If you would like to be considered for any of the area teams, please email or text Sarah with

the discipline(s) you are interested in and the level you wish to compete at. If you need any further clarification just give Sarah (07969 008998) a call.

Selection evening on Friday 7th July. Teams are chosen based on the results gained at this evening.
Grassroots / Novice / Intermediate / Open
Verity Sellers
Scarlett Cox-Lomas
Olivia Rodgers
Ella Booth
Kiera Booth
Lana Booth
Emily Rowland / Sophie Sellers (Cal)
Charlotte Sellers (Leon)
Charlotte Sellers (Fozzy)
Scarlett Cox- Lomas
Emily Entwistle
Olivia Rodgers
Ella Booth
Kiera Booth
Laura Cathie / Georgina Hayward
Selection evening date to be confirmed. Teams are chosen based on the results gained at this evening.
Grassroots / Novice / Intermediate / Open
Sophie Selllers (Fozzy)
Sophie Sellers (Cal)
Verity Sellers
Scarlett Cox –Lomas
Philippa Meachin
Kiera Booth
Lana Booth
Emily Rowland / Scarlett Cox-Lomas
Ella Booth
Kiera Booth
Hannah Pedley
Laura Cathie / Georgina Hayward
Kate Pedley / Tessa Hemming
Georgina Hayward
Eventing team selections are made based on this season’s results. Please email with your results whether BE, PC or unaffiliated (include dressage, sj and xc scores as well as final placing)
Grassroots / PC 90 / PC 100 / Open
Sophie Sellers (Cal)
Verity Sellers
Charlotte Sellers (Fozzy)
Scarlett Cox-Lomas
Olivia Rodgers
Kiera Booth
Lana Booth
Emily Rowland / Charlotte Sellers (Leon)
Scarlett Cox-Lomas
Olivia Rodgers
Ella Booth
Kiera Booth
Hannah Pedley
Laura Cathie / Georgina Hayward / Tessa Hemming
Georgina Hayward
Tetrathlon teams are selected from those representing the branch throughout the Triathlon and Tetrathlon season. If you are entering a competition, do let Joan know so that teams can be drawn up. / Polocrosse teams will be selected based on attendance at practices and performance both in PC and UKPA competitions
Scarlett Cox-Lomas
Tessa Hemming
Ella Booth
Lana Booth
Kiera Booth / Kate Tranter
Alex Vickers
Scarlett Cox-Lomas
Junior / Senior
Scarlett Cox-Lomas