- Enter quietly before tardy bell rings
- Sit in assigned seat quietly / - Have paper, pencil, pen, textbook, agenda ready
- Record homework in agenda / - Read whiteboard for standard, objectives, agenda, homework
- Focus and ready to learn / - Meet and greet
- Enter quietly
- Be on time
- Focus on activity / - Have paper, pencil, pen, textbook, and binder to complete activity / - Listen and observe the activity
- Perform the activity / - Quietly work on activity
- Refrain from disturbing others
- Sit in assigned seat quietly / - Have paper, pencil, pen, notebook, textbook, and handout ready
- Have Cornell Note paper / - Listen quietly during the lecture
- Raise hand to ask questions
- Copy the notes from PowerPoint / - Refrain from talking to others when lecture is being given
- Sit in assigned seat quietly
- Follow directions / - Have paper, pencil, pen, notebook, textbook, and handout ready / - Listen quietly during directions
- Raise hand to ask questions / - Refrain from talking when directions are being given
- Sit in assigned seat
- Follow lab safety rules
- Focus on task / - Use lab equipment to complete lab
- Clean up lab area / - Listen to each other
- Support each other / - Avoid horseplay during labs and activities
- Follow instruction or procedure
- Focus on task / - Share assigned tasks with each other
- Share materials with each other / - Stay on task
- Listen to each other
- Support each other / - Avoid distractions, conflict or horseplay when doing labs
- Sit in assigned seat
- Focus on task / - Have paper, pencil, pen, notebook, handout, agenda, textbook ready to complete task / - Focus on task
- Follow directions
- Read and write quietly / - Refrain from disturbing others
- Concentrate on your work
- Sit in assigned seat
- Put materials aside
- Focus on test/quiz / - Have pencil, pen, paper, and notebook ready / - Study for test/quiz
- Read and listen for directions
- Read questions carefully / - Refrain from talking and disturbing others
- Keep eyes on your own paper
- Sit in assigned seat
- Focus on task / - Have pencil, pen, paper, textbook, handout, and binder ready
- Use time wisely / - Read and write quietly
- Concentrate on work / - Refrain from talking and disturbing others
- Refrain from copying and cheating
- Sit in a comfortable or proper place / - Have pencil, pen, paper, textbook, and binder ready / - Record in agenda
- Stay on task / - Put effort in completing homework
- Refrain from copying others
- Stay in assigned seat until bell rings
- Walk quietly in an orderly manner / - Take belongings when leaving classroom / - Be aware of your surroundings
- Maintain personal space
- Use front door and close door / - Refrain from running to exit door
- Keep hands/objects to yourself
- Sit in assigned seat
- Focus on subject or task / - Have paper, pencil, pen, handout and textbook ready / - Focus on discussion
- Listen to each other
- Support each other / - Acknowledge others opinions
- Refrain from getting off topic
- Allow for speaking
Enter Quietly Before Tardy Bell Rings