You will create, with the help of your assigned lab group, a podcast (created in iMovie) describing any concept you have learned in chemistry this year. Your podcast must:

·  Teach the concept in a clear manner.

·  Be between 1:30 and 3:00 minutes in length.

·  Include narration and visuals.

Some things to think about:

·  Choose a concept that interests you, but can be clearly explained in the allotted time frame.

·  Visuals can include movie clips .

·  You will be using the built-in camera and microphone on the laptop.

·  Write a script before narrating your work.

Topics will be submitted by each lab group by the end of the period on May 25 or 26. Your topic approval, with comments and suggestions, will be returned to you by the beginning of the period the next day. Work on the labtops will be conducted during 2 double class periods between June 1 and June 8 and uploaded to my blog site on the last work day. Grades will be recorded by Friday June 11. NO LATE PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED and will be given a 0.


Project rubric:

Production / 10-12 points
Too long or too short; difficulty in playback / 13-15 points
Poor/distracting sound quality, poor visuals, or poor timing / 16-17 points
Sound and visuals work seamlessly together in proper sequence / 18-20 points
Sound and visuals are outstanding/ evidence of extra effort
Delivery / 10-12 points
Missing narration or visuals / 13-15 points
Narration unclear/ visuals do not sync with narration or are inappropriate / 16-17 points
Clear narration with visuals that match and complement narration / 18-20 points
Narration is clear and holds attention, visuals enhance narrative
Subject Matter / 16-19 points
Relevance of topic is questionable / 20-23 points
Relevant topic, but with some inaccuracies / 23-26 points
Relevant topic with accurate data / 27-30 points
Topic is interesting, relevant, and accurate
Educational Value / 16-19 points
Little-no educational value (high entertainment doesn’t always equal high educational value). / 20-23 points
A definite concept is presented, but explanation is unclear / 23- 26 points
Concept is presented and explained clearly / 27-30 points
Outstanding teaching, grabs interest, makes connections to the “real” world
Point totals: / 42-62 / 66-76 / 78-86 / 90-100


How gas particles behave at different temperatures, pressures and volumes

Effusion/diffusion of gases

Differences between a solid, liquid, and gas

What is a chemical reaction and a chemical equation?

Single replacement reactions

Double replacement reactions

Difference between a physical change and a chemical change

Nuclear fission – what it is and its uses

Nuclear fusion – what it is and its uses

The differences between pure substances and mixtures

The mole as a quantity in chemistry

How the Bohr model of the atom was discovered

The quantum mechanical model of the atom

Weird behavior of electrons in the quantum mechanical world

Why do ionic solutions conduct electricity?

Periodic trends in ionic size, electronegativity, and ionization energy

Metallic bonds and metallic properties

Covalent bonds and molecular properties

How to solve a stoichiometry equation

Combustion reactions of hydrocarbons

Laboratory safety tips

You MUST take into account of the following:

·  If you use photos and videos off the web you must site the source via a caption in credits.

·  No facial images of you on the podcast (per Parkland SD policy).

·  Give credit to music used – site the artist/song via a caption in credit.

·  Make sure any music/sound effects you use enhance your presentation rather than distract from it.

Period 3-4 EVEN / Topic
Ezra, Taryn, Taylor / Differences between solid, liqud, gas
Eric, Tony, AJ / Lab safety
Byron, Adriena, Danielle / Nuclear fission
Emily, Devin / Periodic trends
Ryan, Dean, Mo / Bohr Model
Dustin, Alex, Amanda / Pure substances and mixtures
Cassie, Jen, Felicia / Physical and chemical changes
Rachel, Kelli, Eric / Chemical reaction and chemical equation
Period 6-7 EVEN / Topic
Abby, Anna, Collin / Lab safety tips
RGL / Differences between solid, liquid, gas
Spencer, Shrina, Dani / Physical and chemical change
Josh, Maria, Austin / How the Bohr model was discovered
Sebastian, Collins, Mohamad / Substances and mixtures
Morgan and Sydney / Behavior of gas particles at P,T,V
Richard, Katie, Brittany / Single replacement reactions
Scott, Mike, Tiron / How to solve a stoichiometry equation
Molly, Dan, Dan / Double replacement reactionsh
Period 1-2 ODD / Topic
Doug, Brian, Josh / Differences between solid, liquid, gas
Jason, Angie, Christian / Physical and chemical changes
Danielle, Liz, Alejandra / Lab safety tips
Kurt, Zach, / Nuclear fission
Hannah, Monica / Gas effusion and diffusion
Ahad, Abby, and Tobi / Pure substances and mixtures
Joe, Sam, and Alex / Nuclear fusion
Ben, Lauren, Victoria / The mole
Period 6-7 ODD / Topic
Caitlin, Mike, Charlotte / Lab safety tips
Colleen, Tricia, Nicole / Physical and chemical changes
Zach and Lindsay / Solids, liquids, gases
Chris, Tanya, Lauren / Effusion, diffusion of gases
Jocelyn, Emily Kate / Pure substances and mixtures
Collin, Ankit / Nuclear fission
Alyssa, Nikki, Taj / How gas particles behave under P,T,V
Gabby, Neil, Austin / Periodic trends
Nicole, Ian, Matt / Single replacement reactions