University of MarylandCollege Park

Department of Geography

1117 LeFrak Hall

College Park, MD 20742


Telephone:301 405 1600

Fax:301 314 6503




1974 - 77Ph.D. Geography, Reading University, U.K.

1970 - 73B.A. (Hons.) Geography, Reading University, U.K.



2010 - present Chair, Geography Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

2001 - presentFull Professor, Geography Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

2002 -2009Research Director, Geography Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

2006Acting Chair, Geography Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

2002 -2006Joint Appointment with University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Science

1997 - 2001 Research Professor, Global Environmental Change Program, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

1997 - 2001. Adjunct Professor, Geography Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

1993 - 1997Senior Research Scientist, Geography Department. University of Maryland,

College Park.

1987 - 1993 Research Associate, Geography Department, University of Maryland, College Park

1983 - present. Visiting Scientist, Earth Resources Branch, NASA, GoddardSpaceFlightCenter.

1983 - 1987 Research Associate, Civil Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park.

1981 - 1983Research Fellow, Earthnet Programme Office, European Space Agency, Frascati, Italy.

1977 - 1981National Research Council, Resident Research Associate, Earth Resources Branch, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.

1974 - 1977Research Demonstrator, Geography Department, University of Reading, U.K.

1973 -1974Research Assistant, Geography Department, University of Reading, U.K.



1Primary contributor, 2Principal contributor with first author, 3Principal investigator on research presented (contribution to the paper generation), 4Contributor only.

Books and edited volumes

Ramachandran, B, Justice C.O. Abrams M.J. 2011. Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: NASA's Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS

Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing,Vol. 11, Springer Verlag. 873p. ISBN: 978-1-4419-6748-0(this is a collection of papers presents on the data productsand sciencefrom these two NASA instruments)

Gitas I. Z., Chuvieco E., Justice C.O. 2008.Special Issue on Wildland Fires and Biomass Burning, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 1, Issue 4, p. 218-266.(this special issue consists of peer-reviewed papers from the 2007 EARSel SIG on Fires Meeting in Thesaloniki, Greece)

Qu J. J. and Justice C.O. 2007. The Application of Remote Sensing to Fire Research in the Eastern United States. Special Edition, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 108, Issue 2, 121-208. (this special issue was developed from selected peer reviewed papers from the 2005 EastFire Conference)

Chuvieco E. and Justice C.O. 2004.Forest Fire Prevention and Assessment. Special Edition, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol.92, Issue 3, 295-423.(this special issue was developed from the Earsel-GOFC/GOLD workshop of the same name)

Gutman, G., Janetos, A.C.,Justice, C.O., Moran, E.F., Mustard, J.F., Rindfuss, R.R.; Skole, D., Turner II, B.L., Cochrane, M.A.,Eds.,2004. Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface, Springer Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing series, Vol. 6.480 p.(this book of papers summarizes the science developed through NASA’s Land Cover and Land Use Change program)

Justice C.O.and Townshend J.R.G. (Editors), 2002. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): a new generation of Land Surface Monitoring. Special Issue of Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, Issues 1-2, 359pp.(this special issue summarizes the early validation results from the EOS MODIS Terra instrument)

Ahern F., Goldammer, G., Justice C.O. (Editors), 2001. Global and Regional Vegetation Fire Monitoring From Space: Planning a Coordinated International Effort. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-5103-140-8.(this book of peer reviewed papers was the product of an international workshop held on assessing the state of science and building an international initiative to establish operational fire monitoring from space)

Cohen W. and Justice C.O. (Editors), 1999. MODISLand Product Validation: linking in-situ and satellite measurements. Special Edition of Remote Sensing of the Environment,70, No 1. (this special edition presents a collection of papers on satellite product validation, including a series of methodological papers on quantifying the accuracy of satellite derived biophysical parameters and scaling field measurements to satellite resolutions).

Prince, S.D. and Justice C.O.2 (Editors), 1991. Coarse Resolution Remote Sensing of the Sahelian Environment. Special Edition of the International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 12, No. 6.

(this special edition presents a collection of research papers on satellite monitoring of African rangelands productivity).

Justice C.O.1 (Editor), 1986.Monitoring the Grasslands of Semi-arid Africa using NOAA-AVHRR Data, Special Edition of International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 7, No. 11.(this special edition presents a collection of papers using NOAA weather satellite data for environmental monitoring in Africa).

PrinceS.D., Justice C.O. 2and Los S.O. (Editors), 1990. Remote Sensing of the Sahelian Environment, CEC/CTA, Brussels, 128 pp. (also in French Translation).(this edited volume presents research papers funded through a European program on the application of satellite data to monitoring the Sahelian Zone of Africa)

Edited volumes, books in press

Refereed Articles

Becker-Reshef I.,Justice C.O., Sullivan M., Vermote E., Tucker C., Anyamba A., Small J., Pak E., Masouka E., Schmaltz J. Hansen M., Pittman K., Birkett C., Willians D., Reynolds C., Doorn B., 2010. Monitoring global croplands with coarse resolution earth observations: The Global Agriculture Monitoring (GLAM) project. Remote Sensing, 2 (7), 1589-1609.

Pittman K., Hansen M.C., Becker-Reshef I., Potapov P.V. and Justice C. O. 2010. Global Cropland Extent with Multi-year MODIS Data. Remote Sensing, 2 (7), 1844-1863.

Becker-Reshef I., Vermote E., Lindeman M., Justice C., 2010. A Generalized Regression-based Model for Forecasting Winter Wheat Yields in Kansas and Ukraine Using MODIS Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 1312-1323.

Vermote, E., Justice, C.O.,3, Breon, F.M., 2009. Towards a Generalized Approach for Correction of the BRDF Effect in MODIS Directional Reflectances. IEEE Transacations on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(3), 898-908.

Giglio Louis, Loboda T., Quayle B., Roy D.P., Justice C.O.3, 2009. An active-fire based burned area mapping algorithm for the MODIS sensor. Remote Sensing of Environment,113 (2), p.408-420,

Davies, D.K., Ilavajhala, S., Wong, M.M. and Justice, C.O.3, 2009, Fire Information for Resource Management System: Archiving and Distributing MODIS Active Fire Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47, pp. 72-79.

Lindquist E, Hansen M. Roy D.P., Justice C.O.4, 2008. The suitability of decadal image data sets for mapping tropical forest cover change in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for the mid-decadal global land survey. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 29, Issue 24, 2008, Pages 7269 – 7275

Roy D.P., Boschetti L., Justice C.O.3, Ju J., 2008. The Collection 5 MODIS Burned Area Product - Global Evaluation by Comparison with the MODIS Active Fire Product, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 3690-3707

Hansen, M., Roy, D.P, Lindquist, E., Justice, C.4, Alstatt, A., 2008. A method for integrating MODIS and Landsat data for systematic monitoring of forest cover and change in Central Africa. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112 (5), p.2495-2513

Giglio L., Csiszar, I., Restas A., Morisette J.T., Schroeder W., Morton D. Justice C.O.4, 2008. Active fire detection and characterization with the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). Remote Sensing of the Environment, 112, 3055-3063.

Chuvieco E., Giglio L. and Justice C.O.2 2008. Global Characterization of Fire Activity: towards defining fire regions from Earth Observation Data. Global Change Biology, 14, 1488-1502.

Boschetti, L., Roy, D. and Justice, C.O.3, 2008. Using NASA’s World Wind Virtual Globe for Interactive Visualization of the Global MODIS Burned Area Product, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(11), 3067-3072.

Boschetti, L ., Roy, D. Barbosa, P., Boca, R. and Justice, C., 2008. A MODIS assessment of the summer 2007 extent burned in Greece, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(8):2433-2436.

Gutman G., R. Byrnes, J. Masek, S. Covington, C. Justice, S. Franks and R. Headley, 2008. Towards monitoring land cover and land use changes at a global scale: the Global Land Survey 2005. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,74, 1, 6-10.

McCarty J.L., Justice C.O.3 and Korontzi S.,2007. Agricultural burning in the Southeastern United States detected by MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 108, 2, 151-162.

Korontzi S., McCarty J., Loboda T., Kumar S., and Justice C. O.3 2006. Global distribution of agricultural fires in croplands from 3 years of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, Global Biogeochemical Cycles,20(2),GB2021.

Zhang, Q.F., Justice, C.O.3, Jing, M.X., Bruner, J., Wilkie, D.S., 2006. A GIS-based assessment on the vulnerability and future extent of the tropicalforests of the CongoBasin. Environ. Mon. Assess.114, 107-121.

Giglio L., CsiszarI., and JusticeC.O.3 2006. Global distribution and seasonality of active fires as observed with the Terra and Aqua MODIS sensors. Journal of GeophysicalResearch, Vol. 111, G02016, doi:10.1029/2005JG000142.

Zhang Q., Devers D., Desch A., Justice C.O.3 Townshend J.R.G., 2005.Mapping tropical deforestation in Central Africa. Environ. Mon. Assess. 101, 61-83

Roy, D.P., Jin, Y., Lewis, P.E., Justice, C.O.3, 2005. Prototyping a global algorithm for systematic fire-affected area mapping using MODIS time series data.Remote Sensing of Environment, 97, 137-162.

Morisette J.T., Giglio L. and CsiszarI.,Justice, C.O.32005. Validation of the MODIS active fire product over Southern Africa with ASTER data. InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing, 26, pp.4239–4264

Roy, D.P., Frost, P.G.H., Justice, C.O.2, Landmann, T., Le Roux, J.L., Gumbo, K., Makungwa, S., Dunham, K., Du Toit, R., Mhwandagara, K., Zacarias A, Tacheba, B., Dube O., Pereira, J., Mushove, P., Morisette, J., Santhana Vannan, S., Davies, D., 2005. The Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNet) regional burned area product validation protocol.InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing, 26, pp. 4265-4292.

Morisette J.T., Giglio L. and Csiszar I., Setzer A., Schroeder W., Morton D., Justice C.O.4, 2005. Validation of MODIS Active Fire Detection Products Derived from Two Algorithms. Earth Interactions, 9, 1-23.

Alleaume, S., HélyC., Le Roux., J., KorontziS., SwapR.J., ShugartH. H. and Justice C.O.3 2005. Using MODIS to evaluate heterogeneity of biomass burning in southern African savannahs: a case study in Etosha. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, pp. 4219 - 4237.

Csiszar, I., Denis, L., Giglio, L., Justice, C.O,4 and Hewson, J., 2005. Global fire distribution from MODIS. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 14, 117-130.

Korontzi S., Roy D.P., Justice C.O.2, Ward D.E.,2004. Dynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis of fire emissions in southern Africa during SAFARI 2000.Remote Sensing of Environment, 92, 255-275.

Giglio L., and Justice C.O.3, 2003. Effect of wavelength selection on characteristics of fire size and temperature. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No. 17, 3515 – 3520

Korontzi S., D.E. Ward, R. A. Susott, R.J. Yokelson, C.O. Justice3, P.V. Hobbs, E. Smithwick and W.M. Hao. 2003. Seasonal variation and ecosystem dependence of emission factors for selected tracegases and PM2.5 for southern African savanna fires. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D24), 4758, doi:10.1029/2003JD003730,2003

Giglio, L., Descloitres, J., Justice, C. O.2, and Kaufman, Y., 2003, An enhanced contextual fire detection algorithm for MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 87, 273-282.

Justice C.O.1, Smith R., Gill M., CsiszarI., 2003. Satellite-based Fire Monitoring: current capabilities and future directions, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 12, 247-258.

Anyamba A., Justice C.O1., Tucker C.J. and Mahoney R., 2003. Seasonal to interannual variability of vegetation and fires at SAFARI 2000 sites inferred from advanced very high resolution radiometer time series data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108. NO D13, 8507, 26pp

Hély C., Alleaume S., Swap R. J., Shugart H. H. and. Justice C. O.3, 2003. SAFARI-2000 characterization of fuels, fire behavior, combustion completeness, and emissions from experimental burns in infertile grass savannas in western Zambia.Journal of Arid Environments, 54(2),381-394

HélyC., DowtyP., AlleaumeS., CaylorK., KorontziS., SwapR.J., ShugartH.H., and Justice C.O.3 2003. Regional fuel load for two climatically contrasting years in southern Africa.Journal of Geophysical Research,108 (D13), 8475, doi:10.1029/2002JD002341.

Kaufman Y.J., Ichoku C., Giglio L., Korontzi S., Chu D.A., Hao W.M., Li R.R. and Justice C.O.2 2003. Fires and smoke observed from the Earth Observing System MODIS instrument – products, validation, and operational use. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (8), 1765-1781..

KorontziS.,Justice C. O.and Scholes R. 2003. Influence of timing and spatial extent of vegetation fires in southern Africa on atmospheric emissions, Journal of Arid Environments, 54(2), 395-404.

Justice C.O.,1 Townshend J.R.G., Vermote E. F., Masuoka E., Wolfe R.E., El Saleous N., Roy D.P. and Morisette. J.T. , 2002. An overview of MODISLand data processing and product status. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 1-2, 3-15.

Morisette J.T., Privette J. L., Justice C.O.2, 2002. A framework for the validation of MODIS land products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 1-2, 77-96.

Vermote E. F., El Saleous, N. Z., Justice C.O.2, 2002. Atmospheric correction of MODIS data in the visible to middle-infrared first results.Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 1-2, 97-111.

Roy D.P., Lewis P.E., Justice C.O.2, 2002. Burned area mapping using multi-temporal moderate spatial resolution data – a bi-directional reflectance model-based expectation approach. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 1-2, 263-286.

Justice C. O.1, Giglio L., Korontzi S., Owens J., Morisette J. T., Roy D., Descloitres J., Alleaume S., Petitcolin F., and Kaufman Y., 2002. The MODIS Fire Products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 1-2, 244-262.

Townshend J.R.G. and Justice C.O.2, 2002. Towards operational monitoring of terrestrial systems by moderate-resolution remote sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 1-2, 351-359.

Zhang Q., Justice C.O.3 and Desanker P.V., 2002. Impacts of simulated shifting cultivation on deforestation and the carbon stocks in the forests of central Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 90, 203-209.

Vermote E. F., Justice C.O. 3, Descloitres J., El Saleous N., Margerin, B., Ray J. Gonzalez L. and Roy D., 2001. A global monthly coarse resolution reflectance data set from SeaWiFS for use in land, ocean and atmosphere applications. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22: 6, 1151-1158.

Desanker P.V.,Justice C.O. 2, 2001. Africa and global climate change: critical issues and suggestions for further research and integrated assessment modeling. Climate Research, 17,93-103.

Justice C.O.1, Wilkie D., Zhang Q., Brunner J., Donoghue C., 2001. Central African forests, carbon and climate change. Climate Research, 17, 229-246.

Zhang Q. and Justice C.O. 2, 2001.Carbon Emissions and Sequestration Potential of Central African

Ecosystems. Ambio, 30, 6, 351-353


Justice C.O.1, Belward A., Morisette J., Lewis P., Privette J., Baret F., 2000. Developments in the validation of satellite products for the study of the land surface. InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing, 21, 17, 3383-3390.

Teillet P.M., Saleous N. El., Hansen M.C., Eidenshink J.C., Justice C.O. 4 and Townshend J.R.G., 2000. An evaluation of the global 1-km AVHRR land data set. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 1987-2021.

El Saleous N., Vermote E., Justice C.O. 4, Townshend J.R.G., Tucker C.J. and Goward S.N., 2000. Improvements in the biospheric record from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 1251-1277.

Janetos A. C. and Justice C.O. 2, 2000. Land cover and global productivity: a measurement strategy for the NASA program. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 1491-1512.

Estes J., Belward A., Loveland T., Scepan J., Strahler A., Townshend J.R.G. and Justice C.O.4 1999. The Way Forward. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 65, 9, 1089- 1093.

Giglio L., Kendall J. D. and Justice C. O. 3, 1999. Evaluation of global fire detection algorithms using simulated AVHRR infrared data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20:1947-1985.

Roy D.P., Giglio L., Kendall J. and Justice C.O. 3,1999. Multitemporal active-fire based burn scar detection algorithm. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20:1031-1038.

Cohen W. and Justice C.O. 2,1999. MODIS land product validation: linking in-situ and satellite measurements. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 70, 1-3.

Justice C.O.1, E. Vermote, J.R.G Townshend, R. DeFries, D.R. Roy, D.K. Hall, V.V. Salomonson, J.L. Privette, G. Riggs, A. Strahler, W. Lucht, R. Myneni, Y Knyazikhin, S. W. Running, R. R. Nemani, Z. Wan, A. Huete, W. van Leeuwen, R. E. Wolfe, L. Giglio, J-P. Muller, P. Lewis, M.J. Barnsley, 1998. The Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): land remote sensing for global change research. Trans. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36, 4, 1228-1249.

Laporte N., Heinicke M., Justice C.O.3, Goetz S., 1998. A new land cover map of Central Africa derived from multiresolution, multi-temporal satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19, 18, 3537-3550.

Kaufman Y. J., Justice C.O.2, Flynn L., Kendall J., Prins E., Ward D.E., Menzel P. and Setzer A. 1998. Potential global fire monitoring from EOS-MODIS. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, D24, 32,215-32,238.

Skole D.S., Justice C.O. 2,Janetos A. and Townshend J.R.G. 1997. A land cover change monitoring program: a strategy for international effort. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2, (2-3), 157-175.

Vermote E.F., El Saleous, N., Justice C.O. 3, Kaufman Y.K., Privette J.L., Remer L., Roger J.C., and Tanre D., 1997. Atmospheric correction of visible to middle infrared EOS MODIS data over land surfaces: background, operational algorithm and validation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102,17,131- 17, 141.

Justice C.O. 1, Kendall J.D., Dowty P.R. and Scholes R.J., 1996. Satellite remote sensing of fires during the SAFARI Campaign using NOAA-AVHRR data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 23851-23863

Scholes R.J., Ward D. and Justice C.O. 4,1996. Emissions of trace gases and aerosol particles due to vegetation burning in southern hemisphere Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research,101, 23677-23682

Scholes R.J., Kendall J. and Justice C.O. 2, 1996. The quantity of biomass consumed in southern Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 23667-23676.

Ward D.E., Hao W.M., Susott R.A., Babbitt, R.E., Shea R.W., Kauffman J.B. and Justice C.O. 4, 1996. Effect of fuel composition on combustion efficiency and emission factors for African savanna ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research, 23,569-23576.

Justice C.O. 1, Bailey G.B., Maiden M.E., Rasool S. I., Strebel D.E. and Tarpley J.D., 1995. Recent data and information system initiatives for remotely sensed measurements of the land surface. Remote Sensing of the Environment , 51, 235-244.

Laporte N., Justice C.O. 2 and Kendall J.,1995. Mapping the humid forests of Central Africa using NOAA - AVHRR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16, 6, 1127-1145.

Townshend, J.R.G. and Justice C.O. 2, 1995. Spatial variability of images and the monitoring of changes in the normalized difference vegetation index. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16 (12), 2187-2196.

Sellers P.J., Meeson B.W., Hall F.G., Asrar G., Murphy R.E., Schiffer R.A., Bretherton F.P., Dickinson, Ellingson R.G., Field C.B., Huemmrich F., Justice C.O. 4, Melack J.M. , Roulet N.T., Schimmel D.S. and Try P. 1995. Remote sensing of the land surface for studies of global change: models - algorithms - experiments. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 51, 3-26.

DeFries R.S., Field C.B., Fung I., Justice C.O. 4, Los S., Matson P., Mathews E ., Mooney H. A. , Potter C.S., Prentice K., Sellers P.J., Townshend J.G.R., Tucker C.J., Ustin S.L. and Vitousek P.M. 1995. Mapping the land surface for global atmosphere-biosphere models: toward continuous distributions of vegetation’s functional propoerties. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, D10, 20,867-20882.

Los S.O., Justice C.O. 2, Tucker C.J., 1994. A global 1º x 1º NDVI data base for global climate modeling. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15 , (17), 3493-3518.

Justice C.O.1 and Townshend J.R.G. 1994. Data sets for global remote sensing: lessons learnt. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15 (17), 3621-3639.

Townshend J.R.G., Justice C.O.2, Skole D. , Malingreau J.P. , Cihlar J., Teilliet P., Sadowski F. and Ruttenberg S. 1994. The 1 km resolution global data set: needs of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15, (17), 3417-3442.

Huete A., Justice C.O. 2 and Lui H., 1994. Development of vegetation and soil indices for MODIS-EOS. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 49, 224-234.

Running S.W., Justice C.O. 2, Salomonson V.V., Hall, D., Barker J., Kaufman Y.J., Strahler A.R., Muller J-P., Vanderbilt, V, Wan, Z.M., Teillet, P., Carneggie, D., 1994. Terrestrial remote sensing science and algorithms planned for the MODIS-EOS. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15 (17), 3587-3620.

Sellers P.J., Los S.O., Tucker C.J., Justice C.O. 4, Dazlich D.A., Collatz G.J. and Randall D.A. 1994. A global 1º x 1º data set for climate studies. Part 2: The generation of global fields of terrestrial biophysical parameters from the NDVI. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15 (17), 3519-3545.

Townshend, J.R.G., Justice C.O. 2, Gurney C. and McManus J., 1992. The effect of image misregistration on the detection of vegetation change, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Transactions in Geosciences and Remote Sensing ,30, 5,1054-1060.

Andreae M.O., Chapuis A., Cros B., Fontan J., Helas G., Justice C.O. 4, Kaufman Y., Minga A., Nganga D., 1992. Ozone and aitken nuclei over equatorial Africa: airborne observations during DECAFE 88. Journal of Geophysical Research, v.97 D6, 6137-6148

Justice.C.O.1, Dugdale G., Townshend J.R.G., Narracott A.S. and Kumar M., 1991. Synergism between NOAA-AVHRR and Meteosat data for studying vegetation development in semi-arid West Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 12, (6) 1349-1368.

Justice C.O. 1, T. Eck, B.N. Holben and D. Tanre 1991 The effect of water vapor on the NDVI derived for the sahelian region from NOAA-AVHRR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 12 (6), 1165-1188