SBI 3UName: ______

Ms. Girvan

DNA Extraction from Kiwi Lab

Section of Report / Work Needed
(0 marks) / Satisfactory
(1 mark) / Good
(2 marks) / Excellent
(3 marks) / Mark for Section
Title Page
(C) / No title page present / Title page present but missing requirement(s) / Title page present and includes all requirements
(C) / No abstract present / Abstract is present but does not include a full summary of the experiment / Abstract present, and includes all key components to summarize the experiment / Abstract present, structured properly, and includes all key components to summarize the experiment
(K/U) / No introduction present / Introduction is present but missing important information / Introduction is present and contains all information / Introduction is written in a clear and concise manner, includes all information and is structured properly
(K/U) / Materials/Apparatus were not listed or referred to / Most materials/ apparatus were listed and/or
list includes some materials not used / Detailed list of all materials/apparatus
Two sections are separated with appropriate headings
(C) / Procedure was not referred to / Procedure was referred to incorrectly / Procedure was correctly referred to, but changes were not indicated / Procedure was referred to correctly and any changes to the procedure were included
Section of Report / Work Needed
(0 marks) / Satisfactory
(1 mark) / Good
(2 marks) / Excellent
(3 marks) / Mark for Section
(C) / Observations were not provided / Observation table was present / Observation table was present with title included below the table / Observation table was present with title included below the table
Includes text which introduces and explains table
Error Analysis
(T/I) / Error analysis not included / One error included, but no explanation / Two or more errors included, but explanation is inaccurate / Two or more errors included with clear explanation
** 6marks total
(X 2 each category)** / Discussion was not included / Discussion includes some required components / Discussion includes most required components / Discussion includes all required components
(C) / Not stated / Does not apply / Directly addresses what has been learned in the experiment
(K/U) / No references are present / Reference section has many errors present / Reference section has a few errors present / Reference section includes two or more sources and contains no errors
Spelling and Grammar
(C) / An excessive number of errors are present / Many errors are present / A few errors are present / No errors are present
(33 marks)

K/U = ______/8C = ______/19T/I = ______/6