CSCI 104: Essential Computing I
Summer- 2014
Hamilton Basement Computer Lab
General Info:Professor: Mr. David Tucker
Office Location:149 Ross Hall
Office Phone: (814) 732-2550
E-Mail Address:
/ Office Hours:
Every day after Class
This course familiarizes students with the interaction of computer hardware and software. Emphasis is placed on the application of microcomputers, the use of productivity software (word processing, spreadsheet management, file management, and presentation software), Internet applications, and electronic mail applications. Students with credit for CSCI 100 may not take this course to fulfill degree requirements.
Additional Information:
- This course is approved for General Education - Core 7 and the computer competency requirement.
- This course is designed to be a first course in the use of microcomputer productivity software and a brief introduction to computer science.
- Throughout the course, the students will be utilizing the commercially available Microsoft® Office and Microsoft®Web Expressions or Adobe Dreamweaver® software package.
- There will be a brief overview of the field of Computer Science and the general topics associated with CS. Throughout the course we will discuss features of the Windows® operating system. After the introduction the students will then be exposed to:
- Word Processing
- Presentation Software
- Spreadsheet Software
- Web Page Development Software
Course Objectives
Successful completion of the course will be based upon the following objectives:
- Students will be proficient at utilizing computer hardware as input and output devices.
- Students will be fluent in terminology and technical jargon used with respect to computer hardware and software.
- I'd also like the students to be knowledgeable about what to look for when purchasing a computer system.
- Students will be able to access the university computer systems.
- Students will be able to navigate in a graphical operating system, in this case MS Windows 7.
- Students will be able to use a word processing package to create, edit, and enhance documents.
- Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in a spreadsheet package, including generating graphs to answer questions about data.
- Students will utilize electronic mail throughout the system using their Edinboro student accounts.
- Students will create a web page using state of the art WYSIWYG software.
- Students will create a dynamic slide show using presentation software.
Required Materials
- MyItLab Access Code
- Text. is optional; I recommend the MYITlab code plus a hard copy of the text.
- Flash drive
- Regular use of your Edinboro e-mail account and use of D2L
Note: Check the site frequently for up-to-date information. / Course Textbook:Microsoft Office 2010 Plus Edition by Grauer, Publisher Prentice Hall
MyItLab Course codes:
- Assignment 1:Using Windows Explorer; due 5/21; place in drop box in D2L
- Assignment 2: Laptop Purchase Practice; due 5/21; place in drop box in D2L
- Assignment 3: MS Word Chapters 1- 4; On-Line using MyITLab; due 5/27
- Assignment 4: Building and hosting a web page; due 5/29
- Assignment 6: MS Excel Chapters 1 - 4; On-Line using MyITLab; due 6/3
- Assignment 6: MS Power Point Chapters 1 & 2; On-Line using MyITLab; due 6/5
Assessment and Evaluation:
Examinations (dates depend on the section you are in)
- Quiz 1 –5/21
- MS Word Exam –5/27
- MS Excel Exam –6/3
- Final Exam –6/5
90 < score < 100 A
87 < score < 89 B+
80 < score < 87 B
77 < score < 80 C+
70 < score < 77 C
60 < score < 70 D
0 < score < 60 F / Derivation of Final Grades
Weights for Determining the Final Grade:
Word Exam 15%
Excel Exam 15%
Final Exam 15%
Concepts Exam 5%
Web Site 5%
Directory HW 2%
PC Purchase 2%
My IT Lab Homework 41%
(graders are worth double the training)
If you miss more than 1/3 of the classes (5 weeks’ worth) you will be dropped a letter grade for each additional class missed. Usually this is not a problem but can be in some extreme instances. / Notes
- Incomplete grades will be assigned only if proper documentation is presented and the student has a passing grade in the course at the time of withdrawal (very rare).
- Borderline grades will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor usually based on attendance.
- All assessment is based on results as it is unfair for the instructor to subjectively evaluate effort for each student in the class.
- Special Note: I do not grade on effort or circumstances, I only grade on results! -- Treat taking this course as you would a very important job, does an employer pay on effort alone?
American Disabilities Act Statement
Any student who has a physical or learning disability which requires special accommodations should have the proper documentation with OSD.Before any exams you will deliver the testing accommodations sheets to me and we will discuss the alternate arrangements for the exams. / Academic Integrity
You alone are responsible for your work. Any student found to be cheating or plagiarizing with respect to any component of the course will be subject to immediate failure from the course. This course is particularly susceptible to cheating. Please don't! You are on your honor to turn in assignments that only you created. In addition cheating does not help you learn the material & prepare for the exam. You cannot pass this class on homework points alone!
Additional Comments
It is the instructor's intention to provide an environment that is relaxed and academically stimulating. You will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in the lecture.
As far as attendance goes, I will take roll and if you haven't missed more than one week's worth of classes you will receive extra consideration if you fall on the border when I determine your final grade. Note that high performance in a any class is linked with consistent attendance and good effort. I do expect you to attend all classes and you are responsible for knowing about any announcements or assignments made during class. If missing a class is unavoidable, the student is expected to catch up on the lecture notes either from the web or ask a class mate, there may have been an announcement. As I like to say - if you are going to take a class then take it, if not then don't waste our time.
Please do not use office hour time to make-up excessive unexcused absences. This course is taught in a lecture/laboratory style. While the instructor is lecturing, it is EXPECTED that no one will be working on the computers. It's rude and disruptive to both other students and the instructor. Additionally, a good bit of time may be given for in-class work on the computers. Students are expected to use this time wisely, while the instructor and lab assistant are present to assist. Additionally, you should set several hours aside each week when you can come to one of the labs (or use an adequate home system) to finish the laboratory problems.
It is imperative that you gain access to a computer containing Microsoft Office 2010 and allow yourself some time outside of class to complete your assignments. (The computer labs have this software) / Other Class Rules
- No cell phone use during class time
- No Facebook use during the class time, before and after is fine. With the exception of getting photos for your web page if you want.
- I reserve the right to deduct points from your overall grade for these infractions.
I am the instructor of record for this class. Only the instructor of record for this class can issue a final grade