Geometry - Syllabus 2015-2016 School Year page 1

Miss Katie Redman

Phone: (253) 983-2365


Course Description

The Geometry course is designed to prepare students for the Smarter Balanced Assessment,Algebra II and future mathematics courses.

Methods of Instruction

This class will be taught using a variety of instructional strategies. You will be required to work individually and in cooperative groups. In addition to lecture, demonstration, differentiated instruction, and individual practice, you will engage in think pair share activities. Presentations, quizzes, tests, and assignments will be used to assess your understanding and mastery of the concepts in Geometry.

Behavior Expectations

Expectations that have been established in order for you to be successful:

The 7 P’s

  1. Prepared – Have your materials, assignments, and questions about previous work ready when class begins.
  2. Prompt – Attend school daily and arrive to class on time.
  3. Participate – Listen to explanations, discussions, and other’s questions.
  4. Produce – Perform quality work and stay organized.
  5. Polite – Respect yourself, your classmates, and the teacher at all times.
  6. Positive Mental Attitude – If you have a positive outlook on life, your life will be positive.
  7. Pride You should make your work look like it goes on display.

Respect is earned, not just given; however common courtesy is demanded of everyone!


When students behave inappropriately and require redirection, I will use the following five step plan:

  1. Student/teacher conference.
  2. Parent contacted by teacher.
  3. Student/teacher/parent conference.
  4. Referral to the Counselor.
  5. Referral to the Assistant Principal or Principal.

Violations that interfere with the safety or welfare of other students, instances of open defiance, or insubordination will result in you immediately being referred to a school administrator.

General Student Responsibilities

Attendance: Students are expected to be in class every school day. All attendance problems will be handled in accordance with the school policy. When you are absent from class, check the website to see what was covered. Then read the material in the textbook before completing the assignment. You will have the same number of days you were absent to make up your work. After that, no work will be accepted and it will be scored as a zero. If you do not understand the material, see me before or after school so I can help you.

Tardies: All tardy issues will be handled in accordance with the school policy.

Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. It will be graded for understanding. I will allocate a few minutes at the beginning of each class to answer any questions from the previous day’s assignment. Homework will be reviewed daily and checked, but not collected until the end of the unit. Homework will be graded on a 4-point scale. In order to earn full credit, students must: complete each problem on time (noted with a stamp), self-correct the assignment with a pen, re-work any missed problems.

Late work: Lake work will not be accepted.

Quizzes: There will be weekly quizzes.

Tests: Tests will be given when needed.

Grading: Grades are updated in Skyward DAILY. I will email a progress report home every other week, so please make sure your email address is correct in skyward. Parents make it a practice to discuss your child’s progress regularly.

The grade you will receive in Geometry will be calculated as follows: / The Steilacoom High School Grading Scale is as follows:
Tests 60%
Quizzes 30%
Classwork/Homework 10%
100% / 93% - 100% A 73% - 76% C
90% - 92% A- 70% - 72% C-
87% - 89% B+ 67% - 69% D+
83% - 86% B 60% - 66% D
80% - 82% B- 0% - 59% F
77% - 79% C+


You must have your first and last name, date, period, and assignment written on all papers.

Please show all your work neatly in order to receive credit. No work, No credit!!!!!

All assignments must be done in pencil. No work will be accepted in ink!!!!!

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out the information you missed and turn in any assignments you missed. Check my classroom website for the daily information.

You will have 2 days per absence to get any missed quizzes, and/or tests completed.

Extra Help: I am available for extra help. A weekly schedule will be posted of times I am available. You can also get help from another math teacher (Anderson, Eastman, Garrett, Lane, Morris, Norris, Rodgers, or Wynn). DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET HELP!!!

Materials List: All students are required to have the following materials every day:

  • Textbook
  • Scientific calculator or a graphing calculator(If you are going to Algebra 2 and beyond, a graphing calculator will be required)
  • Pencils – Work will not be accepted in pen!!!!!
  • Three – ring binder (1” to 1 ½” for notes)
  • Loose-leaf paper
  • Graph Paper
  • Protractor and compass

I want this class to challenge you to satisfy your intellectual curiosity, and to fulfill your academic needs. You WILL have to work hard, but I can guarantee you that I will be working even harder to see you meet your goals. Let’s make this a great school year by working together toward the common goals of academic success and maturity. Show me that you are working to your potential. Be an active participator in class. It won’t go unnoticed.

Please complete this page and return to me as soon as possible.

I ______understand the expectations and procedures listed and agree to abide by them.

(Please print student’s name)

______(Student signature)

As the parent/guardian, of the above student, I ______understand theexpectations and procedures of the

(Please printparent/guardian name)

classroom and agree to help my child abide by them.

______(Parent/ Guardian signature)

I can be reached at the following phone numbers and/or email address:

Parent/ Guardian 1 ______

(Please printparent/guardian name)

Home phone______

Work Phone______(times ______)

Cell Phone ______


Parent/ Guardian 2 ______

(Please printparent/guardian name)

Home phone______

Work Phone______(times ______)

Cell Phone ______


I look forward to educating your child and meeting you. Please feel free to call me, email me, or stop by to see me if you have any questions.


Miss Katie Redman

Parental Contact Log