Graduation 2017
Please keep this document for future reference.
The following information is provided to help explain many of the grad activities for this year’s grad class. In brackets, at the end of each section,is the name of the staff sponsor and their email address. Please contact that person should you have any specific questions about the event. You may also reach them by phoning the Main Office at 250-770-7750. Parents should also check the School Newsletters and the School Website,for the latest grad updates. ***For updates directly to your phone: Enter the # 587 333 2789 and text @6c99k. (Remind Me App allows groups messages to be communicated via text). Other inquiries should be directed to Mrs. A DeVito
Every possible effort is made to keep grads and parents apprised of important information related to graduation. Grads should keep a close eye on the Daily School Bulletin, the Monitors in the Hallthe Grad Bulletin Window located near the Counseling Office, for important grad announcements. Grad meetings will be held several times throughout the year. All grads, including those who complete grad requirements early(January 2016), should make every effort to attend the meetings. IT IS THE POTENTIAL GRADUATE’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REMEMBER THE IMPORTANT DATES AND TO MEET ALL DEADLINES AND REQUIREMENTS.
Grad meeting dates are:
- Oct. 6, 2016
- Dec. 6, 2016
- Feb. 15, 2017
- May 29, 2017 (Cap & Gown Distribution)
- June 2, 2017 (Rehearsal)
All students who are intending to graduate in June 2017 must complete and submit a Graduation Application to the office on or before Monday, January 8, 2017. All Grads attending the 1stnGrad meeting of the school year will have the opportunity to complete the Grad Application form. Additional copies of the form are available on- line or from the office. (Mrs. A DeVito or Ms. D. Moroz)
The official list of students eligible to take part in the school graduation ceremonies will be posted 3 times during the school year. The Grad List will clearly indicate if the potential grads have completed the necessary forms or paid grad fees. Potential Grads will not be permitted to participate in the Graduation Ceremony unless all obligations are met.
1st postingDec. 5, 2016 Students must attain 80 or more credits to be able to graduate.
2nd postingFebruary20,2017Takes into consideration courses passed and failed from Semester 1.
3rdFinal postingMay 12, 2017The Final Graduation List - Gradsmust be in a position to successfully complete all required courses and attain 80 credits;as well, all Grad forms need to be completedand all fees paid. (Mrs. A DeVito)
Students must check the Grad Lists to ensure that we are using their legal names and that the spelling is correct. This is the name that will appear on their official certificatesproduced by the Ministry of Education. If it is incorrect on the list, it will be incorrect on grad certificates and program. Corrections must be submitted to the office before final posting of the grad list. (Office)
GRAD PORTRAITS: Information will be provided once we have established our photographer.
The grad section in the school yearbook includes a baby photo and write-up for each of the graduates.
Due Friday,January13, 2017. The photo will be returned to the graduate.
(Mr. P. Belbin ).
All Gr. 12 students are required by the Ministry of Education to complete the Graduation Transitions Plan (GTP). The GTP requires students to document that they have completed: 30 hours of work experience or volunteer activities; 80 hours of fitness related activities and a Graduation Transition Plan that began in Planning 10 course. The deadline for completion of the GTP is May 11, 2017
(Mrs. A. DeVitoorthe Careers Office).
Students who are not on the 1st or 2nd grad list because they are deficient in course credits and/orwho aretakingcourses through the ConnectEd, Distance Education, External Credit courses, Stride or the Learning Centre, will only be considered for inclusion on the final Grad list if the extra courses are completed by May 11, 2017.If a potential graduate is nearing completion of the course by that date, they may request that their teacher(s) or Program Counsellor indicate this in writing to the administration so that they may be included on the final Grad List. Please note that students are permitted to participate in one grad ceremony. (Counselors)
The $80.00 grad fee covers the cost of the ceremony including the rental of grad gown (grads get to keep the cap and tassel), invitations, grad photo, certificates, scrolls, facility costsand other expenses associated with the ceremony. Grad fees are due on or before Friday,January 6, 2017and may be paid at the Accounting Office. (Ms. L. Boothman)
The Senior Winter Formal is dance/social held at Pen High in the Multi-Purpose Room, likely in the last week of November. The event is open to grade 11 and 12 students only. Tickets are limited so be sure to get yours early. In the interest of student safety, breathalyzers will be used for all participants at the door.
The Fairy Grad Mother Project (formerly the Cinderella Project) assists graduating students in Penticton who are in financial need with the costs associated with graduation. Applications are available from the office or a counsellor and are treated confidentially. The deadline for submissions of the completed application is Monday, March 13, 2017. (PSS Alpha-Counselors).
Cap and gowns areordered well in advance of the grad ceremony. They will be distributed at the Grad Meeting on Monday,May 29, 2017. Students will be issued their cap, tassel, V-Stoll and gown and are encouraged to wear them in advance of the ceremonies for family photos. All gownsV-stolls MUST be returned immediately after the graduation ceremony; grads keep the cap & tassel. Grads will be charged the replacement cost of the gown if it is not returned is $150.00.
Grad ceremony write-ups will be completed online beforeFriday,March 10, 2017. The Grad Ceremony Write up is not the same as the Yearbook Write up. The Grad Ceremony Write Up will be used to create a brief profile that will be read as the graduatecrosses the stage at theGraduation Ceremony. Grads will be working on and submitting this during their English 12/ Communications 12 classes.
OurGraduation Ceremony is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Friday, June 2, 2017at the South Okanagan Events Centre (SOEC). Grads will meet at the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre that day at 6:15 p.m. to organize for the processional. Parents and guests are asked to be seated at the SOEC by 6:45 p.m. Please remember that parking will be at a premium. (Mrs. A. DeVito)
All grads must attend the grad ceremony rehearsal at 1:30 p.m. on Friday June 2, 2017at the Penticton Trade & Convention Centre. No exceptions! If students are not in attendance at the rehearsal they will not know the routines for the ceremony. Grads are advised to wear the same shoes to the rehearsal that they plan to wear to the ceremonies. Grads do not wear their Grad Gown at the rehearsal. The rehearsal should be completed by 3:00 p.m. (Mrs. A. DeVito)
We anticipate that there will be approximately 300 graduates taking part in the ceremony this year. In order to ensure that every graduate receivesa reasonable number of seating tickets, we will be distributing tickets from the Box Office at the SOECApril 10 – May 19, 2017. Box Office Hours are 10:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Grads / Parents may receive up to six ticketsfor reserved seating at that time. On May 23, 2017the remaining ceremony tickets will be available at the SOEC Box Office. Special seating requests – forguests with mobility issues or split families can be accommodated by alerting the SOEC Box Office Staff.
Professional photographs are also taken during the Grad ceremony as each student crosses the stage at the Grad Ceremony. The cost of these 5 inch x 7 inch photo(s) is included in the grad fee. The photos will be available for pick up at Photography By Chris 385 Martin Street Penticton in mid-June 2017. Additional copies are available by contacting Photography by Chris.
(Chris Cornett 250-492-2355)
The Grad Parade follows a routefrom the main Pen High parking lot to the Lakeside Resort.The Grad Parade precedes the Prom on Thursday, June 29, 2017. The parade begins at 6:00 p.m. sharp and includes grads and their guests riding inmotorized and non-motorized vehiclevehicles of all descriptions. Some participants choose to walk the parade route. The grad parade leaves the Pen High parking lot,heads West on to Eckhardt Avenue then North along Main Street, across Lakeshore Drive and concludes at the Lakeside Resort.
Safety is a primary concern during the parade - if you are not sure if a particular vehicle is acceptable, please check with the school administration well ahead of time. Once theparade vehicles reach the Lakeside Resort, the parade is completed. Grads should not leave the Lakeside Resort at the conclusion of the parade.
Mr. Alan Stel – () orMr. Brian Allanson ().
The Prom is held at the Penticton Lakeside Resort on on Thursday, June 29, 2017. The ballroom doors open at6:30 p.m. This incredible eveningincludes a sumptuous buffet dinner, beverages, prizes and a dance. Details of the prom will follow as students and the sponsors plan the event. In the interest of student safety, breathalyzers will be used for all participants at the door. Prom is followed by the Parents’ Dry Gradevent. Anyone who is not Pen High Graduate of 2014is considered a prom guest. The Grad hosting a prom guest must complete and submit a prom Guest Request Form to the Administration at the Main Office by June 24, 2016. All Prom guests will be screened in the interest of student safety.
Ms. M. Moroz () or Ms. S. Gunning ()
Aprofessional photographer, will be taking individual and group photos at the prom. Students may pre-book a photo sitting at school at a reduced price. Prices and booking information will be available in early May 2017.
Following the parade and prom, a dry grad celebration takesplace at Pen High. Dry Grad is an event for Pen Highgrads only. A Dry Grad Parent Committee plans, sponsors and organizes this incredible experience for Pen High grads. A parents’ planning meeting is scheduled for October. Parents will be contacted regarding this important meeting. Please stay tuned for fundraising opportunities and be sure to get involved.
(Mrs. A. DeVito)
Orders for grad rings will take place during the school year. Representatives from Jostens and a local jeweler, Oslund Jewelers, will be in the school infalland in the spring to take orders and deposits. Those dates will be announced in the Daily Bulletin. (Office)
This year Grad clothing will be available prior to Winter Break and again in the spring. Unique grad hoodies and sweat pantsare designed by Pen High students in conjunction with a local supplier. Grad clothing order forms will be available at the office in mid-November. Order forms and pre-payment should be handed into the Accounting Office. (Ms. D. Moroz)
Again this year, local scholarships and bursaries will be presented to graduates during thegraduation ceremonyon Friday, June 2, 2017 7:00 pm – 10:00 pmat the South Okanagan Event Centre. During the ceremony last year, over $130,000 in local awards were presented to Penticton’s graduating students through the Penticton Secondary Schools Scholarship and Bursary Foundation. A student information meeting for these awards will be held shortly before Spring Break. Students who are going on to a full-time, accredited post-secondary program next year are eligible to apply. Students must attend this meeting if they are applying for local scholarships and bursaries. Outside awards are not presented at the ceremonies.
The Pen High Scholarship & Bursary Booklet has been put together to inform students and parents about a variety of awards offered by post-secondary institutions (Part 1) and awards offered by individuals, businesses, unions, associations, etc. (Part 2). The booklet also contains helpful information regarding the application process. (Mrs. M. Glibbery- )
The school has sent preliminary information to the Ministry of Education for all grade 12’s to report the courses they have completed and are currently enrolled in. Students can a review their unofficial transcript by accessing the Ministry Student Secure website to verify the courses that will appear on their transcript. If students feel courses are missing from their transcript they should see their counsellor.
Please note: Students will need their Personal Education Number (PEN) to access this Student Secure Website. PENs can be found on your report card or students can contact their alpha-counsellor.
Student Secure Website:
Last Name Counsellor
A-G Ms. Robyn
H-O Ms. Karen Boyd
P-Z Ms. Michelle Glibbery
Counsellors will be reviewingTranscript Verification Report (T.V.R.) for all grade 12 students in early Novemberto confirm graduation requirements.When necessary, counsellors review T.V.R.s with students to confirm graduation status. Students willalso be issued a copy of the Transcript Verification Report in April to confirm their address, courses, etc. In early August, each grade 12 student will receive, in the mail, their transcript from the Ministry of Education. The transcript shows all courses passed and a student’s graduation status. The Ministry of Education will post an unofficial version of the transcript of grades, called the “Unofficial Transcript of Grades” on their web site:
For further information regarding the Graduation Program, please review the Ministry of Education web site at .
Date / Event / LocationSept. 27/15 / BC Post-secondary Institutions Visits 7:00 p.m.
Parents & Grads are Welcome / Multi-Purpose Room
Oct. 6/16 / Grad Student Meeting #1 / Application for Graduation Form issued / Gym
Oct. 6/16 / Grad Parents Info. Meeting 6:00 p.m. / PSS Library
Oct. 6/16 / Dry Grad Parents Info. Meeting 7:00 p.m. / PSS Library
Nov/Dec / Winter Formal / TBA
Dec. 5/16 / First Posting of Potential Graduation List / Counseling Area
Dec. 6/16 / Grad Student Meeting #2 / Gym
Jan. 06/17 / Grad Application Due / Main Office
Jan. 06/17 / Early Grad Form completed for January Grads / Main Office
Jan. 06/17 / Graduation Fees Due / Main Office
Jan. 13/17 / Year Book Write up Due / Mr. Belbin Rm. 208
Feb. 15/17 / Grad Student Meeting #3 / Gym
Feb. 20/17 / Second Posting of Potential Graduation List
Check for corrections & submit changes to your counsellor / Outside Counselling Area
May 11/17 / Grad Transition Plan Due / Careers Office
May 11/17 / All External Courses must be completed including PSLC, STRIDE, ConnectEd & Distance Education courses / Counseling Office
Apr. 10/17 –
May 19/17 / Grad Ceremony Tickets available for pick up.
Max. 6 tickets per family. Open Mon. – Fri / SOEC
Box Office
May /17 TBA / Grad Student Meeting #4 (Only If Necessary) / Gym
May 05/17 / Report to administrator or Alpha-counselor if not attending the
Grad Ceremony / Main Office
May 12/17 / Finalized Graduation List posted / Counseling Hallway
May 23/17 / Remaining reserved ceremony seating tickets available / SOEC
Box Office
May 29/17 / Graduation Student Meeting #5
Grad Gown Distribution ALL GRADS MUST ATTEND / PSS Gym
June 02/17 / Prom Guest request forms available / Main Office
June 02/17 / Graduation Ceremonies Rehearsal 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
June 02/17 / Graduation Ceremonies @ 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. / SOEC
June 01/17 / Grad Prom/Reception tickets on sale. / Accounting office
June 22 – 28/17 / School and Provincial Final Exams / Pen High
June 23/17 / Last day for Prom Guest request forms due by 3:30 pm / Main Office
June 29/17 / Grad Parade Departs at 6:00 p.m. / Pen High
June 29/17 / Pen High Prom - 7:00 p.m. (Doors Open at 6:30 p.m.) / Pent. Lakeside Resort
June 29-30/17 / Parents’ Dry Grad 11:30 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. / PSS
Penticton Secondary Grads
Yearbook Write Up
Due: January 13th, 2017 (If you do not get it in by this date you not be able to get a write up in the yearbook this year!)
Pleasenote: The Yearbook write up and the Grad Ceremony Write Up are not the same. You are required to complete them both.
Suggestions(It is notnecessarytofilloutall areas below)
First Name:______Last Name:______
Favourite Quote:
Futureplans: Activities/Plans/School:
Gradwriteupcanbeamaximum of 100characters.
Write up rules:
- Please remember we are one of the last schools to allow yearbook write ups.
- Use proper English.
- All abbreviations will be deleted so include the full word.
- Please keep all comments appropriate for an educational publication (imagine this is something that you would read to your grandmother so no illegal references to drugs/alcohol or sex will accepted)
- All write-ups will be screened by the Yearbook and school staff.