Biol 467 Evolution Study Guide 3p 1

This is intended to be an exercise, i.e., practice for the exam, not a complete list of material for which you are responsible. Exams will concentrate on lecture material, but you are responsible for any material in the assigned readings from the text book. In general, your text goes into more detail with examples than you will be examined on.

1) What are the assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

2) Explain the significance of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium as a null hypothesis in evolutionary biology. Under what circumstances will it be rejected? What are the possible reasons for its rejection and what are the conclusions that would be drawn in that case?

3) A population has genotype frequencies of A1A1 = 0.20, A1A2 = 0.60, A2A2 = 0.20. Assuming Hardy-Weinberg principles, will the population evolve after one generation of random mating? (show calculations) What is the probabality of fixation of either the A1 or A2 alleles, under a model of drift? What is the probablitiy of fixation of either A1 or A2 alleles after one generation of random mating under the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

4) A population has genotype frequencies of A1A1 = 0.50, A1A2 = 0.40, A2A2 = 0.10. What is the probabality of fixation of either the A1 or A2 alleles? What is the probablity of fixation of either A1 or A2 alleles after one generation of random mating under the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

5) A population has genotype frequencies of A1A1 90%, A1A2 10%, and A2A2 0%. Assuming Hardy-Weinberg principles, will the population evolve after one generation of random mating? Show calculations with fractional values rounded to nearest 1%.

6) A panmictic population with genotype frequencies of A1A1 40%, A1A2 40% and A2A2 20% is subdivided into ten isolated demes of finite population size. Predict the genotype frequencies for this locus for the ten populations (as percentages of the ten) after an infinite number of generations, under the model of drift. Will the demes diverge from or converge on one another when you consider all loci, instead of just this one? Why?

7) A population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium has A1A1 genotype frequency of 25%. What are the frequencies of the A1A2 and A2A2 genotypes? Prove, with calculations, that the genotypes are in equilibrium. Draw a graph showing the relationship of the three genotype frequencies to allele frequencies in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

8) Contrast genetic drift with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, citing similarities as well as differences in cause and effect.

9) Outline and compare the two models of genetic drift. What are the most important predictions of these models and how do they relate to population size?

10) Explain how drift predicts the divergence of demes in a metapopulation.

11) Describe and contrast the major types of genetic mutations.

12) Outline the different forms of chromosomal rearrangements and mutations.

13) Outline and define the mechanisms of reticulation (reticular evolution).

14) Contrast different potential outcomes of hybridization in the context of reticular evolution.

15) Outline the different forms of mutations that can cause changes in translation of amino acid sequences in coding regions.

16) What is recombination? What is the importance of recombination in evolution and how does it affect the rate of origin of new variation?

17) What factors are responsible for the discrepancy between N and Ne?

18) Under what special conditions will censused and effective population sizes be equal? What are the definitions of each?

19) What is FST, and what is its relationship to Nm? Describe the four basic biogeographic models of gene flow.

20) Explain the theory of neutral evolution.

21) Define inbreeding coefficient. Contrast the effects of drift and inbreeding on changes in genotype and allele frequencies, with and without the effect of selection against deleterious recessives.

22) Explain the relationships of population size, heterozygosity (H), and the rate population growth (r) in the context of the founder effect of genetic drift.

23) What are the effects of inbreeding?

24) monomorphic locus

25) haplotype

26) autozygous

27) metapopulation

28) paralogous genes

29) cline

30) nonsynonymous substitution

31) linkage equilibrium

32) heritability

33) allopatric

34) pericentric inversion

35) Robertsonian rearrangement

36) assortative mating

37) allopolyploid

38) underdominance

39) heterosis

40) pleiotropy

41) epistasis

42) segregation distortion

43) introgression