Curriculum Vitae

Adnan Mohammad Abdullah (B.Sc. M.Sc.)

(B.Sc. in Animal Resource, M.Sc. inAnimal Hygiene)


Forenames:Adnan Mohammad

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Date and Place of Birth:14/5/1972, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Nationality: Iraqi

Academic Status:Lecturer

Languages: Kurdish (mother tongue), English,and Arabic(spoken and written)

Address for Correspondence: Dept. of Animal Production,faculty of agriculture and forestry,

Universityof Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

E-mail address:

Mobile Phone:00964 750 4953588

Recent job: lecturer in animal production department at the faculty of agriculture and forestry /


Specialist: Animal Hygiene

Education and Qualifications


1979-1984 Zab Primary School, Dohuk, Iraq

1985-1990 Deralok Secondary School, Dohuk, Iraq


1991-1994 B.Sc. in Animal Resource , College of Agriculture and forestry , University of

Mosul, Iraq.

2000-2003 M.Sc. in Animal Hygiene , Dept. of Animal Production, College of Agriculture,

University of Dohuk, Kurdistan region, Iraq.


1996 - 2003: Assistant researcher, Dept. of Animal Production, College of Agriculture

University of Dohuk, Kurdistan, Iraq.

2004 – 2012 : Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Animal Production, College of Agriculture

University of Dohuk, Kurdistan, Iraq.

2012 - up to date Lecturer, Dept. of Animal Production, College of Agriculture

University of Dohuk, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Professional Experience

(1)Teaching undergraduate courses in animal hygiene, animal ecology, Animal and poultry disease.

(2)Supervision of undergraduate student's graduation projects and seminars.

(3)Member of examination committee in the faculty in 2005 and 2008

Research and Publications

1-The effect of subclinical experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus on some

Hematological aspect of karadi lambs. 11th Sci. C0ng. 2004, Fac. Vet. Med., AssiutUniv.,


2- The effect of subclinical experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus on chemical

composition of karadi lambs carcass. Assiut Vet. Med.J Vol. 53 No 112 January 2007.

3-The effect of subclinical experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus on productive

aspects of Karadi lambs.The first Kurdistan biology science conference, University of

Dohuk, June 2- 4.2006.

4-Biochemical profile of hydatid cyst fluids of Echinococcus granulosus of sheep in Duhok

area .Iraqi journal of Veterinary Medicine Vol. 34, No. 1,2010.

5- The effect of subclinical experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus on carcass

quality of Karadi lambs.19th international Congress of Fe. Me. S. P. Rum. – may 25- 28,

2011, Belgrade, Serbia.

6- Biochemical and histological study of Cysticercustenuicollis of sheep in Duhok province.

Basrah journal of veterinary research. University of Basrah.Vol.11, No. 1 2012.

7- Effect of natural infection with gastrointestinal nematode on milk composition and blood

parameters of lactating native goats.Journal of Animal Scientist.Vol. 1, No.2 2012.

8-Antibacterial Activity of Some Natural Duhokian Honeyagainst Clinical Isolates of

Staphylococcus aureus, Iraq.Advance Laboratory Medicine International 2013; 3(3): 40 - 47.


1-Member of the Kurdistan University and Institute Teachers Syndicate.

2-Member of the Kurdistan Agrarian Syndicate.

Attended Conferences

1- The 1st Kurdistan biology science conference,University of Dohuk, June 4.2006.

2- 11th Sci. Cong. 2004, Fac. Veternary Medicine , Assiut Univ., Egypt.

3- 19th international Congress of Fe. Me. S. P. Rum. – may 25-28,2011, Belgrade, Serbia

4- First conference of the veterinary service in Duhok province 1992-2010. 5/8/2010

Training and Workshops

- Training course on "computer and internet intensive classes" in college of agriculture,

University of Dohuk with partnership of AHEAD project ,University of Hawaii,June 27,2004 to

July 12, 2004.

- Training program of animal production in Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture ,

CairoEgyptfrom July 1,2007 to July 29,2007.

- Workshop in Easy Thesis and papers writing with EndNote X4 program, Held at Cultural

center – University of Duhok . April 14th – 15th , 2013.

- Training course in wildlife medicine –June 2013, hosted by faculty of veterinary medicine /

Duhok university , Kurdistan veterinary network and Kurdistan veterinary syndicate.