Memorial Drive Elementary
General Meeting
March 12, 2014
MDE Room 207
The General meeting of the PTA was called to order at 8:23 a.m. by Rebecca Ziegenhorn, President, and Kitty Oldham, Recording Secretary being present. In attendance were: Laura Horn, Treasurer; Martha Kiani, Assistant Treasurer; Wendy Blasi, Corresponding Secretary; Alison Transou, Vice President; and Jennifer Jordan, Principal. Also in attendance were several other PTA members and staff. (See attached sign in sheet)
A. Laura presented a summary of the monthly Treasurer's Report (see attached).
i. We currently have $522,730.84 cash in the bank, and we have met
our budget for the year.
ii. Pony Bricks will close out this week.
iii. Auction income was over projections, netting approximately $214,000. iv. Dad's All In Poker Tournament made approximately $30,000.
v. Laura asked that committee chairs begin looking at budgets for next
year and turn in expenses before the end of this school year.
vi. Michelle Watkins made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report and Mellissa Moss seconded the motion. The motion carried.
B. Rebecca reported that Allison McClanahan said that the Nominating Committee has been hard at work preparing the slate for next year's board.
C. Rebecca explained that this year's 5th grade graduation will still occur
on the Tuesday night as planned, but the party at the Forest Club had to be
moved to Thursday, due to the district adding a day to the school year.
Fortunately, the club was still available for that day, however they are
charging approximately $600 more for Valet and other expenses. Wendy
Blasi made a motion to increase the 5th Grade Graduation budget by $600. Cartha Siddiqui seconded, and the motion carried.
D. Rebecca reported that Nanette Gabriel, our librarian, has requested $50 to go
towards the Bookworm Festival which benefits underserved children in our
district. Cartha Siddiqui made a motion to approve a $50 donation to the Bookworm Festival. Martha Kiani seconded, and the motion carried.
A. Kitty presented the minutes from the previous general meeting.
B. Rebecca gave a report on the Backyard Project.
a. Duncan Klussman has pledged that the District will contribute $100,000
to MDE to aid in the drainage project. They will also fill in the swells
and put in the trunk line. Piney Point will do the work so that we are not having to contract it out. This work will likely take place over the summer.
b. Sulyn is hoping to get permission from the city to go ahead and install the playground equipment before the end of the school year.
C. Volunteer Chair List - Alison is still looking to fill a few spots.
a. We are still looking for an Audit chair. This job takes place
over the summer and has step by step procedures to follow.
b. We are still looking for a directory and a website chair. Cartha
said that these would be great jobs for working moms, as they
would take only a few minutes a week and could be done over
a lunch break, for example. The directory job is done early in the
school year.
c. We also need a Long Range Planning/Backyard chair and a Cultural
Arts chair.
D. Ms. Jordan reported that the district added a day to the end of the school year
as a makeup for the inclement weather days. They are applying to the state
for a waiver for the other missed day.
a. Staff development day will now be on Friday and the teacher work day
will be on Saturday, June 7.
b. Current student transfers have already been renewed for next year, however
new transfers will only be open for 3rd and 5th grades .
c. Ms. Jordan stated that in lieu of Step Up Day, there will be a day for current
students to meet the grade level teachers for the upcoming year. New
students will not be invited, as they are technically not enrolled until
August. All students will be invited to a "meet the teacher day", which will
likely take place on August 22.
d. Ms. Jordan gave an overview of the T-2-4/ HB5: The state is adopting a
new graduation plan based on a foundation plan for everyone with stem
options for other courses. The foundation plan satisfies the minimum
requirements for all state schools. There is also a significant decrease in
the number of end of course exams required to graduate.
e. MDE has met the Standard on the School Report Card.
f. STARR testing will take place April 1st and 2nd.
A. The DAEP (Disciplinary Alternative Education Program) school in SBISD does
not have a PTA, and therefore those teachers do not get recognized during
Teacher Appreciation Week. Rebecca reported that we are teaming up with
Meadow Wood Elementary to help sponsor a luncheon for the 18 teachers.
Brio Tuscan will provide the food, Meadow Wood students will write notes
to the teachers, and we will provide flowers brought in by our students.
B. This Thursday is Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A.
C. Krystal Weiss said that the Student Council is working on t-shirt designs for
next year's spirit shirts and would like to know the school theme for next
year. Second through Fifth graders submit design options and Student
Council votes on the designs. Michelle Watkins suggested that students be
limited to 3 possible t-shirt colors.
a. She also reported that Student Council would like to do a booth for
Field Day.
b. She also would like to set up an account through the PTA for the
money made from Box Top collections, as she is limited to the vendors she can access. She is hoping to have a Box Top drive over the summer
to encourage people to collect for the Fall.
c. The Broadcast Studio is now all digital. Krystal is waiting on the district
to complete the setup for MDE TV to be shown in the front hallway.
D. Cartha Siddiqui has registered MDE as a non-profit through Google, so that next year all Board and committee members will have an MDE PTA email
address. This will help with communications and directory information
in the future.
Rebecca adjourned the meeting at 9:16 a.m.
Kitty Oldham, Secretary
Approved/Approved as corrected ______2014 Initials______