Cast/Crew Sign-Up (Non Professional)


Name ______Year of Birth * ______

Phone (s) ______Email ____________

Address ______

I'd like to audition for the role(s) of ______


I'd like to join the crew as ______ ______

Previous theatrical experience (where, roles) ______

If applicable: Musical instruments played / singing voice (bass, tenor, alto, soprano/unknown)


I have medical conditions / special needs that the Stage Manager/Director should be aware of:


I agree that, should I be invited to join the cast or crew:

  • I will become a financial member/associate of Footprint Theatre
  • I will receive no payment for this production (other than reimbursement for budgeted and receipted production expenses, approved in advance by the Director/Producer)
  • Photos/video/sound recordings may be made of me during shows and rehearsals and I give permission for these to be used for marketing purposes by Footprint Theatre including on Internet/Social Media.
  • I will attend scheduled auditions, rehearsals and productions on time unless otherwise arranged, and will tell the Director as early as possible about any planned absences.
  • I give permission for basic first aid to be given to me should I be injured or ill during rehearsals/shows and for an ambulance to be called if it is serious. I understand I am responsible for paying any costs involved.

Signature ______Date / /

I ______(parent/guardian) hereby give permission for my child to take part in this production. If any performances fall during school hours, I will seek written permission from the School Principal for my child to be absent for this purpose and provide a copy of the permission letter to Footprint Theatre. Our family contact details in case of emergency are as follows:
Name(s) ______

Phone(s) Email(s)

Parent/Guardian Signature(s) ______Date / /

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