STEWARTRY SHOW 2nd August 2007.
JUDGE – Mr Robert Galloway, Mains of Penninghame, Newton Stewart
After the wet day at Wigtown Show the day before, it was a welcome relief to see the sun and get the waterproof jacket off. Once again the Galloways had a spectacular line up of quality stock on show to the crowd, which had come to the new show site at Stewartry Rugby Club. The new showground was a great success and the show committee must be congratulated on the move and layout of the field. Taking the top honours was Jim and Selina Ross, Romebeoch, Shawhead with the extensively shown Doon of Urrs Nerys 42nd. This Diamond B Deadline daughter was shown with her January born bull calf at foot. This no name bull calf also secured the first prize in the calf class.
Reserve champion was from the McMillan Family, Alan secured the rosette for Mum and Dad with a lovely September 2004 born Galloway heifer - Uniform N of Over Barskeoch, this Penninghame Judge daughter is in calf.
In the Juvenile class, the Galloway youngsters stole the day with Haydon McEleavey winning the first prize calf with a Romesbeoch calf and Hannah Dickson won the handling prize with an Over Barskeoch beast.
Once again the Galloways are making a impact on the Commercial championships, an very smart Galloway cross heifer from Klondyke Farms Ltd, Shancastle, Moniaive won the reserve championship. This 15 month old , is out of a Belgian Blue x cow and sired by the famous AI bull Glenkiln Dynamite.
Little did we know this would be one of the last shows of the 2007 season, everything seemed to be against shows, as many of them have been cancelled due to bad weather, but it would be the dreaded Foot and Mouth disease confirmed the night before Dumfries Show, that would bring the 2007 season to an abrupt halt.
Leading Awards
Silver Cup presented by the Trustees of Lady McRobert Special Trust in memory of the late DR William Heughan for the Best Galloway – Won by J & S Ross, Romesbeoch, Shawhead
The Cally Cup for Best Galloway animal of Opposite Sex – Won by Klondyke Farms Ltd, Shancastle, Moniaive, Thornhill, Dumfries
Perpetual Challenge Cup presented by Rodney Fortnum ESQ for Best Galloway Calf – Won By J & S Ross, Romesbeoch
Challenge Cup presented by the Galloway Society of GB & Ireland for Best Group of Three Breeding Animals – Won by J & S Ross, Romesboech.
Bull any age
1stKlondyke Farms Ltd, Shancastle, Moniaive, Klondyke Nimrod
Cow in calf or in milk
1stJ & S Ross, Romebeoch, Shawhead, Dumfries, Doon of Urr Nerys 42nd
Heifer born between 1st September 2003 and 31st August 2004 and in calf at show
1stJ & S Ross, Daisy 208 of Romesbeoch
2ndMessrs Wallace, Over Barskeoch, Dalry, Uniform N of Over Barskeoch
Heifer Stirk
1st Klondyke Farms Ltd, Klondyke Almond
2ndMessrs Wallace, Oo-La-La of Over Barskeoch
Bull calf born on or after 1st September 2006
1stJ & S Ross
2ndMessrs Wallace
Heifer calf born on or after 1st September 2006
1stJ & S Ross, Patsy 550 of Romesbeoch
2ndMessrs Wallace, Polly Precious of Over Barskeoch