Bus leaves campus 7:30 am – Leaves Mayfield 10:00 am

September 21 & 23 & 28 & 30

8:10-8:40: 4th Grade / 8:40-9:10: 2nd Grade / 9:10-9:40: 3rd Grade
Teaching Group Blue / Teaching Group Red / Teaching Group Yellow
Lashunta / Kenny
Nicole / Aaron
17 students / 17 students / 17 students
8:10-8:40:3rdGrade / 8:40-9:10: 2nd Grade / 9:10-9:40: 3rd Grade
Teaching Group Blue / Teaching Group Red / Teaching Group Yellow
Arsenio / Annie
Marquis / Neil
17 students / 17 students / 17 students

2 classrooms of children will come to the gymnasium at the same time, because they have 2 teachers teaching at the same time. We will divide the 2 classes into 3 groups of learners, so that 3 teachers will be teaching at the same time (2 in gym & 1 outside – not confirmed). We will divide the children by the 3 primary colors (Blue, Red, Yellow). The assistant teachers will be in charge of doing this quickly but effectively. Each group should have about 17 children.

Children will be grouped one time on both Monday and Wednesday as different classes of children will come each day. The groups will be the same for the second week. Some students will forget their color from Monday to Wednesday and from week 1 to week 2, so we will try to record the names, but won’t worry about it too much with absences and such, we will just flex to make groups as even as possible with gender and ethnic ratios as much as possible. Lesson plans will be repeated M & W, and a new plan and cue focus will be needed for week 2. Mrs. Baker, Coach Dew and Dr. Doering will each supervise one group each.

Fitness area was requested by teacher and curriculum mapping for her school is the same for all classes – Benefits OR Components

Week 1 – cardio & aerobic, week 2 muscular endurance focusing on upper body & core

The lead teacher will be assigned a permanent learning group (blue, red, yellow); for each class.

For example:

Payton – blue

Kenny – red

Aaron – yellow

Chelsea – blue

Annie – red

Aaron – yellow

Planning will be collaborative, but I will expect a lesson plan from each teacher prep partner leader with content and cue focus for the day. Second and third grade can be similar or nearly the same. Fourth should be different from 2nd, & 3rd because of the core content describe versus identify – they have to learn at a different level. The activities should be engaging and developmentally appropriate (maximum participation, no zero sum, small groups (no more than partners for our time at Mayfield )or individual work only.

Teaching groups can use different activities, but the core content and cue should be the same for all at the grade level. We have to decide this today! LP’s DUE MONDAY!

All groups must agree on which outcome we pick. Since we did not have a class discussion, I will decide that we should to PL-EP-2.2.1 identify components of fitness for 2 & 3’s and describe components for grade 4’s.

CV day 1 lesson (get specific on what they can learn in one lesson!)

Muscular endurance – Day 2 lesson (get specific on what they can learn in one lesson!)


Students will identify the components of fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, cardio-respiratory/cardiovascular endurance) and the FITT Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time).
DOK 1 /


Students will describe the components of fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, cardio-respiratory/cardiovascular endurance) and the FITT Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time).



Students will identify physical and social benefits that result from regular and appropriate participation in physical activities:
  • physical benefits (e.g., weight management, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory/cardiovascular endurance, control of body movements)
  • social benefits (e.g., positive interaction with others, respect for self and others, enjoyment, self-expression)
DOK 1 / PL-04-2.2.1
Students will describe physical and social benefits that result from regular and appropriate participation in physical activities:
  • physical benefits (e.g., weight management, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory/cardiovascular endurance, control of body movements, stress reduction)
  • social benefits (e.g., positive interaction with others, respect for self and others, enjoyment, self-expression)

PECentral.org – Look Here first for non-traditional lessons using movement terminology to teach Fitness!

Developmental PE for all children – Gallahue page 648 - google

Books in my Office!!!!!!!!

8:10-8:40: 4th Grade T1, T2, T3Payton, Kenny, AaronPayton, Kenny, Aaron

8:40-9:10: 2nd GradeT1, T2, T3 Payton, Kenny, AaronPayton, Kenny, Aaron

9:10-9:40: 3rd GradeT1, T2, T3 Chelsea, Annie, NeilChelsea, Annie, Neil

9:40-10:10: K

10:10-10:40: 1st Grade

Advantage here is that teachers who get to teach 4th get 2nd, Other group gets all 3rd.


8:10-8:40:3rdGradeT1, T2, T3Chelsea, Annie, NeilChelsea, Annie, Neil

8:40-9:10: 2nd GradeT1, T2, T3Chelsea, Annie, NeilChelsea, Annie, Neil

9:10-9:40: 3rd GradeT1, T2, T3Payton, Kenny, AaronPayton, Kenny, Aaron

Systematic Teacher Observation: We will work on this next week.

When you are not teaching you will be observing and recording teaching behaviors or activity time.

I am thinking Activity time during the cardio lesson and individual specific feedback during the muscular endurance content.