PHSA Minutes November 3, 2002

  1. Call to order: 6:06 pm
  1. Attendance

Jamie Shaw / President
Ian Christman / Vice-President/Secretary
Ginger Craig / Treasurer
Melodie Leclerc / 1st Floor Rep.
Karel Hnardil / 2nd Floor Rep.
Jessica Harker / 3rd Floor Rep.
Brandy Shaw / 4th Floor rep.
Nima Patel / Computer Proctor
Shawna King / Yearbook
Jason Beyea / Newsletter Editor
Becky Low / Arts Rep.
Katherine Ross / Sports Rep.
Patricia King / Health and Wellness
Sandi Narrow / RLA
Sherrise Gervais / RLA
Elmer Chiu / RLA
Eric Lachevrotiere / RC
Amy Calson / Food Ombudsperson
  1. Motion to approve agenda – passed all in favour none opposed no abstentions.
  1. Motion to approve minutes of October 20 - Katherine motioned – Shawna 2nd – passed, none opposed no abstentions.
  1. Guest Speaker Amy Calson – Food Ombudsperson

(i)Asks that all food complaints go through her.

(ii)A food poisoning protocol is forthcoming but basically document date and time of incident and what and where the person has eaten in the past 24 hours.

(iii)Lister has been inspected recently by the health department due to a “reported” case of food poisoning, the report is available for review.

(iv)There is a food price comparison chart available at Lister,

(v)There is a mashed potato sculpture contest coming up.

(vi)Captains table – invited to a free meal and to discuss food issues.

(vii)Sherrise – “What happens to the complaints?” Amy – small “gripe” issues not much happens – bigger issues Armark, HFS and Ombudsperson sit down to resolve the issue.

(viii)We are invited to sit in on any of the food meetings. Next one is November 13 at 5 pm in the Alberta Room.

(ix)Katherine - How do we know when meetings are being held? Amy – I will post the meetings along with the food schedule.

(x)Amy left at 6:10 pm

  1. Nima left at 6:10 pm religious observance.
  1. Reports:

(i)President: Halloween party seems to have gone well. Gotcha is coming up. We have a binder of information about rent increases, will put notes in mailboxes letting people know they can view it.

(ii)Vice-President/Secretary: Halloween issues will be discussed later in the Agenda. I am going to summarize the rent increase information and have it posted on our website.

(iii)Treasurer: Halloween cost us $1400.00. How much we made is still unknown as we are waiting for our refund of the unused alcohol. Budget has been drafted and is available for viewing. Question as to what happens to the lockout money? Elmer – goes into the RLA fund to be put towards Pembina.

(iv)Floor reps:

(a)1st Floor – Odie: Nothing to report

(b)2nd Floor – Karel: One fridge on lowest setting and still freezing food. Eric – fill out a work order and it will be taken care of. Lots of dishes for the RLA’s to pick up.

(c)3rd Floor – Jessica: Everything is OK. Good turn out for Trick or Treat. Raised a concern of a person on 3rd hearing people in the stairwells late at night. Floor reps to mention at floor meetings to try and be quiet in stairs even footsteps can be noisy. Eric suggested some signs.

(d)4th Floor - Brandy: We seem to run out of toilet paper and cleaning suppliers quickly. Eric will mention this to cleaning staff. November 13 WEM passes available.

(v)RLA’s: Elmer “great job on the Halloween party. All of the residents seemed very happy.

(vi)Community Reps:

(a)Arts – Becky: All O.K. Trick or Treat went well. Working on Nutcracker tickets.

(b)Sports – Katherine: Womans Basketball Tournament coming up. Mixed volleyball and men’s hockey is getting good participation.

(c)Health and Wellness – Patricia: Alcohol Awareness starts tomorrow. Wants to know if there are funds available for a booth and prizes. Eric replies to see him he has $300.00 allocated for this.

(d)Computer Proctor – Nima: Left Early

(e)Newsletter – Jason: Nov 12 deadline for submissions. No feedback so far. Complaints about redundancy in writing, try to limit submissions to one topic, and not everyone write on the same topic. Suggest putting newsletters in mailboxes, and a couple on each floor. Asks for pictures, drawings in digital format please.

(f)Cultural Diversity: Not present

(g)Yearbook – Shawna: Nothing to report.

(vii)Residents Coordinator – Eric:

(a)Is the Christmas tree real or artificial? Artificial.

(b)Noted that the Lister President gets free food and a $5,000 credit towards rent.

(c)Noted that Lister is allowed Kegs of beer in the Heritage Room.

(d)Recycling: Asked if we could store in the electrical rooms on each floor then bring downstairs the day before collection.

  1. Questions: Eric - Who’s recycling today? Jessica.

Becky – We have silverfish in 1st floor woman’s bathroom and possibly on 4th. Eric will contact the exterminators.

  1. Old Business Halloween Party

(i) Sherrise overall it was good but noted the following problems:

(a)beer cans at the party, not our alcohol.

(b)Unopened alcohol in 1st floor woman’s washroom – taken from PHSA.

(c)Not many volunteers for the take down.

(ii) Jamie: We lost $50.00 to cleaning when we were told not to clean plus we had rented a

carpet cleaner we didn’t use. Alcohol needs to be watched more closely.

(iii) Ian: More security. SUB staff wanted to close us early as Pembinites were walking

throughout building making it hard for staff to clean. Need security outside Alumni room

ensuring guests go from dance to washrooms and back.

  1. New Business: Pemwear

(i) Ian: Kristy on 3rd has agreed to spearhead Pemwear. Asks about her costs to get samples. I told her to do up samples and PHSA would pay for them. Then we collect orders so we do not order too much. Ian asked for a motion to approve this:

Jessica motioned, seconded by Becky, all in favour none opposed no abstentions

  1. Discussion:

(i) Eric returned to recycling in the electrical rooms, while waiting for recycling pick-up every two weeks. All agreed to do this. Floor reps. primarily responsible for this.

  1. Comments: none
  1. Adjournment: 6:41 pm