English ExampleofPaper Design

FirstnameP. Last Name1(first author), Member (or Student Member), IEEE,

FirstnameP. Last Name2(second author)

1First author’sname of Institution/Department, City, Country

2Second author’sname of Institution, City, Country

Abstract– The papermustbe prefaced by the abstract. Main results represented in the paper should be brieflysummarized. Times New Roman Bold 9pt is used to write the abstract, the word ‘Abstract’is writtenby Times New Roman Bold Italic 9pt.An empty lineshould followthe abstract(Times New Roman 9pt).Index Terms should be given in the next line (5 words at most).

IndexTerms –Example, execution, paper.



HEFIRSTletterofthepaper text should betyped in a dropped capital in a two line proportion. Thefirst1-2wordsofthetextaretypedinthe uppercase lettersstarting with the second letter of the first word.The rule of the paper design is the same for English and Russian version.

The paper text is typed in Microsoft Word XP/2003/2007 orinOpenOffice.org3.2Writeron paper sizeА4 (210297) by TimesNewRoman10 pt. Thetop marginshouldbesetto3,0cm, the bottom margin should be set to 3,0 cm.Theleft and the rightmarginshouldbesetto2,5cm. Thepapertextshouldbe divided into two columns. Thespace between the columns must equal to 0.5cm. The single interval is used for typing the paper text. Thefirst line indentshouldequalto 3mm. The justified alignment should be used in the paper text.

The paper text must be divided into sections. Thestandardsectiontitles (“Introduction”, “Problem Definition”, “Theory”, “Experimental results”, “Discussion of Results”, “Conclusions”) shouldbeused. Othersectiontitlesmay be used if necessary.

The“Introduction”sectionshould contain theoverview of literature in relation to the paper subject. The problem definition should follow this overview.Theresearchtaskshouldbeformulatedexplicitly. Thetechnicalitiesshouldbeusedforformulation theresearchtask.Theoreticaland experimental investigations should be described in the “Theory” andthe “ExperimentalResults” section respectively. Allscientificresults or part of themare proposed for discussion by the authors in the section “DiscussionResults”. From scientific ethical point of view is notallowedtopublishanother author’sresults without the reference to the sources cited.

Allsectionsarenumberedin theRoman figures. The section title is located in the middle of the column. Anuppercase letter (TimesNewRoman10 pt) is used for typing the section titles.Each word of the section title should beginwith an the uppercase letter (Times New Roman 11pt). The word division is not permitted in the section titles.A period shouldnot be used in the section title.The interval before a section title should be 18pt. The interval after a section title should be 6 pt.

The subsections should be named in alphabet letters. The interval before a subsection should be 12 pt. The interval after a subsection should be 6 pt. Use Times New Roman Italic 10pt for the title of subsections.


The Papershouldbeginwiththeheaderlocated in the center of the page and typed inTimesNewRomantype 24pt. Each word should begin with anuppercase letter.

The header the empty line should be typed inTimesNewRoman type24 pt. Author’snamesaregivenin the center of the page as follows: First name P. Last Name. TimesNewRomantype 11ptis used to type author’snames. Iftheauthor (co-author) is a member of the IEEE organization, this information is given after his/her name as follows: Member,IEEE.TimesNewRomanItalictype 11pt is used to type the IEEE status.

The Institution/Department of the authors (co-authors) should be started in the next line.Ifthereareseveralco-authorsworkingindifferentInstitutions/DepartmentseachInstitution/Departmentshould be written witha new line. The digital subscripts are used toindicatetheauthormembershipofaninstitute.TimesNewRoman 11ptshould be used to type the name of the Institution/Department.


  1. Figure Design

Allillustrationsmustbeclear and of highquality.Color illustrationsmay be published if necessary. For this purposetheauthorshouldprovide theseillustrationswithmore than 300 dpi resolution and in CMYK palette.Itisnecessary to publish a color illustrationsif colorscarry some importantinformation.

A figureshouldbegrouped, saved as a picture in*.jpgor*.tiffformat and then put in the paper text.Afigureshouldbeputinthetextdirectly. It is not acceptable to put a figure over the text. Ifapicture iscreatedwithMicrosoft Officetools,itisnecessarytogroupand to convert it in *.pdfdocument. Then a figure picture should be copied from this document to the paper text as a photo usingthe “Print Screen” key.

Fig. 1. Example of figure design.

A figure should be centered in the column.Itisnotacceptabletoputalegendon a figure. Legendsaretyped in the paper text. TimesNewRoman8 ptisusedtotypelegend.Itshouldbecentrally aligned (seeFig.1). There is an empty line (6pt) after a legend. It is acceptable to useonly “Fig.” abbreviationforreference to the figure.

Ifa figuresizeexceedthecolumnwidthitisnecessarytocompressafiguresizetothecolumnwidthifpossible.Ifitisnotpossiblebecause oftoolargefiguresizeor too finedetailsit is acceptable to remain a figure unchanged. Inthiscaseafigureshouldbeputin one columninthecentre of the page.It is acceptable toputallfiguresat the end of the paper, if the sense of a paper is retained.

  1. Table Design

TablesarenumberedinRomanfiguresinorderoftheir appearanceinthetext. Theword‘Table’istypedinuppercaseletter.TimesNewRoman 10ptisusedforthis purpose.Theword ‘Table’ is placed to the middle of the column. The table title is placedin the middle of the next line.Thetabletitleshouldcorrespondto thetablecontent. TimesNewRoman8ptisused fortypingthetabletitle.The table title istypedbytheuppercaseletter. The first letter of each word in the title of table should be typed in Times New Roman 10pt.

A numberoftablecolumnsandrowsisreasonable determinedby the author. TimesNewRoman 8pt is used for typing the table content (seeTableI). The Table is placed in the middle of the column. There is an empty line (8 pt) before the table. The left alignment shouldbeusedwithinthetable.




Style / Format / Character format
Bold / Italic
Text / T.N.R. / X
Function / T.N.R.
Variable / T.N.R. / X
L.C.Greek / Symbol / X
U.C.Greek / Symbol / X
Symbol / Symbol / x
Matrix-Vector / T.N.R. / x
Number / T.N.R.

TablescopiedfromtheMicrosoft Exceldocument may be used.Inthiscase it is not acceptable to usetable numbering and table title in Microsoft Exceldocuments.The correct design of a table copiedfromaMicrosoft Exceldocument is shown inTableII.




There is an empty line (6pt) after a table.

  1. Equation Design

Equations are typed in MS EQUATION 1 or 2.Thepresetparametersinthestyle menu and in the size menu in MS EQUATION 1 or 2 areshown in Table IandII. Theleft and rightalignmentshouldbeusedforinsertion of an equation.Anequationshouldbeplacedinthecentre of the column.Forexample:


Theequationsarenumberedinorderoftheir appearanceinthetext. Ifthereis a referencetoan equationsuch an equation should not be numbered. Numberof an equation istyped on the parentheses on the right side of the column.Ifthereisa referencetoanequation (1) in the paper text,thenumberof an equation istyped in the parentheses too.

Ifthesizeof an equation exceedsthecolumnsize,the division of an equation is used. Ifsize of an equationstill exceedsthecolumnsize, the division ofitisnecessarytouse the supplementaryintervening variablesand functions having a symbolic representation other than the variablesand functions already used in the text.Punctuation marks requiredto indicatethe relationship between an equationandthe paper text are typed outsidean equation.


Todenotethedimensionofphysicalquantitiesin the paper itisallowedtouseSIunits. Itisallowedtouseoff-systemunitsonlyifitisthecommonstandardofnotation in some field of science.

Dots are used innumericalintervalsof physicalquantitiesinstead of hyphen (e.g., 40…50 cm).

The symbol ÷ is never used.Dash with blanks is used insteadofit.

Dashwithblanksisusedfortext dash notation.Inaddition, itisusedfortheinterval «from – to» indication(e.g.,January – February 1992, during 3 – 5 sec., in issues [1] – [3]).

Dashwithoutblanksisusedtonotate of various compositions, interface, dependences, etc. and so on, as well asto combine two surnames(e.g.,systemPb–Sn–Te, gas–liquid interface, equationClausius–Clapeyron).

Hyphenwithoutblanksis used in such cases as:γ-radiation; ProfessorM.M. Gusev-Lebedev; ‘Alpha-3’ instrument; U-Pb-method; sample83-4, section 1-1.

Hyphenwithblanksis never used.

Mathematicaloperatorsandrelationsigns (exceptsolidus) areseparatedfromadjacentsymbolsornumbersexceptfor usingsuch signs for notationof apositiveor negative value, incrementand decrement, e.g.,the boiling temperature precision is ±1.5°C, during ~20 min, ethanol: water = 1:1, multiplication factor200.

Abbreviationsrepresenting several words are separated by blanksexceptforabbreviationsbeing in general use (e.g., p.m., a.m., i.e.).

An abbreviationusedasanadjective is hyphenated (e.g.,IR-spectroscopy, LСD-state).


Point is decimal symbol: 5.25.Celsius degree is noted as5°C rather than 5°. Angulardegreesareneveromitted: 5° – 10° rather than 5 – 10°; on the figure axes: θ, deg.rather than θ°. A variabledimensionisindicated bythe comma (e.g. E, kJ/mol).

If the authors want to compare their theoreticalandexperimentalresultswith the previous resultsitisnecessarytomakea referencetothepaper, in which these resultsaresummarized [1,2]. A sourceis numberedintheorderofciting and the source number is givenin square brackets.


The bibliographic list is placedinspecialunnumberedsectiontyped inTimesNewRoman 8pt.

References should be given in square brackets, the interval between bracket and the following text is set to 5 mm.


[1]BakutP.A., DjulinaJ.V., IvantchukN.A.Detection of themovingobjects/ Edited by. P.A.Bakut. – M.: Soviet Radio, 1980. – 288 p. (inRussian).

[2]PatternClassificationPatternClassification, DudaRichardO., HartPeter, StorkDavidG. – 2nded. – USA: JohnWileySons, 2001, p. 738.

[3]ReutovC., SafronovE.Complete shipment ofinstruments of labour as a means of creation of machine system // Economicquestions, 1985. № 1. pp. 57-67. (in Rissian).

[4]Stewartson K.On the flow near the trailing edge of a flat plate // Proc. Roy. Sec. London. Ser. A. 1968. V. 306. No. 1486. pp. 275-290.

Attheendofthepaperthe curriculum vitae should be published as it is done in IEEE publications. Ifthereareseveralauthorsofthepaper, all authors are started in thespecial table.TimesNewRoman 8pt is used.