Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct for Student Interns

Viterbo University – Career Services


General Statements

  1. While interning at your site, you represent the University. You should be professional in your interactions and ensure that your behavior is in line with Viterbo University values.
  1. You are expected to respect the employer's employment policies, practices, procedures, dress code, and/or standards of conduct.
  1. Any changes in your internship status (layoff, cutback in hours, or dismissal) must be reported to theInternship Coordinator.
  1. If you feel victimized by a work-related incident (e.g. job misrepresentation, unethical activities, sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.), you are to contact the Internship Coordinator instantly.
  1. You may not withdraw from a site without approval from both the Intern Coordinator and the site supervisor. Individual circumstances will be taken into consideration.
  1. You will complete required assignments and surveys.
  1. While interning in a professional setting, you will function as an unlicensed professional. You will not act as one might in a clinical/practicum setting (eg. advisor/counselor/therapist). This is primarily for those in Dietetics, Education, Nursing, Social Work or Substance Abuse Counseling

Specific Statements: You will conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. This includes:

  1. Maintaining confidentiality regarding information accessed on any patients, clients, members, customers, employees, and products or services associated with the internship site;
  1. Reporting for the internship on-time and as scheduled;
  1. Using appropriate written and oral expression in all interactions with university personnel, managers, supervisors, employees, the public and clients;
  1. Participating in any orientation or training required by the internship site;
  1. Observing all established safety and sanitation codes;
  1. Engaging in positive, good, legal behavior;
  1. Accepting responsibility and accountability for decisions and actions taken while at the internship site;
  1. Ensuring that all interactions with fellow employees and clients/customers are conducted with dignity and respect towards every person.

By my signature below, I indicate my compliance to the professional standards of the internship program.

Name (print) ______

Signature ______Date ______

(adapted from Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct for Student Interns, Michael True, 2007, Messiah College, Grantham, PA)