ONS Chapter Strategic Plan 2012-2016

Central Nebraska ONS

A vivid description of a desired future

ONS Vision
The vision of the Oncology Nursing Society is to lead the transformation of cancer care.

ONS Mission
The mission of the Oncology Nursing Society is to promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care.

The incorporation of genetics into the cancer care model is successfully shifting the focus from treatment to risk reduction and prevention, including novel targeted therapies. Together, ONS and the cancer community seek to reduce the risks, incidence, and burden of cancer by encouraging healthy lifestyles, promoting early detection, and improving the management of cancer symptoms and side effects throughout the disease trajectory

Knowledge Pillar

ONS is utilized as the primary source for education for all nurses providing care to people with cancer, regardless of setting.


  1. Improve dissemination of oncology knowledge to strategic audiences (e.g., chapters, nursing programs, employers, regions of the world).
  2. Provide access to opportunities for lifelong learning in oncology nursing.
  3. Increase use of ONS educational products by generalists and other specialty nurses.
  4. Become the provider of oncology specialized knowledge for advanced practice nurses.
  5. Offer products and services to facilitate nursing’s adaptation to changing roles and trends in the healthcare system (e.g., electronic health record, genetics, risk reduction, early detection).

At the local level, the Central Nebraska ONS Chapter of ONS will support the ONS strategic area of Advocacy by:

Chapter Strategic Goal / Responsible Chapter Member(s) / Targeted Completion Date / Actual Outcomes / Comments
The chapter will provide education at chapter meetings by using educators from the pharmaceutical companies / Program chairs / On-going throughout year / Used ONS material up through 2013 then changed over is 2014 to nurse educators provided by the pharmaceutical companies
To work with Lincoln ONS chapter to provide a yearly conference to nurses r/t hot topics in oncology / Program chairs of both chapters and board members if needed / July 2013 / Last program with Lincoln chapter was 2014- they did not wish to continue in the future with a conference / Will evaluate after conference to see if this is something to provide on a yearly basis
Work with our local chapter to find ways to provide CEU’s to the try-city nurses for 2015 and 2016 / Program chairs and chapter members

Leadership Pillar

Through ONS involvement, members become leaders and effective cancer care advocates in their workplace, community, and the Society.


  1. Design programs and processes to support integrated leadership development opportunities.
  2. Increase the effectiveness and influence of the Society’s advocacy voice.
  3. Enhance ONS’s involvement in educating international leaders to promote evidence-based cancer care.

At the local level, the Central Nebraska ONS Chapter of ONS will support the ONS strategic area of Advocacy by:

Chapter Strategic Goal / Responsible Chapter Member(s) / Targeted Completion Date / Actual Outcomes / Comments
Send members to congress by using funds that are set aside / Board members to approve / Ongoing yearly / Will continue this on a yearly basis
Send two board members every year to the Leadership conference in Pittsburg / Board Members to decide / Ongoing yearly / No member attended in 2014 / Will continue this on a yearly basis

Quality Pillar

ONS supports the development, dissemination, and evaluation of patient-centered interventions and their contribution to high-quality cancer care.


  1. Collaborate with external quality environment stakeholders.
  2. Develop a culture of quality in daily practice among nurses caring for patients with cancer or at risk for cancer.
  3. Advocate for research funding to improve quality cancer care.

At the local level, the Central Nebraska ONS Chapter of ONS will support the ONS strategic area of Advocacy by:

Chapter Strategic Goal / Responsible Chapter Member(s) / Targeted Completion Date / Actual Outcomes / Comments
Will support and recognize current members that are chemotherapy/biotherapy certified trainers / All chapter members / On going / Will remain ongoing yearly
Chapter will be involved with Komen grants and education / All chapter members / On going / Will remain ongoing yearly
Chapter will be involved locally with the American Cancer Society / All chapter members / On going / Will remain ongoing yearly
Hospice educations to staff provided by Kearney members to improve quality of care / Members in KearneyNE / On going / Will evaluate at end of year to see if will remain ongoing
Nursing Research Council for Evidence based Practice will continue to quality information to staff / Chapter members / On going / Will evaluate at end of year to see if will remain ongoing
Long term goal to have at least 50% of members having their OCN certification / All chapter members / On going / With increase in member size we dropped our percentages will in this area in 2014, will leave goal as it is and work toward more member certification

Technology Pillar

Nurses caring for people with cancer recognize ONS as a leader in leveraging technology and use it to collaborate and learn.


  1. Create opportunities via technology to share ONS clinical knowledge and tools (e.g., apps, scales, portal).
  2. Analyze emerging technologies and implement those that enhance collaboration, learning, and organizational operations.
  3. Enhance the oncology nurse community experience with ONS technologies (e.g., website, social media, portals, apps)

At the local level, the Central Nebraska ONS Chapter of ONS will support the ONS strategic area of Advocacy by:

Chapter Strategic Goal / Responsible Chapter Member(s) / Targeted Completion Date / Actual Outcomes / Comments
Will maintain and update website on our virtual community page / President- Chandra Muske- will also enlist help from board members / On going / Will remain ongoing yearly
Will investigate possibilities of using facebook and/or twitter / All chapter members / Long term- ongoing / Did not actually pursue in 2014 but will continue as a goal / This is a long term goal and may not look at until 2014