Henry County Mini-Society Literature Based Lesson Plan
Week Two, Day Five
Literature Title: ____Rent A Third Grader______
Author: ____B.B. Hiller______
Economic Concept(s): ____Advertising, start-up costs, supply & demand,
____ wages, and income ______
1. Content Map: (Grade Level and Subject)
3rd Grade Social Studies
3rd Grade Language Arts
2. Content Map Objective(s): (Number and Statement; QCC Correlation)
3-LA-5 Make inferences prior to, during, and after reading, including drawing conclusions, predicting outcome, and making generalizations.
3-LA-8 Use prior knowledge, context clues, rereading and word meanings as comprehension aids.
3-LA-12 Develop and apply study skills using summarizing, note taking, mnemonics, and surveying.
3-SS-3 Distinguish the differences among rights, privileges, and responsibilities of citizens.
3-SS-12 Describe and classify the physical and human characteristics of urban, rural, and suburban
QCC- LA 4,20,21,29,30
QCC- SS 1,2,3,20,21
3. Developer(s): (First and Last Name)
Debbie Brown
Amy Clifton
Christine Harris
4. Year Developed: 2001
5. Lesson Outline: Students will make predictions and read to prove or disprove them.
6. Description of Activity:
Before reading - Read titles of chapters 13-15. Look at pictures in each chapter. Students predict what they think will happen in each chapter. List predictions on chart.
During reading - Read each chapter silently. After each chapter students tell which predictions were true. Students must read aloud the part of the book that helped prove that prediction. Students continue to prove or disprove each prediction. Teacher puts a check next to each prediction that is true and crosses out the untrue. Change untrue predictions into true statements.
After reading - Teacher reviews true predictions. Then ask students what important things they learned from the text, but hadn’t been able to predict from the titles or pictures. Draw pictures of important events and share with class. The pictures can be placed in chronological order.
7. Student Background Assumption(s):
Writing and reading advertisements, elections, farms, money denominations, and honesty.
8. Materials Needed:
Chart paper, drawing paper, markers or crayons, and display area.
9. Web Link(s):
10. Evaluation:
Students give examples to prove or disprove predictions.
11. Multiple Intelligences Addressed in this Lesson:
_X__ Verbal/Linguistic ____ Logical/Mathematical
_X__Visual/Spatial ____ Bodily/Kinesthetic
____ Musical/Rhythmic _X__Interpersonal
____ Intrapersonal ____ Naturalist