Stratigraphy and Bedding

The outcrop visible at clay point consists of alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone

The beds are of varying thickness and spacing

Measurements were taken of bedding planes, cleavage, and intersection lineations

Should I mention axial planar cleavage

A base map was created from this data

The base map contains sandstone layers of mapable size

The location of measurement stations are marked by the symbols

Describe orientation of features

Implied structures determined by fold axis observations and measurements

Measured Fold axis 045 19 NE determined by observed hinge zones

Fold structures are disrupted by the fault in the South West

South Wall Cross-section

This diagram shows the structures present on the south wall and the domains used to map and analyze them.

The domain analysis was based on separating the faulted zones where cleavage was visibly different from the rest of the outcrop

Vergence and facing were determined in several places on the south wall

Should I mention axial planar cleavage

Fault Formation

Two types of faults were visible in several places across the outcrop

Bedding parallel faults-folded

Un folded faults which cut across bedding and folded structures

Stereonet Plots

Major plot of all non-wedge data

Shows a clear trend of bedding across the outcrop

The pole of bedding great circle, the cleavage great circle, and the vector of intersection lineations all intersect to show the calculated fold axis

The data collected from the western syncline shows a similar pattern with a different fold axis

The difference in cleavage from inside and out of the wedge used to calculate strain

Data Analysis

Measured fold axis – 045 19NE

Calculated – 057 16NE

Western syncline 038 21NE

Strain = .176

% shortening

Stratigraphy controlling structure

Cleavage found in mudstone

Forms from dissolution of calcite-less in sandstone

Forms because of compression

Folding and faulting also form

Faults along bedding boundary indicate a zone of weakness


Cleavage – consists of dissolved out material leaving behind soft clay and silts - similar orientations across outcrop – axial planar cleavage

Evidence of rotation within the wedge

Faults – Show evidence of movement: slickenlines, calcite deposits, truncate other structures

Relative age determined by cross cutting and folding