Ver. 10.0
Accurate Projections Produce Leveraged Earnings
Main Menu: This is the starting point each time you open the program. To get to each area just click on the appropriate button.
- The first step in the labor program would be to seup training info.
Click on Setup
In this tab you change store name, adjust your trainer pay (the difference from regular pay and training pay), and Trainee pay
- The second step in this labor program would be to setup your labor Proforma.
Labor Proforma: To setup the proforma you must first remember on this page you only change items in red.
6 things to set on Proforma:
- Date
- Projections
- + /- Last year sales
- Labor % for each department
(This total should be labor for the week)
- Labor % in each department for each day
(3. & 4. Need to match)
- Training hours per department per day
Once you have these items set and adjusted your ready to schedule your departments.
Scheduling Page: There are Five schedules to be written.
- Kitchen
- Server
- Host/Hostess
- Bar
- Carside
Kitchen schedule
There are two types of schedule designs, the first type is for kitchen, host/hostess, server and carside, and the second is for bar. The difference is that the bar schedule does not have a place to schedule the station the employee will work
They both have the same setup putting in employee names and rate. They also have an area at the bottom in light blue for all trainees. The Trainee rate should include the additional trainer’s rate in it. Example you hired Bob at 7.50 so he would be put in the trainee area at 8.00 to cover the .50 an hour you pay your trainers to train.
At the top of the page you are given a projected dollar amount per day based off of the performa. As you schedule hours you will see dollar amount you have scheduled and dollars left to schedule. Also you will have a break down of dollars and hours scheduled A.M. and P.M.. Training Dollars and hours will show up here and will also be broken out at the bottom of the screen.
Hours are put in using 24-hour clock:
6 o’clock AM0600
10 o’clockAM1000
10 o’clock PM2200
1 o’clock AM2500
Position legend for Type 1 schedules - Kitchen, Host / Hostess, Carside & Server
After each in and out time there is an extra column for a letter to schedule a position.
/Host / Hostess
F / Fry / B / Busser / T / Terminals / 1 / This will putB / Broil / S / Seater / R / Runner / 2 / station numbers
M / Mid / G / Greeter / E / Expo (carside) / 3 / on labor cards
P / Prep / C / Coordinator / F / Float / Etc
G / G.U.
S / Swing
E / Expo
Type 2(Bar schedule) does not have the ability to schedule positions.
As you can see on the left you have a warning when you have scheduled OT and the right side you get total hours per person.
There is a total dollar area on the right side this area will contain OT dollars. These dollars will not show up on the individual day.
Pay Rates: If there is not a pay rate in for an employee that has hours you will get a Check Pay Rates error and when you open the rates it will tell you how many do not have rates that have hours.
Social Security Numbers:If there is not a social security number in for an employee that has hours you will get a Check Social Security # error and when you open the rates it will tell you how many do not have social security #’s that have hours.
Note: With this version you should not schedule managers on this schedule since it does figure your average wage.
Total Page: This page compares Proforma to scheduled dollars and gives a variance.
When there is OT scheduled it shows up in red per department how many hours are scheduled.
You can also see labor % and Sales / Man-Hour.
Note: If you are missing pay rates you will be notified by an error on the total page. (Telling you this sheet has bad numbers)
Printing: All schedule printing is done from a print menu that you can get into from the main menu.
With apple 10.0 you can print server schedule with and without stations for employees. (If you print with stations print is very small)
There is also a tracking sheet that you can print from this menu, which gives you a break down hourly per day. This is very helpful in daily labor tracking.
Also there is a button in the print area to create a file called labort.xls this file will be located in your apple directory and will contain a copy of your proforma and total page. This file can be sent by e-mail to your DM on request.
Tracking Sheet:
There is also a tracking sheet that you can print from this menu, which gives you a break down hourly per day. This is very helpful in daily labor tracking.
Copying Schedule forward
*** This function is generally done on Wednesday morning ***
Before you copy a schedule forward, you must hit the “Export Schedule” button. This will send the schedule to POS so the employees cannot clock in before their scheduled time.
Then hit the “Copy Schedule” button. This will save a copy of your schedule under the new name AppleCard. You are then free to use Apple10 to create a new forecasted schedule
In AppleCard, you will see two new buttons other than the name change on the top of the worksheet, this will let you know you’re in applecard vs. apple10. You will need to Update Cards this will take all of the schedules for this week and create labor card for you. If you need to adjust a current schedule, make the changes in AppleCard and hit the update Cards button.
Once the Applecard has been created apple10 is ready for the General Manager to go in and set up the proforma and change dates for the new week. At this point schedules should be written to start the cycle over again.
** If you copy schedule forward prior to Wednesday you will loose any labor cards you have not printed to that point. **
** If you have any missing pay rates you will not be able to copy schedule forward. **
The labor card will have in and out times by position, any stations you put into the schedule, Sales projections for that day, and an area to show cuts you made during that shift to better labor.
Permanent availability: This feature will allow you to place each employee’s permanent days off in the scheduling area.
To do this you must click on the in time of the shift they cannot work. Then press and hold the ctrl key while pressing the r key.
This will change the color of that area red. To change this area grey again (AM Shifts) make sure your on the in time ctrl g and white (PM Shifts) ctrl w sitting on the in time.
Note: You cannot put a letter in these cells or you will loose the ability to calculate dollars.
Scheduling Close or Phase: The schedule does not print out times it is either a ph cl.
Mon - Sat / SunLunch Ph / 1459 / 1459
Lunch CL / 1500 / 1500
Dinner Ph / 2259 / 2159
Dinner CL / 2300 / 2200
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