Ivy Tech Community College

Biology 101 Immersion Offsite Session

Participant Statement of Understanding

As a student applying for this course, I understand and agree that if selected :

  • This is an educational experience, a fully accredited course meeting all course requirements for 3 hours credit. Althoughwe will have fun this is not a vacation
  • To prepare adequately for this trip, I will register for this course session, pay the required fee, and participate in the organizational meeting that will be held prior to leaving for the course site.
  • As a participant I will travel to Cumberland Falls State Park in KN using my own transportation or carpool with another student taking this course
  • I will stay in the lodge facilities designated by my course instructor. Each person will have separate rooms.
  • This is an immersionbiology course that will require considerable study time commitment outside of the formal lecture and lab sessions.Thus I will not have spouse, friends, or children come with or visit me during the designated session time ( May 12-May 19)
  • I realize that I will be expected to meet for the required lecture and lab sessions at designated times and realize that I will have a limited amount of free time.
  • There will be considerable outdoor activities that will require moderate hiking, specimen collection, identification, and other activities that would be expected in an introductory biology class. I further confirm that I am physically fit enough to participate in such activities.
  • I will have a positive attitude at all times.
  • I will be respectful to other student participants, the Ivy Tech Professors and Park Staff
  • I realize that if I violate the student code of conduct that I may be sent home at my own expense and receive a grade of F for the course .
  • I realize that I am responsible for my actions and any expenses due to my actions.
  • Upon return, I will participate in a post trip survey and in the development, planning and execution of a sponsor’s dinner that will present what was learned on the trip; sharing the experience with those who helped make the trip possible.
  • I have appropriate health and automobile insurance and take full responsibility for my transportation to and from Cumberland Falls State Park .
  • Once the class commences I may drop the class at any time prior to May 12th , but that I will not be given any refund for food, lodging, designated course fees or any other costs I may incur related to participation in this course.
  • I will abide by all park rules
  • I will conduct myself with professionalism, following the student code of conduct (attached).

Name (printed)______
