AP United States Government Name: ______

Chapter 11 Study Guide – Congress

Vocabulary: On index cards, define the following terms.

  1. Constituents
  2. Bicameralism
  3. Lawmaking
  4. Logrolling
  5. Representation
  6. Trustees
  7. Instructed delegates
  8. Casework
  9. Congressional oversight
  10. Enumerated powers
  11. House Rules Committee
  12. Filibuster
  1. Cloture
  2. Incumbency
  3. Reapportionment
  4. Redistricting
  5. Gerrymandering
  6. Franking privilege
  7. Standing committees
  8. Select committees
  9. Joint committees
  10. Conference committees
  11. Seniority system
  12. Speaker of the House
  1. Majority leader
  2. Minority leader
  3. Whip
  4. President Pro Tempore
  5. Party polarization
  6. Divided government
  7. Earmark
  8. Pork barrel
  9. Authorization
  10. Appropriation
  11. Continuing resolution

Questions: Complete the following as you read chapter 11 in your textbook.

  1. Explain why many Americans distrust Congress but trust their representatives.
  1. Why did the founders create a bicameral legislature?
  1. Complete the following chart on the6 functions of Congress:

Function / Explanation / Example
  1. How do representatives make policy decisions in each of the following ways?
  2. Trustees:
  1. Delegates:
  1. Politicos:
  1. List some of the enumerated powers of Congress.
  1. What is the elastic clause, and how does it affect congressional power?
  1. What are some checks on the power of Congress?
  1. How are the House and Senate different?

House / Senate
Constitutional differences
Process and culture
Specific powers
  1. What is the role of the House Rules Committee?
  1. Explain how the filibuster works and may be ended.
  1. How do the members of Congress compare to the citizenry of the United States?
  1. Explain the role of the census in congressional elections.
  1. How do congressional elections differ in presidential election years and in midterm election years?
  1. What advantages do incumbents have in congressional elections?
  1. Explain the difference between reapportionment and redistricting.
  1. What is gerrymandering, and how has it been used in the past?
  1. How has the Supreme Court ruled on gerrymandering (don’t worry about specific cases here)?
  1. Describe the following perks and privileges of legislators.
  2. Franking:
  3. Staffs (not unlike Gandalf’s):
  4. Legal privileges and immunities:
  5. Congressional caucuses:
  6. How does the committee structure in Congress help to deal with the workload?
  1. Describe the four different types of congressional committees (don’t worry about the House Rules Committee).

Committee type / Description
  1. How are committee chairs selected?
  1. What is meant by the “leadership” of Congress?
  1. Describe the powers and roles of the following leaders of Congress.

House / Senate
Speaker / President Pro Tempore
Majority leader / Majority leader
Minority leader / Minority leader
Whips / Whips
  1. Why has party polarization increased over the last two decades?
  1. What role does personal compromise play in congressional voting?
  1. Draw a flowchart illustrating how a bill becomes a law.
  1. Briefly (if that’s possible) explain the process of creating and approving a budget.