Emergency Preparedness Quiz

1.  Which of the following is NOT a recommended action for emergency preparedness?

a.  Creating a family emergency plan

b.  Stockpiling antibiotics

c.  Becoming knowledgeable about types of potential emergencies and responses

d.  Getting an emergency supplies kit

The answer is B. Stockpiling antibiotics is not recommended because it is impossible to predict the exact nature of a biological emergency and there is not one antibiotic that effectively treats all possible bioterrorist-related sicknesses. In addition, inappropriate use of antibiotics can potentially lead to dangerous side effects and also contributes to the problem of many organisms developing antibiotic resistance.

2.  A family emergency plan should NOT include which of the following?

a.  Information about the emergency plan at your children's schools

b.  The name and phone number of an out-of-town contact person

c.  A list of important phone numbers, including those of doctors and emergency services

d.  Arrangements for each person in the family to be at a specific land line telephone at a
specific time

e.  A central meeting spot outside your home and one outside your neighborhood in case you need to leave the area

The answer is D. The arrangements for each family member to be at a specific landline telephone at a specific time may not be possible or useful under many conditions, as people may have to relocate or evacuate entirely during a disaster. Families should create an emergency plan and carry important information with them so they know how to get in touch and get back together during an emergency. Finally, both telephone landlines and cellular phones may be overloaded or out of service during or after an emergency, so knowing in advance where to meet is important.

3.  Which of the following is the federal government's website that provides information about how to get prepared for a terrorist attack or other emergency?

a.  www.Prepared.gov

b.  www.Safe.gov

c.  www.Ready.gov

d.  www.Protected.gov

The answer is C. www.ready.gov, the website of t he U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Ready campaign, is designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to potential terrorist attacks and other emergencies. The goal of the campaign is to get Americans involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation. Ready asks Americans to do three key things: get an emergency kit, make a family emergency plan, and be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.

4.  When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it's best to think first about the basics of survival. Which of the following is NOT considered a necessity for survival?

a.  Drinking water

b.  Food

c.  Clean air

d.  Comfortable shoes

e.  Warmth

The answer is D. While sturdy protective shoes are important during and after a disaster, they are not necessary for survival. You can learn more about the basics of survival by visiting www.ready.gov or www.redcross.org.

5.  Which of the following items should NOT be included in a basic emergency supply kit?

a.  Water (one gallon per person per day for drinking and sanitation)

b.  Non-perishable foods

c.  Battery-operated radio

d.  Dust mask or cotton fabric

e.  Whistle

f.  Important family documents

g.  Candles

h.  Flashlight and extra batteries

i.  Moist towelettes

j.  Manual can opener

k.  Plastic sheeting and duct tape

l.  Garbage bags and plastic ties

m.  Wrench or pliers

n.  First aid kit

o.  Unique family needs such as infant formula or prescription medicines

The answer is G. All of the items listed above should be included in a basic emergency supply kit, except for candles. Candles pose a serious fire hazard, and it is safer to use a battery-operated flashlight or lantern. Learn more about emergency supply kits at www.ready.gov or www.redcross.org.

6.  There are circumstances when staying inside and creating a barrier between you and potentially contaminated air outside, a process known as sheltering-in-place and “sealing the room,” is a matter of survival. Which of the following are appropriate steps to take to shelter in place and “seal the room?”

a.  Bring your family and pets inside

b.  Lock doors and close windows, air vents and fireplace dampers

c.  Turn off fans, air conditioning and forced air heating systems

d.  Take your emergency supply kit unless you have reason to believe it has been contaminated

e.  Go into an interior room with few windows, if possible

f.  Seal all windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape. Consider measuring and cutting the sheeting in advance to save time

g.  All of the above

The answer is G. In addition to the items listed above, it's important to remember that local authorities may not be able to immediately provide information on what is happening and what you should do. However, you should watch TV, listen to your battery-operated radio, or check the Internet often for official news and instructions as they become available. It is also important to note that sealing the room is a temporary measure; sealed rooms are not designed for extended stays.

7.  What are some of the warning signs that may indicate a chemical emergency has occurred?

a.  High fever

b.  People in the area suffering from watery eyes, choking, and having difficulty breathing

c.  Many sick or dead birds, fish or small animals

d.  a and b

e.  b and c

The answer is E. Possible signs of a chemical emergency include m any people suffering from watery eyes, twitching, choking, having trouble breathing or losing coordination. Many sick or dead birds, fish or small animals are also cause for suspicion.

8.  A radiological bomb or “dirty bomb” is:

a.  A miniature nuclear device

b.  An explosive device that releases chemicals

c.  An explosive device that releases a biological agent

d.  An explosive device that spreads radioactive materials over a targeted area

The answer is D. A radiation threat commonly referred to as a "dirty bomb" or "radiological dispersion device” or RDD is the use of common explosives to spread radioactive materials over a targeted area. It is not a nuclear blast. The force of the explosion and radioactive contamination will be more localized and the presence of radiation will not be clearly defined until trained personnel with specialized equipment are on the scene.

9.  Which of the following is NOT true about a biological emergency?

a.  A biological emergency might not be immediately obvious

b.  Biological agents can be inhaled or can enter through a cut in the skin

c.  Biological agents always cause contagious diseases

d.  It may take time for public officials to determine what the illness is and how it should be treated

The answer is C. Some biological agents, such as anthrax, do not cause contagious diseases. Others, such as the smallpox virus, can result in diseases you can catch from other people.

10.  Three of the following ARE ways to limit harm d uring a nuclear blast , but one is NOT. Which one is not?

a.  Place a thick shield between yourself and the radioactive materials

b.  D istance yourself as far away as possible from the blast

c.  Avoid washing skin and clothing to preserve evidence for examination

d.  Minimizing time spent exposed to the radiation

The answer is C. To limit the amount of radiation you are exposed to, you should do three things: Shield yourself - if there is a thick shield like a wall or building between yourself and the radioactive materials, more of the radiation will be absorbed by the shielding and you will be exposed to less. Distance yourself - the farther away you are from the blast and the fallout, the lower possibility of your exposure. Minimize your time - minimizing time spent exposed will also reduce your risk.

For more information go to www.ready.gov. 9.05