Culpeper County School Board 6/26/2013 11:05 AM


June 24, 2013

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June 24, 2013

A meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held June 24, 2013 at the School Board Office (Colin Owens Conference Room) at 450 Radio Lane at 6 p.m. Present were George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Robert A. Houck (West Fairfax District); Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District); Russell E. Jenkins (Catalpa District); Anne C. Luckinbill (Salem District); Leanne Malulani (Jefferson District); Superintendent Dr. Bobbi Johnson; Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Rob Hauman; Executive Director of Student Services Dr. Russell Houck; Executive Director of Finance/Clerk Jeff Shomo; Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction Hunter Spencer; Executive Director of Human Resources Dr. Stacey Timmons; Executive Director of Special Education Angela Neely, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison. Robert Beard (East Fairfax District) was absent.

At 6 p.m. Mr. Houck called the meeting to order and noted that Mr. Beard would not be in attendance due to a work conflict.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the Board went into closed session at 6:02 p.m. regarding:

[a] Discussion of Personnel Recommendations as permitted by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (1)

[b] Discussion of Student Matters of Named Student A (Religious Exemption) and Named Student B (Compulsory Release) as permitted by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (2)

[c] Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body; and consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel as permitted by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (7)

[d] Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body as permitted by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (3)

[e] Discussion of Named Employee A - Performance and Salary as permitted by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (1)

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board recessed the closed session and reconvened the open meeting at 6:57 p.m. (the closed session will be reconvened following the open meeting to discuss Item E). Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

The Board observed a 5 minute break.

Those present observed a moment of silence. Mr. Houck led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Adoption of Agenda

Mr. Houck asked if there were any changes that needed to be made to the agenda. No changes were noted.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Malulani, the School Board approved the agenda. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

Consent Agenda

Mr. Houck reviewed the items on the consent agenda for approval. Mr. Dasher noted the Finance Committee met this evening and reviewed the bills and recommended they be approved.

On motion of Mr. Jenkins seconded by Mr. Dasher, the School Board considered approving the consent agenda as presented.

(a) Approval of Minutes - June 10, 2013

(b) Payroll and Payment of Bills

(c) Personnel Recommendations

(d) Second Reading of Policies/Regulations

ü  JFB (Student Involvement in Decision Making)

(e) Request for Reimbursement from VSBA

(f) Disposition of Named Student A (Religious Exemption)

(g) Disposition of Named Student B (Compulsory Release)

(h) Approval of Title Grants for 2013/2014

ü  Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs

ü  Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk

ü  Title II, Part A, Teacher Quality

(i) Approval of Student Accident Insurance Bid

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

Mr. Houck thanked the staff for all the work that went into putting the Title Grants together.

The board considered the following action items:

(a)  Approval of Financial Closeout for FY13

Mr. Shomo estimated the total state revenue for FY’13 to be $38,852,202. He noted that we have only received the first portion of the state revenues for June and the final portion will not be received until around the end of June. He noted the total federal revenue for FY’13 is estimated to be $3,626,702 and the total estimated revenue for FY’13 should be around $71,672,649.

Mr. Shomo said the bills tonight include the June 24th payables of $2,284,891.

Mr. Shomo noted that he anticipates expenditures for FY’13 to be $71,098,767 which will result in an estimated balance of $573,882; however, based on the revenues received at the end of the month it could fluctuate up or down.

Mr. Shomo shared with the Board that Food Service was charged $222,735 for indirect billing. He noted that the Food Services estimated cash balance on June 30th will be $1,521,000.

Mr. Shomo noted that $360,000 was allocated to the schools based on their actual student membership at the end of May.

Mr. Shomo said to date the Board has paid $2,569,570.77 on the CCHS renovation project.

Mr. Shomo shared a sample map that will be established for each school to help with emergency situations.

Dr. Johnson shared with the Board that Mr. Jenkins noted that employee names should not be listed on the emergency maps. Dr. Johnson said staff will make sure that is corrected.

Mr. Dasher said the staff did another stellar job in managing the budget.

On motion of Mr. Dasher seconded by Ms. Malulani, the School Board approved the financial closeout for FY13. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(b)  Approval of Cash Match Amendment Resolution

On motion of Mr. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board approved the Cash Match Amendment Resolution.

Mr. Shomo said this resolution makes the paperwork match our budget.

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(c)  Approval of School Calendar Adjustment – 8/5/13 New Teachers Report

On motion of Ms. Malulani seconded by Mr. Dasher, the School Board approved the school calendar adjustment. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(d)  First Reading of Policies/Regulations

ü  GCG (Professional Staff Probationary Term and Continuing Contract)

ü  JFCI R-1 (Substance Abuse Policy Proposed Changes)

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board approved GCG (Professional Staff Probationary Term and Continuing Contract) on first reading with second reading on August 12, 2013. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

On motion of Mr. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board considered approving JFCI R-1 (Substance Abuse Policy Proposed Changes) on first reading with second reading on August 12, 2013.

Ms. Luckinbill said she felt the changes to the policy are too strict for first time offenders.

Dr. Johnson and Ms. Hutchins shared with the Board some of the previous discussions held in committee and at the administrative level. Dr. Johnson noted that there have been 20-25 incidents this past year at school and statistically that is really good.

Dr. Houck noted that he conducted a brief survey of 9 school districts and found that our policy is the most liberal.

Members discussed different levels of suspension 30-90 days. Dr. Johnson stated that a 45 day suspension creates some scheduling issues. She said another option would be to “beef up” the social suspension.

Ms. Malulani asked how a student would be accommodated if the incident occurs mid- semester. Dr. Houck noted that staff would find a way to accommodate them.

Ms. Malulani said she would like to see administration have more lee-way in the punishment. She suggested establishing a range for first time offenders vs. frequent offenders.

Dr. Houck said there could be a minimum set with an opportunity for transition back into the system based on good behavior, etc.

Ms. Hutchins noted that she has really struggled with the issue. She said she could support 45 or 90 days to help the staff deal with the issues.

Ms. Malulani said she felt 45 days is more reasonable.

On motion of Mr. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the policy was amended to read “The student will be suspended from their regular school for a minimum of 45 school days”. Motion carried 5-1 by voice vote. (Ms. Luckinbill voted in opposition and Mr. Beard was absent.)

The policy was approved on first reading as amended. Motion carried 5-1 by voice vote. (Ms. Luckinbill voted in opposition and Mr. Beard was absent.)

(e)  First Reading of School Administrator Evaluation Instrument

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the School Board approved the School Administration Evaluation Instrument on first reading with second reading on August 12, 2013.

Dr. Timmons briefly reviewed some of the major changes to the evaluation instrument. He noted that Dr. Johnson and he met with principals several times to review the document.

Dr. Johnson noted that in discussions with principals several of them commented that the administrator evaluation needed to be as rigorous as the teacher evaluation instrument.

Ms. Hutchins asked how guidance counselors, athletic directors, etc. are evaluated. Dr. Timmons noted that a hybrid document which is yet to be developed will be used to evaluate those individuals.

Ms. Malulani expressed a concern with performance standard 5 “Communication and Community Relations” on page 42. She said she felt “listening” should be included with Communication. Dr. Timmons and Dr. Johnson said they would add that to the standard.

Mr. Houck asked how much time this new document will add to the evaluation process. Dr. Johnson said the current end-of-year evaluation takes about 2 hours and she looks at the actual documentation then. She said it will be very time consuming.

Ms. Hutchins said this document makes staff more and more paper pushers and number crunchers; not teachers and people working with children. She said for people that continue to complain that we have too much administration and spend too much on administration; all we are doing is creating more need for more administrators to have to deal with this.

Ms. Malulani said staff is continually asked to do more with less and the standards keep increasing.

Dr. Timmons said he will get the document finalized and e-mail it out again for the Board to review prior to the August meeting.

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

Work Session

Salary Study

Dr. Johnson said she believes the division needs to have a thorough salary study done because we have a six year backlog of frozen or dropped steps. She said there is no way it can be fixed in one year and if we are going to do this she would like to have it done before we get into the budget season next year. She said she felt it would also carry more weight if we have an outside firm to do the study.

Ms. Hutchins asked if there is an estimated cost. Dr. Johnson said no.

Dr. Johnson respectfully requested the Board authorize her to put the RFP out for bid.

Ms. Malulani said it is disgusting that we have to do this again because we worked so hard to straighten out the mess we had and now we are back to the drawing board.

Board members felt an RFP should be sent out to obtain pricing.

Information Items

* June 10, 2013 Membership

Future Meeting Dates

* July 23, 2013 - 28th Annual VSBA Conference on Education at the Richmond Marriott

* August 12, 2013 - CCSB Finance Committee Meeting, 5:30 p.m. at the County Admin. Office, 302 N. Main Street

* August 12, 2013 - CCSB Regular Board Meeting, 7 p.m. at the County Admin. Office, 302 N. Main Street (Closed Session at 6:45 p.m.)

* August 14, 2013 - CCSB Capital Planning Committee Meeting, 2 p.m. at the School Board Office

* August 28, 2013 - CCSB Administration Committee Meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the School Board Office

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the Board recessed the open meeting and reconvened the closed session to discuss Item E. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the Board ended the closed session at 9:26 p.m. and certified that to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered.


George Dasher

Robert Houck

Elizabeth Hutchins

Russell Jenkins

Anne Luckinbill

Leanne Malulani


Robert Beard

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the Board reconvened the open meeting. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)