September 18, 2017

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September 18, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice - WomackBuilding

Columbus, NC


PRESENT: Chairman Melton, Vice-Chairman Johnson, Commissioner Gasperson and Commissioner Yoder. Also in attendance were County Manager Pittman, County Attorney Berg, Clerk to the Board High, media and citizens.

ABSENT: Commissioner Bradley

1.Call to Order Public Hearing – Chairman Melton called the public hearing to order. The purpose of the public hearingwas to receive public comment on the updated 20/20 Vision Comprehensive Plan for Polk County, North Carolina.Cathy Ruth, Planner, and Jim Edwards, Balance Works Inc., presented the information.

2.Citizen Comments- Stephen King spoke in favor of land conservancies throughout the County, and said he is pleased with the plan updates. Grey Lancaster stated he does not think the current Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) development is consistent with the vision statement in the 20/20 Vision Comprehensive Plan.He read the statement, “Vision for Polk County - Polk County’s rural atmosphere and serenenatural beauty will be vigorously protected.Visionary and pragmatic county and municipalgovernments will work together in a cooperativemanner as they continue to enhance the quality oflife for all Polk County citizens.”

3.Commissioner Comments-Commissioner Gasperson asked about ongoing updates to the document. Mr. Edwards recommended keeping a list of suggested revisions that will be incorporated at the next update. Commissioner Gasperson asked when the next update would be, and Cathy Ruth, Planner said it would be in the next five years. She also stated due to a recent change in legislation, when a zoning map changes, the changes are incorporated into the comprehensive plan.

4.Adjourn– Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

5.Call to Order Regular Meeting – Chairman Melton called the meeting to order.

6.Invocation – Commissioner Yoder gave the invocation.

7.Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman Melton led the pledge.

8.Approval of Agenda – Chairman Melton asked for Agenda Item #12, Polk County District Court Office Relocations,be removed from the agenda.

Commissioner Yoder moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Vice-ChairmanJohnson and the motion carried unanimously.

9.Consent Agenda

A)September 5, 2017, work session & regular meeting minutes.

Commissioner Gasperson made a correction to the September 5, 2017 regular meeting minute’s item #18, Commissioner Bradley made the motion and Commissioner Gasperson seconded the motion.

Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.

10.Citizen Comments Agenda Items–Grey Lancaster stated he does not support the grant to TIEC.

11.Citizen Comments Non-Agenda Items–Franklin and Jennie Smith voiced their concern about traffic and safety on Pea Ridge and other two lane roads near TIEC. They requested signs be posted to indicate no heavy or wide vehicles (horse trailers) on the narrow roads.Grey Lancaster supported the request for signage and thanked the Commissioners for listening to his comments.

12.Polk County District Court Office Relocations – District Attorney Greg Newman will discuss the benefits of the new office space.

13.Lake Adger Dredging Update – Gary Gardner, Engineering Section Chief and Jeff Ferguson, Engineer, both with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, gave a power point presentation, a copy of which is hereby incorporated by reference in to these minutes. They said the Lake Adger marina dredging project is scheduled to begin early 2018 and should take approximately two months to complete. The Commissioners questioned if the material being removed from the lake could be used by anyone else, such as NCDOT. Mr. Gardner said what they are dredging is mostly silt, and would not be marketable. Commissioner Yoder explained there are two different dredging projects being discussed. The one we are talking about tonight is a NC Wildlife Commission funded project to remove the silt from them marina at the lake.He further explained there is the possibility of another project where interested contractors would do hydraulic dredging on the river and get the sand before it enters the lake.Chairman Melton opened the floor for public comments. Sky Conard asked what the cost of the project may be. Mr. Gardner said NC Wildlife is anticipating it to be $350,000 - $400,000. She also question how the dredging process will work, where will they start. Mr. Gardner explained it is dependant on the contractor, but generally they would begin at the marina and work their way out to the channel. Irene LeCourt asked if the soil samples come back as toxic, what happens then. Mr. Gardner said he does not anticipate that happening, but if it did, they would mitigate the issue, but the timeline could be affected. She also asked how the public would be notified that the work was beginning. Mr. Gardner said signs would be posted and notices would be put on the County website and sent to the news media.

14.Resolution of Support For Grant Application – Chairman Melton read the resolution. Sharon Decker, TIEC,stated they are concerned with public safety, and are working closely with state and federal agencies to better manage the traffic flow as they prepare for the 2018 World Equestrian Games (WEG). She said this grant is from North Carolina Department of Transportation,and Polk County Local Government will not be funding any part of this project. They will construct two bridges and an underpass that willreduce traffic, and allow direct access to the property, Ms. Decker said they hope to start the first of the year, and it will take approximately four months to complete. Chairman Melton opened the floor for public comment. Grey Lancaster asked if there would be a stop light added on John Shehan Rd. Ms. Decker said she has only seen conceptual drawings and is not sure if a stop light will be added. Clint Blanton asked if they would be paving from the round about to Coxe Rd., and she stated her understanding was for the surface is to be repaved.

Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the resolution of support, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.

15.20/20 Vision Comprehensive Plan–Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the 20/20 Vision Comprehensive Plan as updated, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

16.Resolution Declaring Surplus Real Property and Authorizing the Sale by Electronic Public Auction – CountyAttorney Berg presented the resolution.Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion carried unanimously

17.North Carolina Parks & Recreation Authority Grant – Chairman Melton read the letter received from Governor Roy Cooper congratulating Polk County on receiving the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund grant in the amount of $375,000 for the Little White Oak Mountain project.

18.Polk County Law Enforcement Facility– Captain Jerry Williams presented the quotes for the Laundry facility at the new jail, and recommended going with the lowest bid. Commissioner Gasperson moved to accept the bid as recommended, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.

19.Manager’s Report – (1) Paul Luzier, Moseley Architects, gave the construction update for the Polk County Law Enforcement Facility He said the project is on schedule for completion in January 2018. (2) Manager Pittman said the Appearance Commission has designated a special Dough Boy Statue committee that will guide the process to find the best practices to use in protecting this monument. They have reached out to a Federal statue expert for advice, and will present the recommendations at a future Commissioners meeting.

20.Volunteer Boards for Vote –Chairman Melton asked Patti Lovelace the Chairperson for the Animal Cruelty Investigators to speak about what they do. She explained they take care of complaints, conduct investigations, and gather evidence regarding animal cruelty. She said their main goal is to assist people in the community, offering them education and resources to help them take care of their animals.

Commissioner Gasperson moved to appoint both Phillip Daniel and Laurel Pyatt as Animal Cruelty Investigators, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.

21.Volunteer Boards for Review – There were none.

22.Commissioner Comments–The Commissioners thanked the presenters, employees, and citizens for coming out and participating in the meeting. Chairman Melton also thanked all the county employees and volunteers that helped during Hurricane Irma.

23. Adjournment – Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.




Angé High Tommy W. Melton

Clerk to the BoardChairman