Navajo Athletic Booster Club Minutes – January 6, 2016

6:00 PM @ Navajo Gymnasium

Call to Order: Terra Brooks called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Present were: Angela Harford, Coach Terry Gilbert, Hali Gilbert, Nicole Cook. Greg Cook, Mendy Lingle, Jerrod Lingle, Robin Burgess, Shaundra Covey, Richard Weaver, Karina Tison, Joe Tison, Debbie Bates, Amy Jo Cobb & Terra Brooks. (See sign in sheet attached)

Minutes of the December 2, 2015 Meeting – Amy Jo Cobb, Secretary, presented the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Shaundra Covey & seconded by Nicole Cook. The motion carried. (Yes - Angela Harford, Coach Terry Gilbert, Hali Gilbert, Nicole Cook. Greg Cook, Mendy Lingle, Jerrod Lingle, Robin Burgess, Shaundra Covey, Richard Weaver, Karina Tison, Joe Tison, Debbie Bates, Amy Jo Cobb & Terra Brooks. No - None). (Navajo Athletic Booster Club (NABC) Minutes attached)

Financial Report/Payment Claims – Debbie Bates, Treasurer, reviewed the income and expenses. Savings Account $22,023.73 and Checking Account $22,423.37 ($5,163.92 earmarked for Athletic Team Fundraisers). Motion to approve the financial report was made by Debbie Bates and seconded by Nicole Cook. The motion carried. (Yes -– Angela Harford, Coach Terry Gilbert, Hali Gilbert, Nicole Cook. Greg Cook, Mendy Lingle, Jerrod Lingle, Robin Burgess, Shaundra Covey, Richard Weaver, Karina Tison, Joe Tison, Debbie Bates, Amy Jo Cobb & Terra Brooks. No – None).

New Business:

Home Game Rosters - Karina Tison volunteered to obtain and create the rosters of the opponents for all home games and insert in the sports programs.

Homecoming & Homecoming Program – Homecoming is set for Friday, January 29. The NABC is responsible for the paper program. Cheerleaders are responsible for the flowers and crowns; Student Council is responsible for Spirit Week and the Homecoming Dance; Mr. Roach and Mrs. Laplant will provide the pictures and bio’s to the NABC for the paper program. Amy Jo Cobb volunteered to obtain information from Mr. Roach and Mrs. Laplant and work with Altus Printing Company to have the paper program created and printed. 100 copies will be inserted into the sports program and copies provided to each candidate and escort for their scrapbooks.

Old Business:


Committee Reports:

Hospitality Committee – Mendy Lingle, Chair *Organize, plan and implement raffles, afghan & t-shirt sales, Red-N-White games/tailgates, athletic awards banquet and other events.

·  12-Gun Give-Away – Ticket sales continue. Karina Tison will add the ticket number and winners name to the Navajo School Website; and the Technology Committee will keep the NABC website updated as well. Terra Brooks will continue to put updates on the NABC Facebook page.

·  Navajo Afghan – Afghan sales continue.

·  Navajo T-shirt sales- Shaundra Covey reported that T-shirt sales continue.

·  Awards Banquet – The awards banquet will be on Monday, May 9, at 6 pm. Location and caterer TBA. Karina Tison will submit to the school calendar; and Amy Jo Cobb will put out a request for location and caterer suggestions on the NABC Facebook page. Suggestions will be brought back at the February meeting.

Concession Committee – JP Brooks, Chair *Organize stock and staff a work schedule for softball & baseball concession stand.

No Report

Membership Committee – Open, Chair *Organize, plan and solicit memberships and organize membership data.

No Report

Sponsorship & Publications Committee – Melissa Smith, Chair *Organize, plan and sell ads, finding corporate sponsors and organizing publishing of the seasonal program to include field signage.

Melissa Smith will continue to work with Coach Weston Winters on the signage. Coach Winters will be using Andy Welch. Once signs are complete assistance will be needed to remove old signs and put up new signs.

Technology Committee – Group Effort to include Angela Hartford, Matt Waites and Steve Brian.

*Manage website & lobby TV promotional ads.

Navajo Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Committee – The committee (Terra Brooks, Judy Box, Shaundra Covey & Karina Tison) will meet next week to review the current application.

Athletic Reports: *Coach &/or Volunteer Parent Representative (Each Volunteer Parent Representative would be a liaison between the coach and the booster club for support requests.)

A. Baseball – Jerrod & Mendy Lingle – No report

B. Basketball – Boys – Debbie Bates – No report

C. Basketball – Girls – Amy Jo Cobb – No report

D. Bowling – Rich & Amy Weaver – First tournament date set for February. Rich Weaver turned in a receipt to Debbie Bates, Treasurer for reimbursement for bowling bags.

E. Cheer – Mendy Lingle – No report

F. Cross Country – Kathy Armstrong – No report

H. Fast Pitch – Ronna Cross – Not present – No report

I. Slow Pitch – Ronna Cross – Not present - No report

J Golf – Open – No report

K. Elementary – Open – No report

Open Discussion - None

Motion was made at 7:10 p.m. to adjourn the meeting by Greg Cook and seconded by Jerrod Lingle. The motion carried. (Yes – Angela Harford, Coach Terry Gilbert, Hali Gilbert, Nicole Cook. Greg Cook, Mendy Lingle, Jerrod Lingle, Robin Burgess, Shaundra Covey, Richard Weaver, Karina Tison, Joe Tison, Debbie Bates, Amy Jo Cobb & Terra Brooks. No – None). The next scheduled NABC meeting is set for Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 6 PM at the Navajo Gymnasium.