(Read out at the Satsang Program held at IIT Delhi Campus on October 29th
(Sunday), 2006 by Ms. Kriti Chakraborty)
SATSANG is a Charitable, Philanthropic, Secular, Public Institutionof International repute. It was founded by His Holiness Sri SriThakur Anukulchandra (1888-1969). Sri Sri Thakur is regarded asPURUSHOTTAM by millions of his devotees irrespective of Hindu,Muslim, Christian, Sikh and others the world over. He was verydevoted to his parents and teachers. Love for all whether humanbeings, birds, beasts, plants and trees were an inborn instinct withhim.
Educated at NationalMedicalSchool in Calcutta, he returned to hisnative village, Himaitpur, Pabna now in Bangladesh. As a physicianhe became instantly popular without charging any fees yet curingpatients. He started treating them with heart and soul. He was adetermined healer. Medical practice was not a profession for him buta mission. Soon it struck to him that human diseases are rooted inhuman mind. Hence treatment of mind was more important than thetreatment of the physical body. MANTRA was the only panacea for all
kinds of mental afflictions, which in turn brings about all roundwell-being., viz. Physical, Mental and Spiritual. Simultaneously hebrought about reformation in the live so many criminals of hislocality by his all pervading touch of love only.
People came from different parts of India to seek solace and
solution from him. Between the age of 25-31, he underwent a peculiarphase of trances which is known as MAHA BHAB SAMDHI during which heremained outwardly unconscious, but utterances came out from hismouth, dealing with solutions of problems.
Apart from common people, the dignitaries visited him were DeshBandhu C.R. Das (who later became his disciple), Mahatma Gandhi,parents of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (disciples), Netaji SubhasChandra Bose himself, Swami Abhedananda of Rama Krishna order, MaaAnandamayee (Spiritual Leader), Lal Bahadur Shastri, Dr. D.S.Kothari (Eminent Scientist), Ananta Sayanam Ayengar (former Speaker
of Lok Sabha), Ray Hauserman, E.J. Spencer (Disciples), Dr. FazlulHaque and many.
At the age of 22, he jotted down some guidelines as agenda for dayto day life of a friend which was subsequently published in the formof a pocket book known as `Satyanusaran' translated in English andin several Indian languages in millions. His message relating to allround well-being of mankind, viz. Physical, Mental, Spiritual,Social, Economic, scientific, Educational, Cultural, Industrial,Agricultural, Health and otherwise both in Bengali and English arepublished in hundreds of volumes.
He shifted to Deoghar now in the state of Jharkand in the year 1946and stayed on till his demise in the year 1969. his ashram atDeoghar known as `SATSANG' a little township where School, College,Chemical Laboratory, Library, Hospital, Press, Ved Bhawan, Guesthouses, Post Office, Administrative Unit (Philanthropy), CommunityKitchen and Publishing House attracts people from different parts ofIndia and abroad. People in general are initiated by the `MANTRA' ofwhich he himself was the embodiment. The `MANTRA' is all fulfilling
and dynamic and powerful, capable of solving all human problems.Many powerful medicines prepared out of the formula given by him arevery popular.
SATSANG apart from its headquarters at Deoghar (Jharkand) has anetwork of over thousand branches all over India, Nepal, Bangladeshand other countries.
Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra has not only preached but practiced theideals of universal Fatherhood of God and common brotherhood of allmen and women the world over. His disciples known as SATSANGEESbelieve that all human beings are inter-related and liveaccordingly. Common Living Ideal and Common Platform is the crux ofhis message.
Government of India was pleased to bring out a commemorativespecial postage stamp and first day cover in the birth centenaryyear (1987) of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.
Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra has given a very interpretation of theword SATSANG in the following passage, which clearly defines thebroad mission SATSANG.
"SATSANG" is a compound word- SAT + SANG. SAT has been derived fromthe root, i.e. `AUS' meaning existence (Astitwa), being (Satta), andlife. The word SANG has been derived from the root `SANAJ' meaningwhich Asakti (attachment), Anurag (adherence)andMilan(Union).
SADGURU is the source of all our existence, beings and lives.
Hence, the mission of SATSANG is to attach one-self to one's ownbeing and to the beings of others as well. In order to developattachment for one's own being, one has to develop attachment to thesource of all beings- the Supreme Being- whose manifestation is theLiving Ideal (SADGURU). Then only attachment for all beings willdevelop. Then only one will become the true servant of all otherbeings. Passionate urge will not be able to create hindrance in theservice of the beings. What else can be the urge of any being otherthan this?
Hence the eternal urge of every being is the mission of SATSANG. Itis not difficult for any body to understand this. Every one can wellrealize this fact looking at him only.
His eldest grandson Pujyapad Dada is the current Acharya of SATSANG.
Under his all-fulfilling guidance, SATSANG is flourishing in all
By this I conclude my speech –

"Sarbe Bhabantu Sukhina, Sarbe SantuNiramaya…, "
Bande Purushottamam.