In a meeting held by the Executive Staff on March 20, 2015, the Chief Apostle issued the following Executive Orders:

Executive Orders

Ecclesiastical Imperatives

To Strengthen our policy on abuse and harassment, and to prevent any further loss of membership due to any legitimate grievance against leadership, I order that, on any rumor, hint, or sound of abuse of leadership, any rumor, hint, or sound of members threatening to leave the Church, will activate an Ad-Hoc Committee of the Corporate Compliance Committee to investigate that rumor, hint, or sound. And if the grievances are found to be legitimate, then that leadership will be censured.

The National School of Prophets

The National School of Prophets shall have access to any District for the development or implementation of programs authorized by the administrative of managerial leadership of the National School or National Church in consultation with the ecclesiastical or administrative leadership of the District. The scheduling and implementation of the National School program in a District shall be by mutual consultation of the leadership of the National School and the District.

It is ordered that and administrative or ecclesiastical leader of the District Church who in any way threatens, punishes, or intimidates an individual who participates in National School programs shall be in violation of the abuse policy of the Church.

Basis of Union(A formal statement of beliefs relevant to the doctrinal standards

of the Church).

A Basis of Union for Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ must embody the foundational principles and doctrines relating to the vision of Father Smith. An understanding of this vision should begin with study and reflection on three documents: 1. The Articles of Incorporation, 2. “What We Believe and Teach.” And 3. The 1920 Constitution of the Church. The Basis of Union we have followed was not designed for Triumph Church. It is an exact replica of other Christian Churches such as Fire Baptized Holiness Church and the African Universal Church and Commercial League, Inc.

It is ordered that the National Executive Staff must bear the responsibility of producing a Basis of Union for Triumph Church that is unique and reflective of the vision and revelation of Father E.D. Smith. This document, after meeting the approval of the Ecclesiastical board will be the formal Basis of Union of Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ.

It is further ordered that the Ecclesiastical Board will organize its committees to monitor all public doctrinal statements relating to Triumph Church. Any release of doctrinal information must be cleared by the Ecclesiastical Board.

The Ecclesiastical Board must approve and recommend renewal of all National Missionaries and Evangelists licenses based on an evaluation and examination process administered by the Ecclesiastical Board.