May 2, 2005

PRESENT: Mary Spata, Mike Brown, John Bacon, Mark McMahon, Marilyn Cook (clerk)

GUESTS: Diane Osgood, Administrative Assistance-Police Department; Allison Rogers, Reporter-Connecticut Valley Spectator

Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.

Police Department:

In the absence of the police chief, Diane Osgood summarized the month’s police activities.

Police Forums will be held on May 5 at the Thetford Center Community Center at 7pm and July 5 at 7 pm in North Thetford.

The Thetford Blotter is being submitted to the Spectator.

Crisis Plans for Thetford Academy and Thetford Elementary School are in progress.

The Police Department has received Homeland Security Grant money.

The Police Department will work with Camp Lochearn on staff and camper safety.

The Police Department is working on a policy and procedure manual.

New police cruiser is expected to arrive in the next two weeks.

Selectboard is interested in finding an alternative to a police department sign being placed on the building.

Wayne Parks and Ken Gulick arrived at 7:10 pm. Judy Vaughan arrived at 7:20 pm. Diane Osgood left the meeting and Jill Graff, Treasurer, joined the meeting at 7:25 pm.

Jill Graff distributed a proposal for a town audit. The selectboard will review.

Ms. Graff left the meeting at 7:35 pm. and Mark McMahon, Ruth Dwyer and Tom Kent joined the meeting at 7:30 pm.

The selectboard invited public comment, as they reviewed the Town Plan.

Chapter 1, up to section titled Future Land Use/Housing, was reviewed.

Grace Paley and Bob Nichols joined the meeting at 7:40 pm and left at 8:15 pm.

Ruth Dwyer, Tom Kent, Wayne Parks and Ken Gulick left the meeting at 8:45 pm.

Tracy Borst, Town Clerk, joined the meeting at 8:45 pm.

The Board of Civil Authority will meet on May 4, 2005 at 7:00 pm.

Ms. Borst updated the board on the restoration of records; 38 books are being microfilmed.

There is a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Adjustment/Planning Board. Ms. Borst will place a transaction ad in the Valley News.

The selectboard thanks the volunteer efforts of people working on the town newsletter.

Concern about the condition of Malmquist Mills in Post Mills was expressed. The selectboard has contacted Walter Malmquist in the past with the town and fire department’s concerns about the condition of the mill. Mr. Malmquist stated that he had no plans to do anything with the building at that time.

The valley net account for the selectboard has been opened. Ms. Borst will direct people who want to correspond with the selectboard to .

The public hearing on the town plan is scheduled on May 23 at 7:30 pm and will tentatively take place at Thetford Elementary School.


May 2, 2005

Ms. Borst left the meeting at 9:35 pm.

Highway Department/Doug Stone, Road Foreman:

Mr. Stone will advertise a new position open on Road Crew.

Repair estimates for Truck 3 body work were reviewed.

An energy audit of the town garage will take place this week with Bob Walker, Energy Committee, and Efficiency Vermont.

Mr. Stone drafted a cooperative agreement to be used with neighboring town road crews.

Motion to proceed with repairs on Truck 3’s body. (McMahon/Brown) Unanimous.

Motion to approve Check Warrant Reports:

#8.4 Payroll for $9,963.77

#7.3 General for $2,093.15

#12.2 Highway for $5,166.19

#15.1 General for $3,180.36 (Spata/Brown) Unanimous.

Mary Spata will ask the Police Chief to meet with the selectboard at 7pm on May 9, since he was unable to attend this week’s meeting.

Motion to adopt the minutes of April 18, 2005, as amended. (Spata/Stone) Unanimous.

Motion to adopt the minutes of April 25, 2005, as written. (Spata/Brown) 4 in-favor. Mark McMahon abstained, as he was not at that meeting.

Ownership of the Hughes land has been transferred to the Town of Thetford.

Mike Brown would like to add a category on the agenda, titled Unfinished Business.

Motion to proceed with town audit, as proposed. (Spata/Bacon) Unanimous.

Motion to adjourn at 10:35 pm. (Spata/Stone) Unanimous.