Participants: J. Weiss, A. Butler, J. Rammon, D. Hall, J. Blauwkamp, D. Daughtry, E. Bentler, H. Gray

Date: September 19, 2012

Our Annual Goal: Should be SMART Goals for the core subjects

Quarterly goals for core subjects would be written here for core subjects (also SMART Goals)

By end of 1st quarter in reading…..

By end of 1st quarter in math…..

By end of 1st quarter in writing

I.  Announcements…

1.  No bells and phones yet

2.  Jen – Meeting to review testing on Friday for possible IEP at 8 am, will more than likely be running late.

i.  Will need coverage if possible

3.  Social Committee - Jessica

II.  II. Kid Talk….

III.  Planning/ Curriculum…

1.  Ellie – Specialist connection

i.  Upcoming curriculum, air and weather

ii.  Discussing very short time between specials and lunch

2.  Review of Assessment

Data Collection For Second Grade
Subject: / Math
Assessment: / Day 9, from Case 21 test generator
Standard (s): / 2.BTN.1, 1a, and 3
on grade / total / % of students
level / students / on grade level
Butler / 14 / 18 / 77.78%
Hall / 17 / 20 / 85.00%
McCann / 7 / 8 / 87.50%
Rammon / 12 / 16 / 75.00%
Weiss / 16 / 18 / 88.89%
Total / 66 / 80 / 82.50%

Thoughts on assessment:

-Need to make sure all CCR kids are getting exposure to assessment

-Check to see if CCR kids gets Extend, 3 or 4 choices

-Expose them to specific terminology

-Reviewed questions with students

-Test taking strategies

·  Hot dot

·  Slash the trash

-Assessment terminology vs Math Expressions terminology, confusing for students

-Good with the amount of questions on the test

-2.0 difficulty level (suggested 2.5)

·  Beginning of the year, not as many medium or harder questions to choose from.

·  Will aim to get closer to 2.5 difficulty level for next assessment

3.  Worked on Case 21 test generator

4.  Jen B, Diane D, and Matt M. presenting (Best Services Meeting)

i.  Explanation of services

ii.  ESL kids – Give them 9 weeks to see how they do in ESL before considering reading pull out

iii.  Ranking – Below 90% RCBM highlighted but not below grade level

1.  Keep an eye on them, monitor as the year goes on

2.  Borderline kids will remain in classroom

3.  Pull out kids will be students that need intense resources

4.  Below text and below RCBM

a.  9-10, 11-12 = local lit

b.  Monday – Friday, will have to cancel classes sporadically to assess

c.  Title I

i.  Monday - Friday

d.  Projected Start date

i.  Next week

IV.Action Steps…

***Remember S-M-A-R-T focuses on specific, measurable, achievable goals that are result-oriented and have a particular time frame!!!

Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community:

What is it we expect our students to learn?

How will we know when they have learned it?

How will we support them when they don’t learn it?

How will we respond when they already know it?