AAA Board Meeting


To: AAA Board Members

From: Scott Dick (substituting for Jim McDermott)


Date: October 27, 2006

Re: October, 2006 AAA Board Meeting Minutes

The Avonworth Athletic Association Board met on October 12, 2006 at 8:00pm in the Emsworth Borough building.

Attendance: Scott Gustic, John Rind, Lou Galante, Ray Filipowski, Jim Pool, Bud Sheffler, Bruce Robbibaro, Scott Dick, Al Cuteri, Rich Malatak, Larry Crilley, Tom Weir

Bill Day, Brian Grove, Lori Kramer, Carl Pietrusinski, Matt Kramer, and Bob Winter were unable to attend.

Meeting called to order at approximately 8:10pm by Scott Gustic.

First order of Business was to review the agenda and modify as necessary. No modifications were requested.

Previous Minutes Review - NONE

President’s Report – Scott Gustic


·  As per Jim McDermott e-mail, the By-Laws Committee (McDermott, Pool, Crilley, Dick) will make recommendations for modifications at the November meeting.

·  Because of the sparse meeting attendance, League Commissioners will be selected at the November meeting.

Treasurer Report - John Rind

·  Compass account has not yet been closed (awaiting check clearance); will give it another month.

·  Acord Park owes AAA approximately $580 from concessions profits.

VP on Field Report – Jim Pool

·  Jim provided a suggested agenda of events/planning for the end of 2006 thru 2007.

VP Off Field – Tom Weir

·  Tom said that, next week, he will make proposed designs for a new shed that could replace the two existing, deteriorating sheds behind the minor league field. John Goldie, who serves on the Acord Park board, told Tom that they’d simply need to see designs, and that replacing the fixtures may be approved. AAA would have to pay for the fixture.

Registration Report – Nothing to Report

Equipment – Matt Kramer (absent)

·  Matt sent the following e-mail to the board: “I have checked into a couple other sites to store equipment and got a price to rent space from Ralph Stroyne in emsworth. He wants $300.00 a month for storage space. That is unrealistic to even think about. I am not happy with the fire hall because everything is out in the open. Does anyone else have any ideas? Let me know ptions.”

·  Rich Malatak called Mike Joyce about potential space.

·  Bruce Robbibaro offered to keep equipment at his house until new space is found.

·  Scott Gustic will contact Ken Opipery about the drop-dead date for current storage location.

Concession – N/A


·  We will continue to use the Minor League team uniforms

·  Because of cost and delays, the sponsor text will no longer appear on the uniforms

Umpires – N/A

Field Maintenance/Development

·  Two new proposals for wooden tower lights: $61,500 (approx, materials included) and $53,000 (approx, with AAA providing wood).

·  Bud Sheffler will compose a letter for canvassing area businesses and will send it to board members for feedback.

Communications – Scott Dick – N/A


·  Registration: Jim McDermott

·  Equipment: No volunteers (will be group function until next meeting)

·  Concessions: N/A, as AAA will continue agreement with Acord Park

·  Umpires: Al Cuteri

·  Field Maintenance/Development (now combined): Rich Malatak

·  Web/Communications: Scott Dick

·  Fundraising: Tom Weir



Next Meeting is November 9, 2006 at 8:00pm at the Emsworth Borough Building.

Special Agenda Items:

·  By-law Committee and recommendations

·  Presentation by Olde Country Lotto representative

·  Remaining Committee Director Elections / Assignments

·  Commissioner Elections / Assignments

·  Approve 2007 Calendar

·  Budget Review

·  LL Field Lights Initiative

Meetings Scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of every month.

Motion to adjourn Gustic – 2nd by Dick

Meeting Adjourned @ approximately 9:20pm

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