- 2017 tax bills have been mailed and taxes are due September 15, 2017.
- Flags will be taken down early because of poor conditions.
Motion to accept the minutes of the August 17 and 30, 2017 Selectmen’s Meeting. John/Everett 3/0/0
Motion to accept the minutes of the August 25, 2017 Selectmen’s Meeting. Al/Everett 2/0/1
Craig Hamilton, Road Commissioner
Dan Joy, ACO
Rick Leavitt, CEO/LPI
Craig Shane, Fire Chief
Motion to accept the reports as presented. Everett/John 3/0/0
2018-017 / Payables2018-018 / Payroll
2018-019 / Payables
2018-020 / Payroll
2018-021 / Payables
2018-022 / Payroll
Motion to accept the warrants as presented. John/ Everett 3/0/0
Assessors’ Work
A motion to discuss1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15/16 and 18.John/ Everett 3/0/0
- George C. & Joyce H. Adams – Map 14 Lot 13 – Account #536D – George came in to find what the tax would be on the lakefront property alone might be for sale purposes. During that calculation I discovered that I had assessed his garage across the road twice,. The garage was built 1994 on the east side of the Adams Road. When I went to assess the new house on that side of the road I assumed the garage with it was also new and it was assessed twice.
Recommendation – Issue George C. & Joyce H. Adams an abatement of $19,100 in value or $272.18 in tax as the garage was assessed twice.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Thomas Cantone – Map 29 Lot 87 – Account # 219L – Cantone has been selling his ownership in Dedham and during that process it was discovered this stand-alone lot was not buildable as per the CEO, Rick Leavitt.
Recommendation – On your own initiative, issue an abatement of $18,000 in value or $290.70 in tax as the lot has been deemed unbuildable by the CEO. The recommended reduction in value follows the standard -75% deduction for not being buildable.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
A motion to discuss #3.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Jeanette T. Washburn – Map 35 Lot 117 – Account #1041L – She came to ask about the revised assessment following the family split of their ownership at 80 Rockledge Road. They split the lot in half between Jeanette and her brother. Jeanette got the old camp and the east one half of the lot. She said she expected the land value to be one half of the 2016 assessment. I explained that before the split there was one base lot assessed for the parcel. When a parcel was split each resulting lot received a base lot. I explained that as a result the sum of the parts was more than the previous whole land assessment. She seemed satisfied with the explanation.
Recommendation – No action required.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Ira B. Weissman & Sally M. Healey – Map 08 Lot 8.1B – Account #387D – He came to ask why his land value increased substantially from 2016. I explained the split between common and undivided owners was calculated incorrectly in 2016 and we corrected the split in 2017. He said he didn’t say much about the 2016 valuation thinking it reflected the fact that the lot was unbuildable, not that the split was calculated wrong. He then asked me to take a look at the lot to confirm the unbuildable nature of the lot. He said as there was a pond up near the highway and a large drainage ditch going the length of the L shaped parcel. I did look at the lot in question and did agree that the lot had issues that would appear to make the lot unbuildable. The pond and large drainage ditch would limit the site for building. Also the ditch empties into an area that, from my observation, appeared to be covered with wetland indicator species very similar to McCleads.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement of $24,800 in value or $353.40 in tax as the lot appears to be unbuildable. The recommended reduction in value follows the standard -75% deduction for not being buildable.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Eileen Cheeseman et. als. – Map 08 Lot 8.1A – Account #382D – This is the 1/6ths ownership of the above lot discussed and the same issue applies to this portion of the parcel. Therefore the same abatement should be granted for this common and undivided ownership.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement of $5,200 in value or $74.10 in tax as the lot appears to be unbuildable. The recommended reduction in value follows the standard -75% deduction for not being buildable.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Darren & Sheri Martin – Map 14 Lot 5 – Account #1022 – Peter Daigle, the buyer of this property which occurred after April 1, 2017, asked for a review of the assessment as he said the assessment seemed high in comparison to his sale price. I explained that our assessments might exceed sales prices at times and might be under sales prices as a matter of course. I said, however, that we could review the assessment to see if the record is correct. During that review it was noted that the second building on the property was designated as a residential building. It appears to me to be a finished studio/garage instead as there is no kitchen in the building.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement toDarren & Sheri Martin of $53,700 in value or $765.23 in tax as the building designated as a residential unit in the revaluation is actually a finished studio/garage. Be sure the abatement is not mailed to the Martin’s as the abatement should accrue to the new owner as he paid the lion’s share of the tax at closing.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Donna B. Lawlor Trust – Donna B. Lawlor Trustee – Map 31 Lot 151 – Account #343L – She asked for a review of her assessment as it seemed high to her. I made an onsite inspection and found the revaluation information used to establish value to be in order except the building was -10% incomplete. Also, upon my return to the office I calculated the acreage from the tax maps and found the area used in the revaluation was incorrect.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement toDonna B. Lawlor Trust – Donna B. Lawlor Trustee of $14,900 in value or $240.64 in tax as the area used in the revaluation was in error and the building was incomplete.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- JustinasGintautas – Map 08 Lot 16.4T – Account #1206D – He stopped in to say his mobile home was extremely over valued as compared to the amount he could receive for the trailer at the used trailer dealer. He said he would receive at the most $5,000 while we had the trailer valued at $18,700. I explained that that was probably true. However, our assessment did not reflect the value of the trailer as a trade-in value or straight sale to a dealer but rather the value of a mobile home as a housing unit, in place ready for occupancy. I then asked if there were any issues with the trailer not reflected in the revaluation information. He stated he had to do extensive repair work to the floors and ceilings due to interior water damage. I asked to see the interior of the trailer. My visit to the site confirmed his description of the problem. I told him I would recommend to the Board to reduce the value but would have to review other mobile homes with similar problems. While I reviewed the other mobile homes I received an extensive phone call from Justinas’ father who gave me a long lecture on the true value of a mobile home and it was not as a housing unit but the price you would receive for the trailer at the mobile home lot. After a lot of back and forth I gave up arguing.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement toJustinasGintautas of $9,300 in value or $132.53 in tax as the trailer information in the revaluation did not reflect the interior water damage. It is my recommendation to reduce the value by -50% for 2017 and in 2018 increase the value by +25% as he has repaired some of the damage.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Patrice M. Pooler – Map 32 Lot 53 – Account #387L – She came in to say the acreage used to calculate the land valuation was overstated. A review of the tax map confirmed that statement.
Recommendation - Issue an abatement toPatrice M. Pooler of $9,200 in value or $148.58 in tax as the area used in the revaluation was in error.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Patrice M. Pooler – Map 32 Lot 53-1 – Account #386L – She came in to say the acreage used to calculate the land valuation was overstated. A review of the tax map confirmed that statement.
Recommendation - Issue an abatement toPatrice M. Pooler of $1,300 in value or $21.00 in tax as the area used in the revaluation was in error.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- David W. & Cindi L. Marley – Map 13 Lot 16 – Account #505D – They called to say their travel trailer was licensed in 2016 through 2017. They produced a copy of their registration to confirm their statement.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement toDavid W. & Cindi L. Marley of $6,000 in value or $85.50 in tax as the travel trailer was registered.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- William V. III & Donna T. Tosh – Map 35 Lot 87 – Account #906L – They came in to say they had submitted a homestead exemption application in October 2016 and did not receive the exemption. A search of the office did not turn up the application. I did review their tax bill from their previous tax bill in Raymond and they did receive the exemption in that town.
Recommendation - Issue an abatement toWilliam V. III & Donna T. Tosh of $20,000 in value or $323.00 in tax as their story checks out as to filling out an application.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Jimmie L. & Isabella A. Boyles – Map 26 Lot 22 – Account #151L – He called to say they had no finished basement as noted in the revaluation. An onsite inspection indicates he was correct.
Recommendation - On your own initiative, issue an abatement toJimmie L. & Isabella A. Boyles of $10,200 in value or $164.73 in tax as the house does not have a finished basement.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Robert & Brenda Murphy – Map 32 Lot 97 – Account #390 – They came in with a survey plan that indicates the acreage used in the revaluation was overstated. We used .75 acres when their survey indicates they own .42 acres.
Recommendation - Issue an abatement toRobert & Brenda Murphy of $22,300 in value or $360.15 in tax as the area used in the revaluation was in error.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- Robert & Brenda Murphy – Map 32 Lot 61 – Account #392 – They came in with a survey plan that indicates the acreage used in the revaluation was overstated. We used .38 acres when their survey indicates they own .37 acres.
Recommendation - Issue an abatement toRobert & Brenda Murphy of $200 in value or $3.23 in tax as the area used in the revaluation was in error.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- H.O.M.E. Inc. – Map 01 Lot 15-1 – Account #32 – During the revaluation data entry when RJD entered the dwelling information for this property they copied a second card into the account without changing the unique information of the second duplex. As a result the value of the first duplex was doubled including the land. As a result the land value was overstated by $35,800 and the building value understated by $2,800 for a net overstated value of $33,000.
Recommendation – On your own initiative, issue an abatement to H.O.M.E. Inc. of $33,000 in value or $462.00 in tax for FY 2016-17 as the land value was overstated and the building value was understated.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
A motion to discuss #17. John /Everett 3/0/0
- H.O.M.E. Inc. – Map 01 Lot 15-1 – Account #1212 – In an effort to correct the double entry problems encountered last year, we eliminated account #32 and created account #1212. It appears the account information went to billing but the values did not. As a result the tax bill for this account was $0
Recommendation – Issue a supplemental tax bill for $342,800 in value or $4,884.90 in tax as this account was unassessed in FY 2017-18.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
- William C. & Jean Hallett - Map 27 Lot 54 – Account #768D – He applied for an abatement saying he had not water supply and no septic. I made an on-site inspection and confirmed his statement.
Recommendation – On your own initiative, issue William C. & Jean Hallett an abatement for $12,800 in value or $182.40 in tax as there is no septic or water supply.
A motion to accept the recommendation.John /Everett 3/0/0
Old Business
Addition to Approved Road Work Compensation Amounts policy PW3.
- Up to 25,000 lb Excavator with thumb at $110.00
- Up to 25,000 lb Excavator with thumb and ditching bucket at $125.00
To approved the updated Road Work Compensation Amounts in policy PW3.Everett/ John 3/0/0
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife extended the date they could work in the brook for the Spring Brook Project.
New Business
Motion to carryforward $9,750 from Winter Maintenance Supplies to cover the paving at the Shed and $11,000 from Roads and Bridges to go towards the Spring Brook Crossing project.
A motion to approve the carry forward as recommended.John/ Everett 3/0/0
Building foundation repairs and backfill will be completed Friday.
Fire Chief is currently looking to put out application for a full time positon vacancy.
The Chief will go ahead with the $5,000.00 quote he got on replacing windows at the fire station.
To adjourn at 1842. Everett/ John 3/0/0
Sincerely submitted,
Lisa Lovely
Dedham Town Clerk