FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces
National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD
21 May 2010
Hi Ed Website:
v Being overtaken by conference work this week.
13th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference Update
v The HI Ed website conference section at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/educonference10.asp is updated weekly. You can find the draft agenda, conference application, contact information for NETC Admissions office, participant bios as well as logistical information. If you can’t find what you need please contact us directly for assistance.
v The 13th Annual EM Higher Education Conference: two more weeks until conference time. We currently have 383 accepted applications. We are still accepting applications but do not have on campus housing available. You can ask the NETC Admissions office to place your name on a waiting list for any housing that becomes available in the next few weeks. A conference application along with other conference information can be found on the Hi Ed website at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/educonference10.asp. Applications should be faxed to the NETC Admissions office at (301) 447-1658 or emailed to . To confirm receipt of application call (301) 447-1035 or email .
v All Conference Presenters:
o If you have not submitted a conference application please do so as soon possible. An application is how the official conference count is done and this is one means of preparing invitations for the next conference scheduled for June 6-9, 2011. According to my reliable sources in the admissions office we do not have on campus dorm rooms available. You can ask to be place on a waiting list for any that become available in the next few weeks. You are responsible for off-campus lodging expenses.
o The deadline for papers and presentation to be printed for the conference notebooks has passed. We are asking presenters to continue to send all papers, handouts and power point presentations to Barbara before the conference. All presentations submitted before the conference is placed in a file on the classroom and auditorium computers for easy access. We do not allow thumb drives from outside of the agency to be used on the computers. Email your materials to presentations must be 508 compliant. If needed send an email to Barbara to receive a quick rundown of what is required to be compliant.
v All Conference Attendees:
o All conference attendees are encouraged to submit a “Participants Information” or bio. Bios should include a short paragraph about why you are attending the conference and what you hope to learn. Conference participants should email conference participant bios to Susan Duffey, . Participant information (bio) can be found on the Hi Ed website conference section at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/educonference10.asp.
o Conference attendees not planning to use their assigned on campus dorm rooms should contact the NETC Admissions office immediately to release the room for reassignment. Admissions can be contacted at .
o Conference workshops will be held on Monday, June 7, 2010. Seating for a few of the workshops is limited and will be assigned on a first come basis. Please consult the Hi Ed website at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/educonference10.asp for a complete listing of workshop times and descriptions. Please email Barbara Johnson, with workshop preferences.
v Other Emergency Management and Homeland Security News:
v Some Recent Publications, Presentations, and Compilations of Possible Interest by Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D.
o "List of Selected Homeland Security References and Resources" (Extensive 70+ Page List Updated March 16, 2010) (Posted in file form at http://GordonPost9-11.com and http://GordonPublicAdministration.com.)
o “Pre- and Post-9/11 Perspectives: Understanding and Teaching about Differences in Perspectives Affecting Governance and Public Administration Post-9/11” (Published in two parts in Ethics Today, Volume 11 Number 1 and 2, Spring and Summer 2009) (Posted at GordonHomeland.com and GordonPost9-11.com and also at http://aspaonline.org/ethicscommunity/ET/ET-Spring-2009.pdf and http://aspaonline.org/ethicscommunity/ET/ET-Summer-2009.pdf.)
o “Some Conceptual Tools for Understanding and Addressing Catastrophic Challenges As Well As Other Lesser Emergencies,” June 15, 2009 (Posted at GordonPost9-11.com and GordonHomeland.com .)
o "Integrating Homeland Security into Emergency Management Courses: Some Grounding Concepts and Some Suggested Materials and Approaches," FEMA Higher Education Conference, Emmitsburg, MD, June 5, 2008. (Updated June 2009 and posted at GordonHomeland.com.)
o "Pre- and Post-9/11 Perspectives: Understanding and Teaching about Differences in These Perspectives,"Presentation, 4th Annual Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit, Washington, DC, February 24 -25, 2010. See http://GordonPost9-11.com .
v Two Four-Week Online Courses Being Taught by Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D. for the Auburn University Center for Governmental Services Beginning June and October 2010
o CPEM-C-01 Planning and Preparedness for Homeland Security and Emergency Management Post 9/11 and Post Katrina:Monday, June 14 to Monday, July 12, 2009
o CPEM-C-03 Unmet Needs and Challenges: Some Key Challenges Facing Homeland Security and Emergency Management Post 9/11 and Post Katrina: Monday, October 11 to Monday, November 8, 2009
o For further information concerning the courses and the certificate program, contact:
§ Lisa Powell Brantly Ed.D.
§ Training Program Specialist
§ Auburn University
§ Center for Governmental Services
§ 334-844-1918
v We are accepting news and events to be placed in our “Bits and Pieces” reports each week. Let us know what emergency management or homeland security activities are happening at your college or university.
Thank you and have a great weekend.
Barbara L. Johnson
Higher Education Program Assistant
Department of Homeland Security
16825 S. Seton Avenue, K016
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
Ph: (301) 447-1452