About Us

Kim Russell - Owner

This website came about after many hours of searching for products myself online and waiting forever for them to arrive. I began scrapbooking back in 2005 and am absolutely addicted to it now.
Yes, my house has been overtaken with scrapping product.
I also have many friends that have helped me on my journey and the time we spend playing or producing together means so much to me. I thank them all for this from the bottom of my heart.
The memories that have come back to me, little things I may have forgotten until I took the photos out………….my family, friends, traveling and just being silly, these are all happy times.
Somewhere in the stash of photos will be the terrible parts too, but these are memories and we need to scrap these too and help for the next generations to come to understand and know where they fit into their family.
When I am stuck on a particular page at any time, I take out something else, maybe a piece of chipboard, turn it into an album, decorate a box or make some cards, plan a lesson or try a new technique.
This all helps to bring you back to memory preserving. I also travel a lot to teach and encourage new scrappers to take part in this memory building for the future.

Design Team Members

Wendy Carter
I am nearly 50 years old, have been married to my fantastic husband Rod (a farmer) for 30 years. We live on a farm 2 hours east of Perth, growing wheat and sheep. I have 3 grown children.
I love all crafts, but scrapbooking is my favourite (as many crafts can be incorporated onto the pages in some way). I enjoy music, food, cooking, dinner parties, good friends, a nice cold glass of chardonnay or two, and travel.
My husband will tell you that I’m a much better scrapbooker than farmer.
I started scrapping 8 years ago, and after a slow start, discovered a world of ideas and techniques available in scrapbook shops in Perth and on line.Have had quite a few lessons, most in Perth, some in Sydney.
Recently I have been participating in on-line lessons and having a fabulous time.
The one scrapbooking technique I find easiest of all is to colour block. I have taught this technique in Cunderdin, Mukinbudin and Melbourne.
My Scrapbooking style is very much my own, I don’t follow trends from magazines and have come to accept my work as being uniquely MINE. I don’t profess to be a better scrapper than anyone else.
One of the aspects I love about it is sharing ideas and techniques, so am very happy if anyone else has a technique to teach me.
My pages evolve, I can’t plan them. I do my best work at home, sitting in my scrap room in the quiet of my home.
I have met some FABULOUS women, and enjoy sharing, family, funny, sad, emotional, moving, and lovely experiences together.
Rosalie Packham
“Scrapbook – a book of blank pages in which newspaper cuttings or pictures are stuck.”This very aptly describes scrapbooking for me, transforming blank pages into works of art filled with memories that will last a lifetime.Although if you speak to my husband he calls it ripping up perfectly good photos and paper and gluing them back together.
I am totally addicted to scrapbooking and would go so far as to say that it is my habit, (a very expensive one) but the most rewarding. I have tried just about every other craft there is and this is the only one that I have not grown bored with.
I began scrapbooking in 2001 when the register from the school I was working at invited me to a Creative Memories Workshop and I’ve been addicted ever since. She has since become a very close friend and we frequently scrap together.
I soon discovered there was a whole wide world of scrapbooking out there and have never looked back. I became a bit of a collector there for awhile when my children were babies but I’m back on track to scrapping their milestones and any other event that happens.
I live in a small country town in the wheat belt on my husband’s family farm with our two children. Thanks to scrapbooking I have made some amazing friendships.
A group of us meet every week at my house and scrap till late in the evening.
I love looking at what the girls are doing, discussing pages and learning new things from them. Someone will always come up with an idea if stuck and usually has the one thing you don’t have.
I wouldn’t say that I have any set style (but I do love colour) as I tend to try a variety of techniques and styles. I do have two loves that I use in as much of my scrapbooking as I can - Flowers and Bling. I can not get enough of either and my friends laugh at “my collection” of both.
About a year ago I dabbled in a small off the page project at Kim’s house and am now hooked. Most of the members of my family have a canvas (or two) hanging on a wall or on a shelf that I’ve scrapped and many other projects like lunch pails and snow domes.
Scrapbooking has opened up a whole new world for me, especially the scrapping weekends away and the friendships I have made.
So, if you’ve been wanting to dabble and have a go jump in with two feet as it is more than just preserving your life’s memories it is a whole new world of friendships and the most amazing time of your life.
Lisa McCreery
My name is Lisa McCreery and I am from a small country town in the Wheatbelt in Western Australia. My husband and I are about to begin running a farm tree nursery and engineering business that we have been involved in since 2001.
I have two sons that keep me very busy.
My PASSION is scrapbooking….
I knew this was something that I really would love, as a child I was known in my family as the “inside girl” and loved all the stationery, papers, pens, organising my desk etc…so when my mother in law and mother gave me some scrapping magazines and books… I smiled and surprisingly put them aside…. knowing that I would get addicted!
One trip to Perth about a year later changed my life.
I went with a friend who just needed to stop and grab some things from a Perth scrapbooking shop. I politely followed her in and spent the next 45 minutes pacing the isles with my hands behind my back…
then it happened… obsession began… I spent the next 15 minutes madly grabbing for every piece of paper, embellishments, pens, glue, stamps, stickers… oh anything I could lay my hands on… a purchasing frenzy!!! That has not stopped.
I would say I am a collector of scrapbooking supplies!
I don’t have a style I don’t think. I use lots of different techniques, constantly changing and experimenting.Thanks to Kim, I have played with off the page items; my favourite is scrapping on canvas. I am about to embark on 12×12 canvas of each child, for each year of their lives (I will keep you posted on how they go).
My husband believes that scrapbooking consumes at least half my life. Where-ever we go, what-ever we do, my camera is only an arms reach away. A good scrapbooking photo opportunity is never overlooked!! He even suggests photos now (so I know he really does not mind) Both of my children are brilliant at posing!
I also have scrapbooking boxes for each child, they love it too! When I am at my table working (well… playing) they will get out there boxes and get me to print out their photos and away we go!
Another fantastic thing about scrapping is the friends you make.
Through scrapbooking I have been able to get to know some of the most wonderful people on the planet.The circle of friends is constantly growing as we convert others into this magnificent hobby. I am so lucky to have this in my life!
They say: who dies with the most scrapbooking supplies wins….
My friends and I are aiming to win, having heaps of fun and creating lasting memories for our children and their children and everyone who want to have a look!!!
Anne Smyth
My name is Anne Smyth, aka Owly Anne in certain scrap circles. I live in Gosnells, WA with my husband Jim and 2 aging fur-babies. We have 2 adult children with partners and an adopted sister-in-law. We have no grandchildren at this stage so I borrow photos from friends when I feel the need. I am almost 58 years old but live in a body that feels more like it is 88, riddled with arthritis, 2 artificial knees, as well as other health challenges.
I took up scrapbooking 3 1/2 years ago following a punch craft class with the intent of using the skills I learnt in cards I was making for community stalls I held for our church. As it turned out all 3 of us attending had lost loved ones and the youngest woman was telling us how she was scrapping her father’s life, to whom she had been particularly close. She even had his likeness tattooed on her upper arm. Is that called “body scrapping”? Our family had lost 2 very much loved children in an accident 18 months previously, members from our blended and extended family. I was suffering from depression, more from knowing I could not help my grieving family than from my own feelings of loss. I was spending too much time on the computer - which is not very sociable - so I started going to scrapbooking lessons and some crop nights to get me out of the house and to meet people.
At the beginning of 2007 I also started going to a Friendship Centre at a local church which was starting up scrapbooking lessons. That really started me on my current scrapaholic path through life! I now scrap there 2 days a week, go to crop nights and even scrap at home with friends. I have made some wonderful friendships, particularly Amanda, our teacher, who has almost become like a sister to me.
I would call my scrapping style “maximalistic” as my pages tend to be rather cluttered and full of “bits” - as you can see from my first 2 Design Team projects! I have loved working with the Basic Grey Euphoria range of products - once I go the right photos of little Emily in her green fairy dress. I am looking forward to future challenges as well.