Dublin Wholesale Market Report


Fruit,Vegetables and Flowers

Weekly Market Report Week 29.2013

Friday 12/07/2013 to Thursday 18/07/2013

Vegetables: Sunshine and high temperatures continued to dictate market trends. Buyers were selective in their purchases with salad lines favoured.

·  A brisk sale for round tomatoes but prices weakened around midweek as abundant supplies became available.

·  Cherry tomatoes cleared readily at a firm 850/900c per 9x250grm pack. 3Kg lots of Cherry Vine were traded at up to €12 but eased by €2 to €3 later in the week.

·  Cucumbers tended to move better towards the latter end of the week and Dutch lots dropped a euro mid week.

·  Returns for iceberg lettuce fluctuated ; after a spell at 680c returns eased below 600c/12. Quantities were prolific and sales good.

·  Peppers eased for the second week in row. Returns were more amenable to buyers purchasing powers and good volumes were cleared.

·  Irish new season carrot sales were stifled by the high temperatures. Quality was good with most lots returning 650 per 10Kg.

·  Spanish parsnips at 800/850c/5Kg moved in dribs and drabs.

·  Reduced dealing in cauliflower prevented prices from making any gains; quality was choice and supplies fluid.

·  Calabrese was similar to cauliflower. One wholesaler bemoaned that buyers who previously bought 50 boxes were now only taking 10.

·  Swede sales were weak.

Potatoes : Volumes sold were lower and second earlies continued to increase.

·  Brish Queens values tumbled as high temperatures reduced demand; values were back €3 on last week.

·  Italian Spunta dealt easier also and importers were reluctant to introduce fresh supplies.

·  Rooster sales also suffered from lack of buyer interest.

Fruit: Big supplies of top fruit came off second best to berry and stone fruit.

·  Heavy supplies of New Zealand , Brazilian and South African apples drew a sluggish demand.

·  Easy peelers such as Peruvian minneolas and South African clementines were in well controlled supply and this helped maintain a firm price.

·  A good turnover of top quality South African oranges at easier values.

·  Argentinean and South African lemons sales were good.

·  Plums, peaches and nectarines all attracted strong demand.

·  Big supplies and a big demand typified the strawberry scene. Belgian prices bottomed out at €10 per 4Kg. Irish lots varied from €1euo to €1.60/227gr ,depending on berry size shape, ripeness and firmness. But wholesalers had to keep stocks moving as fresh supplies trundled in and high temperatures put the emphasis on shelf-life.

·  Spanish raspberries met a good sale also.

Flowers: Demand tapered into a quiet mode. Supplies were good and returns weak.