Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct for Student Interns
Viterbo University – Career Services
General Statements
- While interning at your site, you represent the University. You should be professional in your interactions and ensure that your behavior is in line with Viterbo University values.
- You are expected to respect the employer's employment policies, practices, procedures, dress code, and/or standards of conduct.
- Any changes in your internship status (layoff, cutback in hours, or dismissal) must be reported to theInternship Coordinator.
- If you feel victimized by a work-related incident (e.g. job misrepresentation, unethical activities, sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.), you are to contact the Internship Coordinator instantly.
- You may not withdraw from a site without approval from both the Intern Coordinator and the site supervisor. Individual circumstances will be taken into consideration.
- You will complete required assignments and surveys.
- While interning in a professional setting, you will function as an unlicensed professional. You will not act as one might in a clinical/practicum setting (eg. advisor/counselor/therapist). This is primarily for those in Dietetics, Education, Nursing, Social Work or Substance Abuse Counseling
Specific Statements: You will conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. This includes:
- Maintaining confidentiality regarding information accessed on any patients, clients, members, customers, employees, and products or services associated with the internship site;
- Reporting for the internship on-time and as scheduled;
- Using appropriate written and oral expression in all interactions with university personnel, managers, supervisors, employees, the public and clients;
- Participating in any orientation or training required by the internship site;
- Observing all established safety and sanitation codes;
- Engaging in positive, good, legal behavior;
- Accepting responsibility and accountability for decisions and actions taken while at the internship site;
- Ensuring that all interactions with fellow employees and clients/customers are conducted with dignity and respect towards every person.
By my signature below, I indicate my compliance to the professional standards of the internship program.
Name (print) ______
Signature ______Date ______
(adapted from Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct for Student Interns, Michael True, 2007, Messiah College, Grantham, PA)