Ruth Carson, Ruby Cude,Lillie Dahlberg, Gwen Edwards,Frances Huntington,Shirley Jameson, Ovella Kirklin,J.B. Lewis, Jessalu Lorck, Laura McDonald, Edna Myers,Donald Owens, James Ramsey, Bobbye Slaughter, Joan Stephens, Bill Taliaferro, Jodie Tomlinson, Nancy Tomlinson

ALSO:Nona Akins(Moreland Family),Marjoire Barnhill,Merle Carpenter(Myers Family), Aaron Coffman(Coffman Family), Tanis Cornell(Penny Family), Herschel & Joe Crawford(Tomlinson Family),Carol DeLeo, Michael Dennis,Thelma Fowler, Sherri Friar, Garland Gandy(Rogers Family), Barney Hale(Coffman Family),Kellie Jonas, Ovella Lindsey(Zumwalt Family),Lyndall Ling(Holubec Family),Shannon McGee, April McLeahan(McBee Family),Dan Neal, Peanut Owens(Owens Family), Betty Pischner(Zumwalt Family),Larry Shields, Kelly Bryant-Shives(Bryant Family),Novella Roberts(Lohn Family), June Taylor(Click Family),Ken Thomas(Myers – Owens family), Michael Thomas (Morgan Family), Jack & Susan Turk, Linda Turner, Johnnie Webb(Bingham Family), Lamont Yonkey (Cochran Family),Kwast Family… Donald Adair, Kathy Beal, Irene & Irving Berry, G.V. Hastings, Cheryl Beryl-Holt, Don & Casey Krause, Arthur Kwast, Charlotte Kwast, Dawn Kwast, Rusty Kwast, Glen Ross Schnieder, Orlandro Schnieder, Greg Shipman, Austin Waggoner, Jeanette Wells

Brady West:Rowena Davis

Jubilee House:Conley Purcell

Menard: Debbie Duncan


4/4 Martha Graham

4/5 Linda Stites

4/5 Bill & Merle Granville

4/8 Jack Needham

4/10 Skylar Stites

4/10 Jimmie & Marie vaughn

4/13 Marie Gourley

4/15 Chuck & Ramona Bailey

4/19 Bryan Shipman

4/20 Helen Wilson

4/29 Forrest & Ellen Armke

4/30 Michaela Bierman


4/1 – Cook’s Night Out –

Need Cook

4/5 – “Hang Time” –

DeFiore’s host

4/8 – Cook’s Night Out –

Sloppy Joes

4/15 – Cook’s Night Out –

Need Cook

4/19 – TLC #4 Pot luck lunch in the fellowship hall.

4/19 – “Hang Time” –

Murray’s host

4/22 –Cook’s Night Out -

Need Cook

4/24 – Ladies Retreat at the Heart of Texas Bible Camp.

4/25 – Ladies Retreat at the Heart of Texas Bible Camp.

4/26 – End of the month fellowship luncheon.

4/29 – Cook’s Night Out –



We are having song practice every Sunday at 5:15p.m. in the fellowship hall.

TLC #4 is having a pot luck lunch on Sunday, April 19 in the fellowship hall.

Remember Ladies Retreat is Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25. Please make sure to register. There are extra copies on the table in the foyer.

Sunday Mornings

Adult 1: George Gourley – Max Gordon

Adult 2: Virgil Webb

Grades 6–12: Leston Fields

Grades 3-5: Barbara Fields

Kinder. -2: Debbie Vickers

2-4 yrs old: Anita Webb

Cradle Roll: Helen Wilson

Wednesday Evenings

Men’s Class: Max Gordon

Ladies Class: Helen Wilson

Grades 8-12: Virgil, Cole, Bryan

Grades 6-7: Lee Coffman

Grades 3-5: Debbie Vickers

Grades Kinder-2: Heather Shipman

2-4 yrs old:Barbara Rodgers

Cradle Roll: Ramona Bailey

We need your help in keeping the Bible Camp clean. If you take things out to the burn pile please be sure not to take metals, glass, shingles, plastics, etc. Also please be sure to take the leaves out of the plastic bags and take the bags home with you.


We are all encouraged to attend Wednesday night (7pm) and Sunday morning (9:30am) Bible class.


In Search of the Lord’s Way Each Sunday at 7:30 on KLST-TV



About the food pantry: The food pantry accepts donations all year. The money collected is used to purchase food from the Concho Valley Food Bank at a cost of 18 cents per pound. The food is then distributed to those in need. Any donations made are appreciated.