
National Programme
Name of the State : HARYANA

Mid Day Meal Programme

Annual Work Plan And Budget 2010-11


1.  Introduction:

1.1 Brief History

National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education Commonly known as Mid-Day-Meal (Modified Scheme) was launched in Haryana State on 15th August, 2004 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education, Commonly known as Mid-Day-Meal (Modified Scheme) is being implemented in all the Government, Local Bodies, Government Aided Primary Schools and all AIE centers started under SSA in the entire State in compliance of the Hon’ble Apex Court’s direction dated 20-04-2004. The School Children were being provided cooked food viz. Mitha Rice, Vegetbale Pulao, Dalia, Paushtic Khichri and Bakli. These recipes are given to the children by rotation every day. Free foodgrains i.e. wheat and rice are provided by Government of India through F.C.I. Other ingredients like grams, pulses, jeera, salt, pepper, cooking oil etc. were purchased by district committee under chairpersonship of Additional Deputy Commissioner of the district. Foodgrains were supplied by CONFED to all the Primary Schools. Vegetables are purchased locally as per need. The average cost of conversion (excluding transportation and the foodgrains) was Rs. 1.43 per child per school day. Out of this Re. 1.00 was borne by Government of India and 0.43 paise by State Government. Govt. of India has decided to increase calorific value content from 300 to 450 k. calories and protein value from 8–12 gms to 12 gms from the year 2008-09. The Central Assistance had been increased from Re 1 to Rs. 1.50 and State Share from Rs. 0.43 to Rs. 0.57 i.e. total Rs. 2.07 per child per school day w.e.f January 2007.

During the year 2008-09, every child is to be given Mid-Day-Meal daily on all school days having 450 calories and 12 grams proteins (as compared to the earlier norm of 300 calories and 8-12 gms proteins). No additional quantity of food grains is to be provided and the extra calories and proteins are to be provided through addition of vegetables and/ or other ingredients. The cooking cost has been enhanced to Rs. 2.15 per child per school day during 2009-10 of which Rs. 1.58 paise is borne by Govt. of India and balance 57 paise is borne by State Govt. Out of this, 20 paise are as fuel charges and 40 paise as wages to the cook.

Mid-Day-Meal programme was started in Middle schools of 36 Educationally Backward Blocks of the state from October, 2007. It has been extended in all Middle Schools from 1st April,2008. The cooking cost for upper primary classes is Rs. 2.60 during 2009-10. Out of this Rs. 2.10 are born by Govt. of India and 50 paise by State Govt. Every child is to be daily given Mid-Day-Meal having 700 calories and 20 gms Proteins in upper primary classes.

According to revised norms the cooking cost and honorarium of cook-cum-helper have been modified by Govt. of India w.e.f. 1st December, 2009. The revised cooking cost has been enhanced from Rs. 2.15 to Rs. 2.50 for primary stage and from Rs.2.60 to Rs. 3.75 for upper primary stage and honorarium of cook-cum-helper is fixed Rs. 1000/- per cook per month.

1.2 Process of Plan Formulation

Mid Day Meal Scheme is running on Centre and State Share basis. Cooking Cost, cook labor, kitchen Sheds and kitchen devices amount is calculated on the basis of 75:25. 75% is borne by Centre Govt. and rest of 25% is borne by State Govt. Cooking Cost is calculated on the strength of enrolment of students studying in primary & Upper Primary Govt., Govt. aided and Local bodies Schools, no. of days and rate of cooking cost

2.  Description and assessment of the programme implemented in the current year (2009-10) and proposal for the next year (2010-11) with reference to:

The Mid Day Meal Programme has been run smoothly and. No. complaint regarding Mid Day Meal has been received during 2009-10. Govt. of India have revised the norms of cooking cost and honorarium to cooks w.e.f. 01.12.2009. According to the revised norms the cooking cost in primary schools will be 2.50 per child/per day and 3.75 in upper primary schools which will be enhanced 7.5% w.e.f. 01.04.2010 and 01.04.2011. The cook-cum-helper will be paid Rs. 1000/- per month as honorarium. The cook-cum-helper will be engage according to following norms

Student Strength / No. of cook-cum-helper
1-25 / One
26-100 / Two
100-200 / One additional cook-cum-helper
Addition of strength of 100 / One additional cook-cum-helper

The state Govt. will supply Mid Day Meal during 2010-11 through Self Help Groups. Active Self Help Groups are being identified. The members of Self Help Groups will be engaged according to the norms of Govt. of India.

2.1  Regularity and wholesomeness of Mid Day Meals served to children; reasons for programme interruptions, if any

MDM is being provided regularly. In case of interruption in supply of foodgrains due to some unavoidable circumstances for some days, the foodgrains are taken on loan locally and on receipt of foodgrains these are given back. In this way there is no interruption in providing MDM.

2.2  Food grains management, including adequacy of allocation, timeliness of lifting, transportation and distribution, and suitability of storage at different levels. Challenges faces and plan to overcome them.

Food grains were allocated adequately to the state Govt. During the year 2009-10, 14554.91 quintals wheat and 17786.08 quintals rice for Primary Stage and 10524.68 quintals wheat and 12302.71 quintals rice for upper primary stage were allotted to the state. Accordingly foodgrains were allocated to each district. Foodgrains are stored at school level in the containers provided by the state Govt. Foodgrains allotted to all District Elementary Education Officers were sufficient, there were no challenges.

2.3  System for release of funds provided under cooking costs( Central and State) Please indicate the dates when the fund was released to directorates /State Authority, District /Block/ Gram Panchyat and finally to the Cooking Agency / School.

The following system is adopted for releasing of cooking costs. Joint Bank Accounts have been opened at District Head quarters in the name of Additional Deputy Commissioner & District Elementary Education Officer. A mid-day-meal account has also been opened in schools. The amount is released from State Head quarters through banks in the Bank accounts at district Headquarters and then schools for purchasing of Ghee, Salt, Oil, Jeera , pulses, gram etc. by a committee comprising school Head /Head teacher, a Lady Panch/ Municipal Commissioner and one school teacher.

2.4  System for procuring cooking ingredients (pulses, vegetables including leafy ones, salt, condiments, oil and fuel etc.) Commodities, which are centrally purchased and supplied to schools or locally purchases at school level.

Other ingredients such as condiments, Ghee, Salt, Oil, Jeera etc are purchased locally by head teacher and lady punch and thereafter supplied to the schools. Fuel and Vegetables are purchased locally. From 2010-11 the work of preparation and distribution of Mid Day Meal will be handled by Self Help Group (SHGs) who will take care of purchase of Ghee, Salt, Oil, Jeera, fuel, vegetables etc.

2.5  System for cooking, serving and supervising mid day meals in the school and measures to prevent any untoward happening.

At school level Head teacher with the help of other teachers, distributes raw material to the cook who cooks the meal. Cook is engaged locally by Head Teacher, Members of Gram Panchayats, V.E.C. and P.T.A in turn check the cooked meal and supervise distribution of Mid-Day-Meal. Mothers are also being motivated for supervising and distributing the meal. Children bring their own plates/utensils for taking meals. In district Sirsa, Self Help Group of Women whose children are studying in the school have been assigned the task of cooking Mid-Day-Meal with the help of Panchayats. It has been started in 200 selected Panchayats on an experimental basis. The Govt. has also allotted the work of distribution of cooked meal in Faridabad and Ballabgarh Blocks to ISKCON, Food Relief Foundation, New Delhi.

2.6 Procedure for getting Kitchen shed constructed:-

Rs. 2435.09 lac were released by Govt. of India for construction of 4058 kitchen-cum-stores @ Rs. 60000/- per kitchen-cum-stores. However, this amount was insufficient for the construction of kitchen-cum-stores. The Govt. of Haryana has taken initiative to construct the kitchen-cum-stores and contributed Rs. 523.80 lac so that the incomplete work can be completed. During the year 2009-10 Rs. 7207.78 lac for construction of 4383 kitchen-cum-stores has been sanctioned on the share basis of 75:25. (Central Share: State Share). The Kitchen-cum-store will be constructed as per Govt. of India norms with the help of Engineering Cell of Haryana Prathmik Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad, Chandigarh, A registered society which is also implementing Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan and Rashtriya Madhmik Shiksha Abhiyan in the state of Haryana. No funds from other sources have been arranged for this purpose.

2.7 procedure of procurement of kitchen devices from (i) funds released under the Mid Day Mal Programme (ii) other sources.

(i)  G.O.I have sanctioned Rs 155.89 lac during 2006-07, 176.35 Lac during 2007-08 and Rs. 143.10 lac for 2862 schools (Rs. 99.45 lac for 1989 primary and Rs. 43.65 for 873 upper primary schools) during 2008-09 for kitchen devices/ Gas connections. Rs. 5000/- was to be placed at the disposal of each school for this purpose. This amount was placed at the disposal of District Elementary Education Officers for procuring of kitchen devices/ Gas connections in 9507 schools out of 11483 schools immediately. Two gas cylinders and one chullah has been provided in each school. This amount has been fully utilized.

(ii)  Funds from SSA i.e. Rs 2000/- have also been arranged for providing gas connections (one cylinder and one chullah) in remaining schools.

(iii)  Two containers of one quintal capacity have been supplied in each school from funds of state share of M.D.M. Schools.

2.8 Capacity building and training conducted for different categories of persons involved in the Mid Day Meal Programme.

Food and Nutritional Board, Ministry of Women & Child Development have conducted training seminars of teachers involved in the Mid-Day-Meal.

2.9 Management Information System at School, Village/Gram Panchayat, Block, District and State level.

Data Synchronization with SSA is taking place with regard to AIE centres, under- taking civil works. Charted Accountants engaged by SSA are also monitoring implementation of MDM programme at school, block and district level. State Govt. had also engaged Kurukshetra University for evaluation of this programme in the entire state. They have completed their field survey and have submitted the report. In addition, Govt. has also engaged “Society for Service to Voluntary Agencies (North) Haryana for Evaluation of the programme in three Districts during 2006-07. This society has also submitted its report.

2.10 Systems to ensure transparency and openness in all aspects of programme implementation, including inter alia, foodgrain management, ingredients procurement, cooking and serving, appointment of cooking staff, construction of kitchen sheds, procurement of cooking devices.

There is full transparency in food grain management ingredients procurement cooking and serving of meal. Food grains are supplied by FCI through CONFED. Other ingredients such as condiments, Ghee, Salt, Oil, Jeera , pulses, gram etc. are purchased locally at schools level by a committee. Fuel and Vegetables are purchased locally by Head Teacher. Kitchen sheds are being constructed through SSA. Cooking devices have been purchased locally by the district officers.

2.11  Measure taken to rectify

a)  Inter-district low and uneven utilization of food grains and cooking cost

The concerned District Education Officer have been asked to rectify and report correct utilization of food grains and cooking cost.

b)  Intra-district mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking cost

The concerned District Education Officer have been asked to rectify and report correct utilization of food grains and cooking cost.

c)  Delay in delivering cooking cost at school level.

There is no delay in delivering cooking cost at school level. School heads have already been given advance money of Rs. 5000 to 12500/- to meet out expenditure in exigencies.

2.12  Details of Evaluation studies conducted and summary of its findings.

Evaluation of studies were conducted by Kurukshetra University, Society For Service To Voluntary Agencies (North) Haryana. The observations/ suggestions of Evaluation studies are attached at Annexure R-1.

2.13  Brief writ up on best practices followed in the State.

MDM is supplied to the children un-interrupted in the schools. When ever due to administrative exigencies foodgrains are not available, these are purchased locally on Loan-basis. On supply of Foodgrains it is returned immediately. Heads of Institutions are given advance of Rs. 5000 to 12500 on the basis of enrolment for purchasing green vegetable and fuel and making timely payment of wages to cooks.

2.14  Instances of unhygienic food served, children falling ill, sub-standard supplied, divesions/mususe of resources, social discrimination and safety measures adopted to avoid recurrences of such incidents.

No instances of serving un-hygienic food, children falling ill, sub-standard supplied, diversion/misuse of resources and social discrimination have been reported.

2.15  Extent of involvement of NGOs and Civic Body Organizations (CBOs) PRIs in the implementation and monitoring of the Scheme.

ISKCON food relief foundation, New Delhi is supplying Mid Day Meal in two Blocks of Faridabad District namely Faridabad and Ballabgarh and one block of Kurukshetra district namely Thanesar and in rest of the state is being implemented smoothly in accordance with parameters of Govt. of India. Members of Gram Panchayats, V.E.C. and P.T.A in turn check the cooked meal and supervise distribution of Mid-Day-Meal. Mothers are also being motivated for supervising and distributing the meal. Children bring their own plates/utensils for taking meals.

2.16  Status of School Health Programme with special focus on provision of micro-nutrients, Vitamin-A, De-worming medicine, Iron and Folic acid, Zinc and recording of height, weight etc.,

De-worming medicine and Iron and Folic Acid, Tablets were provided to the students with the help of Heath Department. Height recorded have been provided to the schools and weighting machines are also been providing to each school.