Change Management II Quiz 03

Total Marks 10

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• This quiz consists of 5 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) carrying 1 mark each and 5 True False statements carrying 1 mark each.

• Read questions carefully and select the most appropriate answer for each MCQ.

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Q no.





Selected option





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Change Management II Quiz 03

Make an appropriate choice

5 Marks

1) Which of the following theories of change posit that individuals and organizations

exist in a pluralistic world filled with conflicting interests, ideas, and values?

A. Life cycle

B. Teleological

C. Dialectical

D. Evolutionary

2) Which of the following is a dimension of organization structure?

A. Departmentalization

B. Span of control

C. Hierarchy layer

D. All of the given options

3) Which of the following is Not included in McKinsey 7 S framework?

A. Strategy

B. Structure

C. System

D. Safety

4) Which of the following areas is Not one of the four key areas that strategic change seeks to influence?

A. People

B. Technology

C. Formal organization structures

D. Informal organization structures

5) In psychology the observation that people often do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same is called ______.

A. Band wagon effect

B. Benchmarking

C. Fashion

D. Trend

Change Management II Quiz 03

Mark True or False.

6) A change agent is the facilitator of the change.

5 Marks

7) Periods of substantial turmoil in organization life are known as evolutionary phase.

8) Organizational ecology theories are based on Darwinian evolutionary models.

9) Selection refers to organizational efforts to respond to changing environmental circumstances.

10) According to Hannan & Freeman “most organizations have structural inertia that hinders adaptation when the environment changes”.