Parish Clerk / 01366 500527
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
12th January 2016 at 7pm
Wereham Village Hall
Cllr Jo Bruce JB Chairperson
Cllr Gail Koopowitz GK Vice Chairperson
Cllr Brian Bruce BB
Cllr Jacki Hitching JH
Cllr Jonathon Ratsey JR
Nicola Cooper NC Parish Clerk (Minutes)
Also in attendance:
Cllr Martin Storey MS Norfolk County Council
Victoria Gray VG Wereham Village Hall Management Committee
Members of the Public: 3
Public Comments / Questions
Before the meeting was formally commenced the public present were asked to highlight any areas of note or concern within the Parish. The following points were raised:
· Mr Gott advised that the soil blocking his field gateway has still not been moved despite assurances from the Borough Council.
1.0 Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted for Cllr Nicola Loake and Cllr Pamela Walker and were also noted from Cllr Colin Sampson Prop. JB, 2nd JR, All agreed.
2.0 Consider Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests
There were none.
3.0 The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 8th December 2015 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Prop. JB, 2nd JH, All agreed.
4.0 Matters Arising (for information only)
4.1 All actions were undertaken. Of particular note were:
4.1.1 It was noted that the rod sweeping was completed.
4.1.2 Clerk to chase Martin Edmunds regarding the soil in Mr Gotts gateway.
4.1.3 JH advised that Mrs Roberts does not own tree T13 and that Mr Voutt will chop it down free of charge if required. BB advised that Mr Dearsley says if it is his tree he will chop it down or will share the cost with the PC.
4.1.4 Clerk to chase 1: the CGM Grounds Maintenance schedule before March, 2: the outstanding cemetery path spray and 3: request a spray of the play area floor tiles.
4.1.5 Clerk to chase written confirmation from Andy Wallace on whether alternative SAM2 positions are acceptable.
5.0 Correspondence Received
5.1 A full list was provided within the meeting. Of particular note was:
5.1.1 Letter from Mr Mears with regards to the Community Speedwatch scheme. Clerk asked to reply and to also establish a rota for positioning of SAM2.
5.1.2 Apology email from the household bordering the playing field, High House, was acknowledged.
5.1.3 GK advised that there is a consultation process in Downham Market with regards to proposed changes to car park charging. Clerk to place poster on noticeboard and Facebook page.
6.0 Wereham Village Hall Grant Request
6.1 Clerk advised on the outcome of the Parish Vote on the Village Hall Management Committee Grant request.
307 votes posted via Royal Mail to Parish.
126 votes were returned, 72 by post and 54 via email. This represents 41% return rate.
Of the 126 Votes Returned:
110 voted YES to funding the grant request via the precept (87.3%)
14 voted NO to funding the grant request via the precept (11.1%)
2 votes were late and disregarded. (1.6%)
As a percentage of the whole Parish:
36% voted YES
4.5% voted NO
0.5% voted late
59% did not vote
6.2 The Councillors voted to accept the majority public vote that the grant should be awarded.
Prop JB, 2nd JH, all agreed.
6.3 It was stated that the grant would still be awarded should WREN funding not be forthcoming, assuming that the VHMC can demonstrate that they have the whole funds in place and the land purchased with everything in place to proceed and finish the planned hall. The Grant payment is planned for during the month of April 2017, or later if the project is delayed. Should it become essential to the project that the grant is received, either in part or full ,prior to April 2017 it is requested that the VHMC come back to the Parish Council to formally notify of any changes in circumstances and then discussions on how this might be supported would be held at the next available meeting. Clerk to confirm this all in writing.
7.0 Village Management Issues
7.1 Quotes have been received from CGM, CP Tree Services and Andy Campbell for the undertaking of the recommendations from the Tree Management plan. CGM will waiver the cost of the tree management plan (£150) should they be appointed but it must be paid if another contractor is appointed. The quote from Andy Campbell was the lowest at £800 for all works required including the application of eco plugs. Clerk to contact Andy Campbell to award the work and request a separated cost for T13 for BB to take back to Mr Dearsley to request a contribution as indicated. Clerk to request Tree Management Plan invoice from CGM.
Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed.
7.2 It was agreed that next year a Tree Management Plan would not be requested from CGM but that individual recommendations and quotes would be invited from appropriate companies. Clerk to note.
7.3 Investigations regarding the village pond wall were discussed. The quote from Highways to remove the concrete wall and regrade the bank has been revised to £3,900 and a rough quote for the same has been received from Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants at approximately £10,000. The difference between the quotes was acknowledged and the Clerk was requested to contact both Andy Wallace and Karl Rands and arrange a meeting between them and JB on site to talk through the recommendations from Richard Jacksons and check that all things have been considered such as supporting the road and drainage pipe and also to check the extent of their plans. Clerk to also research funding options for reinstatement of the natural environment around the pond. Cllr Storey to also look into whether there are any known funders that would assist with this.
7.4 The quotation from Peter Mitchell for memorial safety inspections was discussed at a cost of £2 per memorial (for an approximate amount of 400 memorials). Clerk asked to check with neighbouring Parish Councils and Norfolk ALC for alternative companies and also to pass on the information to the PCC. It was agreed that an inspection of the cemetery would be added to the routine Play Area inspections and that these would be altered to bi-monthly. Clerk to organise. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed.
7.5 Retrospective approval was given to the headstone for Reggie Carter. Prop JB, 2nd BB, All agreed.
7.6 The results of the Wicksteed play area inspection (Dec 2015) were discussed. The only recommendations were for two new swing seats. It was agreed that these would be deferred for now and that the Clerk would start to explore funding opportunities for a new play area. Pressure washing of the play area flooring is needed again. Mr Gott offered to ask Mr Lankfer if the Parish Council could borrow his pressure washer again.
7.7 The chiming of the Church clock has been reinstated via a temporary repair from JR. The PCC have been made aware of the fault. Should it require formal repair in the future the Church will be approached first.
7.8 The Borough Council has commenced enforcement action against the unapproved closure of the Crown Gardens pathway. The owners have until 2/3/16 to comply. Clerk to put on March agenda. Clerk was also asked to ensure that the estate agents of the property for sale are aware.
7.9 The hedges overhanging the pavement of Stoke Road, south side of the entrance to The Row are not owned by highways and are to be reported to the owners for cutting back. Clerk to send letters. The lamppost on the A134 roundabout is flickering; there are potholes along Wissey Road and outside the George and Dragon; a road gulley needs clearing along The Row between Northfields and Granary Barn and also water is not draining into the ditch: Clerk to report all. BB to speak to owners of 2 Spring Court to request that they arrange for their tree to be trimmed as it is obscuring the streetlight.
8.0 Finance
8.1 A quote from Highways of £103.10 for an unsuitable for HGV’s sign to be installed at the end of Wereham Row was discussed and accepted. Clerk to liaise with Andy and ask for confirmation on where the sign will be placed and timeframes. Prop JB, 2nd JR, All agreed.
8.2 Accounts to January 12th 2016 were accepted, cheques were agreed for signing and payments approved in accordance with the below. Prop GK, 2nd JB, All agreed.
9.0 Precept
9.1 The figures produced for forecasting the precept requirement were discussed in full incorporating the figures to fund the VHMC Grant over the next 5 precept years at an increase of £1,100 per year and the need potentially fund repairs to the pond wall. It was noted that Lottery funding would be explored for the defibrillator proposal. It was agreed that the precept request for 2016/17 would be £14,500 plus the Council Tax Support Grant of £550. Prop JB, 2nd JR, All agreed. Clerk to send request to the Borough Council.
10.0 Parish Council Management Issues – none were raised.
11.0 Planning
11.1 Following advice from Norfolk ALC it was agreed that the Clerk would be delegated the function to comment on straightforward planning applications, which fall outside meeting schedules, by resolution (under s.101, LGA 72). This will apply to applications such as tree pruning or low-level building, such as porch extensions. The Clerk will be required to consult with the Chairman and Vice-Chair before submitting the Council’s response. Any delegated decision must be recorded under the Openness of Local Government Body Regs 2014. Any planning application deemed controversial which falls between meetings would be discussed at an extraordinary meeting. Clerk to write policy for adoption at the March meeting. Prop JB, 2nd GK All agreed.
11.2 Planning applications since the last meeting:
11.2.1 15/02073/O OUTLINE APPLICATION SOME MATTERS RESERVED: Four detached dwellings, Pleasance, Flegg Green. Councillors agreed a response of no material objections but asked the Clerk to highlight the surface water drainage problems along that roadway and downstream.
11.3 Planning decisions since the last meeting.
11.3.1 None received.
12.0 Councillors concerns and agenda items for next meeting
12.1 There is still no improvement to the state of the Manor House. Clerk to contact Hannah Wood Handy about this again.
12.2 There was some discussion about some flooding on a residents land during a recent bout of heavy rain. The resident was not present but hadpassed all of the information regarding the flooding plus some photographs to JR. It was noted that the resident had asked the Parish Council (after the agenda had been published)to urgentlyassist in adding weight to request for investigations into the issue from Highways and the Flood and Water Management Team at Norfolk County Council. Prior to the meeting the Clerk was asked to contact these teams to make sure we had some facts at hand to advise on the matter on the evening of the meeting - they had advised that a drainage pipe which had been suggested as being too small was large enough for normal weather conditions and that enlargement was not proposed at present.Clerk was requested to email the contacts provided to request that this is looked into again and that feedback is given back at the next meeting.
12.3 It was noted that a dyke running northwards from Lammas Meadow Lane, on the eastern side of Flegg Green, was blocked and needed clearing to assist surface water drainage. Clerk asked to contact land owners as advised.
13.0 Dates of remaining meetings for 2016 –
Tuesday 8th March 7pm
Tuesday 10th May 7pm (Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council meeting)
Tuesday 12th July 7pm
Tuesday 13th September 7pm
Tuesday 8th November 7pm
Meeting closed at 9.00pm
12th May 2015
Initialled by Chairperson: DATE: Page 4