Literacy Planning Week beginning 16/5/05 Y5 – Higher ability

Narrative – Empathy/Point of view
Reading Objective
Y5 T3 1 to investigate a range of texts from different cultures, considering patterns of relationships, social customs, attitudes and beliefs: identify these features by reference to the text; consider and evaluate these features in relation to their own experience
Y5 T3 2 to identify the point of view from which a story is told and how this affects the reader's response
Y5 T3 3 to change point of view, e.g. tell incident or describe a situation from the point of view of another character or perspective
Writing Objective
Y5 T3 7 to write from another character's point of view e.g. retelling an incident in letter form
Y5 T3 8 to record predictions, questions, reflections while reading
Sentence/Word Objective
Y5 T3 S1 to secure the basic conventions of standard English: agreement between nouns and verbs; consistency of tense and subject; avoidance of double negatives; avoidance of non-standard dialect words
Y5 T3 S5 (GFW unit 27) to revise use of apostrophes for possession (from Y4 term 1)

Speaking and Listening

Y5 T3 55 Listening
to analyse the use of persuasive language
e.g. how a speaker uses emphasis, rhetoric and gesture effectively.
to present a spoken argument, sequencing points logically, defending views with evidence and making use of persuasive language
e.g. preparing a group presentation of the pros and cons of a current issue.
Key Questions
Can I write from the point of view of different characters?
Can I change the point of view of the story?
Can I find differences/similarities between other cultures and my own? /

Target children

School targeted children – JC CWx
Writing pilot targeted children – JC CWx RS SH RG CJ CWb
Shared reading/writing / Sentence/word / Independent work / ICT / Plenary/homework
Monday / Look at the slides 1-6 of Kirikou Powerpoint to remind the children of the story read previously.
Ask children to recall what happens next. Whose point of view is the story told from? / Use BBC Skillswise to revise work on noun, verb agreement. / Children write a letter in pairs as Kirikou’s mother to her friend from another village, explaining the birth of this extraordinary son and the situation in the village.
(=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher.
(-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. / Hot seating as Kirikou’s mother . How does she feel about these strange circumstances?
(film with Digital Blue)
Tuesday / Look at rest of slides of Kirikou Powerpoint.
How does Kirikou feel when the other children don’t listen to him. Make a spider gram to show feelings. / Use NGFL Cymru whiteboard activities 3 and 4 to revise apostrophes for singular and plural possession. / Children write as Kirikou using the spider gram to show how Kirikou was feeling when the other children wouldn’t listen to him.
(=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher.
(-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. / Use BBC Skillswise quiz to reinforce apostrophes for possession.


/ Make a list of the characters in Kirikou and make into a character tree. Make sure the children discuss and explain their choices for the order of the characters.
After paired talk, collect ideas for Karaba’s feelings at the end of the story. How are they different from the beginning? / Children plan their writing of retelling the story of Kirikou from Karaba’s point of view. Which parts will be included or omitted? Why?
(=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher.
(-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. / Hot seating of Kirikou and Karaba, 2 weeks after the story has ended.
Thursday / Look again at the powerpoint slides that explain the writing task. Tell the children that they are going to work together to improve their writing.
Remind them of what they will be looking for
-  sentence structure
-  apostrophes for possession
-  noun/verb agreement
-  written in the 1st person
as well as accurate events retelling from Kirikou / In pairs rewrite their work from yesterday, making improvements and changes where necessary.
(=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher.
(-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. / Pairs report back to the class about the changes they have made and why they feel this has improved their work.
Friday / Unsupported writing of the story from Karaba’s point of view, following input and changes from the week / (=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher.
(-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. / Use Cats to check work.